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16 Cards in this Set

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Describe the findings of spinal cord hemisection (Brown-Sequard Syndrome). Give a rationale for each finding
alternating sensory loss 1. loss of discrim. ipsilaterally b/c of damage to posterior column which does not cross until medulla 2. Loss of pain/ temp on contralateral side due to damage to anterolateral tract which crosses immediately
An alternating sensor loss in discrim touch on one side and pain temp on the other sid eusually indicates what type of leison
unilateral hemisection
what would be the result of a leison above the caudal medulla
contralateral loss of both pain and fine disrcim. from the body Both pathways have now crossed (dorsal crosses in caudal medullaanterolateral crosses in spinal cord
what would be the result of a lesion of the VPL
contralateral loss of both pain and fine disrcim. from the body Both pathways have now crossed (dorsal crosses in caudal medullaanterolateral crosses in spinal cord
what would be the result of a lesion of the VPM
contralateral loss of both pain and fine disrcim. from the face (the major fine touch cross in the pons, the mnor and pain pathways cross in the caudal medulla)
What would be the result of a lesion to the cortex
contralateral loss of pain and temp, pathways have crossed
a Rhizotomy is a clincally induced lesion that severes the dorsal root(s) in several dermatomes. What would be the result of this procedure
Loss of fine touch, and pain and temp from innervated dermatome
A cordotomy is the surgical cutting of anterolateral fiber tracts in the spinal cord 2-3 segments rostral to the dermatome where the highest level of pain begins. What would be the result of this procedure
Loss of pain and temperature on both sides, note pain can return in 6 months via other pathways
Peripheral nerve lesions usually produce which characteristic deficit
"glove and stocking", lack of fine discrim, pain ,temp in skin only in parts of limbs
Complete cord transection will result in
bilateral loss of all sensation below the lesion
Anterior cord syndrome is a lesion of the anterolateral quadrants cause dby fractured vertebrae or infact from ASA emoblism. What would you find
bilateral loss of pain and temp below lesion but fine discrim OK
Posterior cord syndrome is a lesion of teh dorsal columns that can result from trauma, compression from tumors, syphillis. What would you find
Bilateral loss of fine discrim but pain and temp OK
A central cord syndrome (syringomyelia) producing a small leison would result in
damage to anterolateral fibers that cross the spinal cord in the anterior commisure, usually only affects dematomes of spinal segments that have lesion, usually affects cervical cord= "cape like" sensory loss of pain and temp bilaterally, fine discrim ok
A central cord syndrome producing a large lesion would result in
same as form small (cape like pain and temp loss) due to anterolateral column damage across anterior commisure but alos damage to dorsal colums=loss of fine touch, may also affect ventral horns resulting in motor neuron loss. May have sacral sparing of anterolateral tracts
Describe the deficits of a unilateral lesion in the primary SI cortex
contralateral loss of fine discrim and pain/temp from body and or face b/c 3rd order thalamic nuclei from both VPL and VPM project here
Describe the deficits associated with a brain stem lesion in the lateral medulla
Loss of pain and temp of contralateral body (anterolateral pathway crossed way back in spinal cord, only if medial lemniscus is affected), pain and temp in face on both sides because ipsilateral tract is decending through the medulla and the contralateral tract is ascending