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69 Cards in this Set

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Pathogenesis of depression?
Depression associated with the loss of neurotrophic support

Effective anti-depressants inc. neurogenesis and synaptic connectivity in cortical regions
T/F: Stress and Pain are associated with a drop in BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic Factor) levels
What does BDNF do to branching of brain neurons?
Increases it (ie increases neurogenesis)

Anti-depressants inc. BDNF
Whats the monoamine hypothesis?
A deficiency in the amt. or function of cortical and limbic serotonin, NE, and Dopamine contributes to depression
T/F: All anti-depressants effect the monoamine system

= enhance synaptic availability of serotonin, NE, Dopamine
How does the HPA and steroid abnormalities affect BDNF?
they suppress transcription of it
Chronic elevation of monoamine receptors by anti-depressants does what?
inc. BDNF
Activation of monoamine receptors leads to what?
Down-regulation of HPA Axis --> Normalizes HPA Function
List the classes of Anti-depressants
SSRI, SNRI, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Serotonin Antagonists, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, Tetracyclic And Unicyclic Anti-depressants (others or unclassified)
Inhibition of Serotonin Transporter (SERT)
What do we use SSRIs for?
Major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD, Panic disorder, PMDD, Bulimia
List the SSRIs
Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Citalopram, Paraoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Escitalopram
SE's of SSRIs?
Due to inhibition of SERT

In gut: N, V GI,
Spinal cord: dec. sexual function and interest
CNS: inc. H, Insomnia, Hypersomnia
Weight Gain: esp Paroxetine
Discontinuation syndrome = Dizzy+Paresthesia
Bind SERT and NE transporter
Indications for SNRIs?
Major depression, pain disorders, generalized anxiety, stress urinary incontinence, hot flashes in menopause
Which have greater affinity for SERT, SNRIs or NETs?
List the SNRIs
Duloxetine, Milnacipran, Venlafaxine
SE's of SNRIs?
SERT inhibition leads to SEs similar to SSRIs:

Inc. BP, HR, CNS activation (insomnia, anxiety, agitation)
Clinical indication for Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCADs?)
Depression that's unresponsive to SSRIs and SNRIs, apin conditions, enuresis, insomnia
MOA Tricyclic Anti-depressants?
Inhibition of 5-HT and NE uptake

Bind SERT and NET
Use of the TCAD Imipramine?
Use of the TCAD Amitryptiline
List the TCADs
Amitryptiline, Clomipramine, Imipramine
SEs of TCADs?
Anti-muscarinic effects

Dry Mouth, Constipation, (ANTI-DUMBBELSS
Anti-histamine effect = weight gain and sedation
Alpha-adrenergic blockade --> orthostatic hypotension, Arrhythmia, Sexual effects common
List the 5-HT Antagonists
Trazodone and Nefazodone
Clinical Indications for Trazodone? Nafazodone?
Trazodone = Major Depression, Hypnotic

Nafazodone = no longer commonly prescribed, formally major depression
Half life of 5-HT Antagonists?
not long - disadvantage b/c you'll have to take multiple throughout the day
SE Nefazodone?
Hepatotoxicity = what makes it BLACK BOXED

GI and Sedation

Dose-related Orthostatic Hypotension
Use of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
Treatment of Depression unresponsive to other drugs
MOA Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors?
Target MAO-A and MAO-B non-selectively

=CNS Stimulation is increased
List the one MAOI we need to know
SEs of the MAOIs?
Orthostatic Hypotension and weight gain

Blocks metabolism of Tyramine

Sudden Discontinuation --> Psychosis, Excitement, Confusion

Sedation, Confusion
Why are foods with Tyramine (aged cheese, tap beer, soy products, dried sausage) contraindicated when taking an MAOI like Phenylzine?
Tyramine broken down by MAO --> MAOI inhibitors inhibit this in GI --> High serum levels --> enhanced peripheral nonadrenergic effects ---> Inc BP (malignant hypertension) --> stroke, MI)
If a pt is having massive sexual SEs with SSRI, whats a good alternative?
Bupropion, Mirtazapine

