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15 Cards in this Set

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What are teh 2 muscle of the middle ear?
1. tensor tympani
2. stapediius
What does the tensor tympani do and what innervates it?
- dampens low tone by its connections to the malleus
- CN V
What does the stapedius do and what innervates it?
- decreases intensity by its attachments to the stapes
The cochlear nerve/spiral ganglion cell bodies are located within?
- modialis
What is the pathway from the stapes tothe round window?
- oval window scala vestibuli, helicotrema, scala tympani, round window
basilar membrane separates?
- scala tympani and cochlear duct
What tones are at what part of the basilar membrane?
Basal= high tones (fewer outer hair cells)
Apex= low tones (more outer hair cells)
vestibular membrane separates?
- scala vestibuli and cochlear duct
The spiral organ of corti is on top of the?
- basilar membrane
what is the membrane over the hair ells?
tectorial membrane
What is the 4 neuronal pathway of the auditory system?
1. dendrites of spiral gnaglion innervated by inner hair cell ap
2. axons form the cochlear nerve
3. cochlear nerve synapses on cochlear nuclei of ICP
4. cochlear nerve ascends to pons and forms acoustic striae
5. decussates at caudal pons and ascends aas lateral lemniscus
6. inf colliculous synapses and goes laterally in the brachium of the inferior colliculus
7. synapses at medial geniculate nucleus
8. ascends as auditory radiation in sublenticular part posterior capsule
9. terminates in primary auditory cortex
The auditory system is bilateral as it gives collaterals to which nuclei?
1. superior olivary
2. trapezoid body
3. Lateral lemniscus
The reciprocal connections of the auditory system allow for?
- modulation via outer hair cells
What does the reticular formation have to do with the auditory system?
- many connections here allow dampening of loud sounds and reflex to turn towards loud sounds
Hyperacousis coudl be due to?
Bells palsy/facial nerve palsy b/c stapidus muscle cannot dampen loud sounds without CN VII