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42 Cards in this Set

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List the 5 Somatoform disorders
Somatization disorder, Hypochondriasis, Conversion disorder, Pain disorder, Body Dysmorphic disorder
Whats the KEY to somatoform disorders?
Symptoms are NOT intentionally produced
What percent of somatoform symptoms cannot be explained by a medical illness?
T/F: 50% of pts with a somatoform disorder also have another mental symptom (ex = depression, anxiety)
Pt has a physical symptom, they are producing it UNCONSCIOUSLY. What are our differential Dxs?
Somatoform Disorder


Pt has a symptom they are producing consciously to fulfill emotional need. Dx?
Facticious disorder
Pt has a symptom they are consciously producing for secondary gain. Dx?
In last year, Pt has had 4 symptoms of pain in each extremity, upset stomach and constipation, they can't ejaculate, and they can't feel sensory perception in their leg. Symptoms unexplained. Dx?
Somatization disorder:

4 pain symptoms from dif body regions
2 GI symptoms
1 sexual symptom
1 Pseudoneurological symptom
What is prominent in pts with somatization disorder?
psychological distress and interpersonal problems prominent
Is somatization disorder chronic and debilitating
Management of this pt: In last year, Pt has had 4 symptoms of pain in each extremity, upset stomach and constipation, they can't ejaculate, and they can't feel sensory perception in their leg. Symptoms unexplained.
Think somatization disorder - ID ONE Dr. to be primary caretaker

frequent, regular visits, visits brief, limited physical exam, avoid unecessary labs/procedures

Ensure you're not over-looking a medical Dx
T/F: Its important to help pts come up with a way to express feelings with somatization disorder
Pt has been pre-occupied with fears that they have Tay-Sachs for 6 months. Many specialists have concluded this is not the case. Dx?
T/F: 70-80% medical students display Hypochondriasis symptoms in first two years, but only 1% meet criteria
What are the theories of Hypochondriasis?
Cognitive, social learning model, Variant form of another mental disorder, Psychodynamic model

With hypochondriasis, theres a maladaptive train of thought leading to anxiety and uncertainty
How do we manage this pt: Pt has been pre-occupied with fears that they have Tay-Sachs for 6 months. Many specialists have concluded this is not the case.
think hypochondriasis

Schedule brief/frequent checkups to reassure pt, cognitive behavioral therapy
T/F: Drugs are helpful for hypochondriacs

(shocker i made a false t/f)
Pt has sensory loss in leg and on right abdominal area with no explanation that came on abruptly after the loss of her dog. Dx?
Conversion Disorder.
Are the neurologic symptoms seen in conversion disorder intentional?
Pts leg doesn't respond to patellar tendon reflex. No known cause, pt is not intentionally producing symptoms. Dx?
Conversion disorder
List common motor symptoms of conversion disorder
Involuntary movements, tics, torticollis, seizures, falling, astasia-abasia (can't stand/walk), Blepharospasms (abnoromal eye lid twitch - Lilly!!!), paralysis, weakness, aphonia = can't talk
List some of the sensory deficits of conversion disorder
Anesthesia (esp limbs), blindness, tunnel vision, deafness
List some of the visceral symptoms of Conversion disorder
Psychogenic vomiting, pseudocyesis (false pregnancy), globus hystericus (Lump in throat), swooning/syncope, urinary retention, D
Pt has sensory loss to tongue with no cause. This disorder is most often associated with what personality disorders?
Think conversion disorder: associated with Histrionic and Dependent
Histrionic and dependent personality disorders will be seen most commonly in a pt with what somatization disorder?
Conversion disorder
Whats the MOST IMPORTANT thing to do when managing Conversion disorder?
Establish relationship of TRUST between dr. and pt.
T/F: Conversion disorder usually resolves spontaneously?
Pt with conversion disorder usually have stress so how do you manage that cray?
refer to counseling/psychotherapy

Hypnois/anxiolytics/relaxations exercises effective sometimes
Pt has a painful bum knee that you've been unable to pinpoint the cause for. Dx? and what are the associated factors?
Pain disorder

Associated factors = psychological factors = play major role in onset, severity, maintenance of pain
Are symptoms intentionally produced in pain disorder?
What are the pain disorder subtypes?
Pain disorder associated with psychological factors

Pain disorder associated with psychological factors AND a general medical condition

Subtypes can be acute or Chronic (greater than 6 months)
Pt has low back pain for last 8 months with no cause and psychological symptoms tha the sustained from the fact he's a drunkard and fell of a bar stool. Dx?
CHRONIC pain disorder with psycholocial factors AND general medical condition
How do we manage this pt: Pt has low back pain for last 8 months with no cause and psychological symptoms tha the sustained from the fact he's a drunkard and fell of a bar stool.
CHRONIC pain disorder with psycholocial factors AND general medical condition

Tx = referral for pain management education, resume normal activities, psychotherapy to resolve underlying psychological conflict
Katie is 25 and has had 3 facial plastic surgeries and her boobs done but still isn't happy. Dx? Tx?
Body Dysmorphic disorder = preoccupation with imagined defect in appearance

Dif. DX = mood disorders, psychotic disorder, eating disorder, anxiety disorder

Tx = Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and reality testing, anti-depressants
T/F: Body dysmorphic disorder is equally common in men + women
How do Facticious and Malingering disorder differ from the other somatoform disorders?
Symptoms are willingly and knowingly induced by pt.
Pt knows she is irritating her throat to produce a cough, but she doesn't know why. she has recurrent explainable symptoms despite close observation. Dx?
Facticious disorder
Pt is irritating his throat to get out of work for the day. He knows exactly why hes doing it. Dx?
Malingering disorder
T/F: Tx of Facticious disorder is not usually successful, and a caring, NON-JUDGMENTAL approach is best
true dat. (understand they are suffering from a mental disorder)
T/F: Malingering is considered a mental disorder
FALSE, it is NOT considered a mental disorder, because the "patient" is just being a little biotch for secondary gain.

Pt will focus on the benefits they will gain from positive Dx
How do you manage a malingering pt?
Don't confront them with disorder to maintain trust and be able to treat their actual disorder

Mention to pt how Objective evidence doesn't support their claim.
How do psychological factors affect medical conditions?
Affect course of illness by exacerbating condition = delay recovery
Interfere with tx
create additional health risk
stress-related psysiological responses precipitate or exacerbate medical condition