Use = depression not responsive to other agents
List the Unclassified drugs and what the main receptor they work on is
Amoxapine (5-HT), Bupropion (NET), Maprotiline (H1 and NET), Mirtazapine (H1)
TEST***: Which Unclassified drug stays in the system for a long time and has a biphasic elimination
Bupropion = had Biphasic Elimination. 1st phase lasts 1 hr, second phase lasts 14 hrs

Half life = 11-14 hrs
SE Amoxipine?
Parkinson Syndrome (Blocks D2 activity)
SE Bupropion
Agitation, Insomnia, Anorexia (can lead to seizures in over dose)
SE Mirtazapine?
Highly Sedating
T/F: Sedative effects of Mirtazapine can be additive when given with Benzos or Alcohols
Most commonly prescribed drug class for Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder
After SSRIs, Bupropion and Mirtazapine, what are the second line drugs for Major depressive Disorder?
TCADs and MAOIs (mostly used in pts un-responsive to other drugs)
DOC for pain conditions?
Treatment of OCD?
SSRIs and Clomipramine
What can we use for Smoking Cessation?
Bupropion and Nortryptyline
Explain how we start a pt on SSRIs
Starting dose is within normal range. If no change after 4 weeks dose can be increased and titrated to max dose if needed

SSRIs, SNRIs and newer agents may not respond to inc. dose
Which drugs require titration to appropriate dose over several weeks?
SE Anti-depressants?
Inc risk suicide in pts UNDER AGE 25

= assoc. with inc. risk suicidal ideation
What pregnancy category are most Anti-depressants?
C = weigh risks/benefits to mother
What are Anti-depressants used for?
primary = Major depressive Disorder
secondary = Panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD
ALSO: Pain disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Hot flashes, stress urinary incontinence
T/F: Anti-depressants can be used for acute and chronic depression

Affects seen 1-2 months
Once remission of depression occurs, how long can drug effects be seen?
6 months to 1 year
Pt has PTSD, OCD, Social Anxiety disorder, GAD and Panic disorder. What do we give them?
Pt has chronic pain due to car accident 5 years ago. Tx?
TCADs and SNRIs (ex = Amitriptyline, Duloxetine, Milnacipran)
Define Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
During late luteal phase of every cycle = anxiety, depressed mood, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, physical symptoms

Tx = Fluoxetine and Sertraline
Pt has a Bulimia eating disorder. Tx?
Fluoxetine can reduce binge-purge cycle

Bupropion can tx Obesity
Pt prematurely ejaculates and wants a drug to help him satisfy the ladies. What do you give him?
St. John's Wort is effective for what?
Mild to Moderate Depression, Anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia, seasonal affective disorder
What do we use to treat Bipolar Disorder Manic phase?


Ariprazole, Chlorpromazine, Olanzepine, Quetiapine, Risperidone, Ziprasidone
What do we use to treat Bipolar Disorder Acute mania and prevention of recurrence?
Carbamazepine and Valproic Acid
What do we use to treat Bipolar Disorder to prevent recurrence?
What do we use to treat the Bipolar Depression of Bipolar Disorder?
Olanzapine and Fluoxetine

OR Quetiapine
MOA Lithium?
Closely related to Na+

Substitute for Na+-Na+ exchange across a membrane

Can induce Li+-Na+ exchange
T/F: At therapeutic concetrations of Lithium there is no effect on the Na/Ca2+ exchanger on Na+/K+ ATPase
Lithium decreases inositol leading to mood stabilization
Bipolar pt is treated with Lithium. onset, monitor?
Onset = slow

Monitor serum levels because it has a narrow therapeutic level
SE Lithium?
Choreoathetosis (excessive movements/wringing of hands/extremities)

Dec. thyroid function


CV (brady-tachy syndrome)
T/F: Renal clearance of Lithium increases during pregnancy, its transferred through breast milk, and Lithium can cause toxicity in new borns
Besides Lithium, what else can we use to tx Bipolar Disorder?
Valproic Acid, Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine