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244 Cards in this Set

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Modalities of DCML (4)and from what part of the body are these sensations
1. two point discrimination tactile localization
2. tactile localization
3. vibration
4. conscious propioception
FROM the limbs and trunk
Definition: conscious propioception
sense of the relative position of neighboring body parts
synonyms of Spinothalamic tract and from what part of the body are these sensations
anterolateral system
from the limbs and trunk
modlities of spinothalamic/anterolateral tract (which is anterior, which is lateral)
pain and temperature (lateral), crude/light touch (anterior)
peripheral process of the 1st neuron in sensory pathways
has the sensory receptor at the end and leads up to the spinal ganglion (normally the DRG)
central process of the 1st neuron in sensory pathways
runs from the cell body of the 1st neuron and synapses on the body of the 2nd neuron, these make up the dorsal roots
dorsal funiculus
also called dorsal columns, dorsal-medial area of the spinal cord, central processes of the 1st neuron of the DCML enter here
definition of ganglia
collections of neurons in the PNS
definition of nuclei
collections of neurons in the CNS
synonym and definition of tract
fasiculus, collection of axons which serve the same function
synonym and definition of column
funiculus, several fasiculi, each with their own function, bundled together
foramen magnum
transition point between the spinal cord and brainstem
part of the cerebellum that sits right above the foramen magnum and be herniated through the opening with increased ICP
reticular formation
which is concerned with wakefulness, alertness and attention, damage can lead to loss of consciousness or coma
Thalamus (location and 3 functions)
rostral to the brainstem, processes all sensory information except olfaction, transmits info to the sensory cortex, plays a central role in the motor functions of the cerebellum and basal nuclei
placed below and anterior to the thalamus, includes mamillary bodies and gives attachment to the pituitary stalk, maintains homeostasis and has reproductive functions
gray matter as the folia on the outside and white matter and nuclei on the inside, coordinates motor activity and maintains balance
in the depth of the lateral sulci
Broca's area
controls the expression of language
Wernicke’s area
comprehends and composes language
Basal nuclei
masses of gray matter located within the subcortical white matter that regulate motor function by working closely with the motor cortex
coronal section
like a crown
splits body in R and L halves
Interventricular foramen
connects the lateral ventricles to the 3rd ventricle and separates the diencephalon for each half of the brain, rostral (anterior) boundary is the fornix
Fourth ventricle
lies between the cerebellum and the caudal brainstem, is continuous with the subarachnoid space outside the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord
gyri of the cerebellum
Lateral fissure
separates the temporal lobes from the parietal and frontal lobes
Central sulcus
separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe, drops down laterally but does not quite reach the lateral fissures
Precentral gyrus
gyrus immediately rostral to the central sulcus (in front of it)
Postcentral gyrus
gyrus immediately caudal to the central sulcus
Parieto-occipital sulcus
can only be seen on the medial surface, separates the parietal lobe from the occipital lobe
Pre-occipital notch
if you draw a line on the lateral surface between the most superior part of the P-O sulcus and this notch, you form the boundary between the occipital lobe and the parietal lobe as well as the occipital lobe and the temporal lobe more inferiorly
Limbic lobe
consists of the cingulated gyrus (the gyrus just superior to the corpus collosum) as well as other gyri
Corpus collosum
massive bundle of axons that interconnects the cortical layers of the 2 cerebral hemispheres (is a commisure
enlarged rostral (anterior) bend of the Corpus collosum
enlarged portion of the caudal (posterior) portion of the Corpus collosum
Anterior commisure
adjacent to the fornix and laminal terminalis, located anteriorly to the 3rd ventricle, interconnects the 2 temporal lobes and the inferior portion of the 2 frontal lobes
Septum pellucidum
membranous structure that extends from the Corpus collosum superiorly to the fornix inferiorly, each hemisphere has its own septum which is closely apposed or even fused to the opposite hemispheres septum in the mid-sagittal plane (looks paired in coronal sections)
originates deep in the temporal lobe, curves dorsally (superiorly) and medially to form the rostral boundary of the interventricular foramen, then dives below the surface to end in the hypothalamus
Third ventricle
slit like cavity between the 2 thalami and the 2 halves of the hypothalamus
Lamina terminalis
forms the rostral (anterior) wall of the 3rd ventricle, runs from the anterior commisure down to the optic chiasm
Hypothalamic sulcus
groove on the medial surface of the diencephalon, boundary between the thalamus and the ventrally (inferior) placed hypothalamus
massa intermedia
fused zone between the 2 thalami, not always present
Pineal body
is attached to the dorso-caudo aspect of the thalamus (posterior/superior, is often calcified and serves as a landmark for imaging
Open medulla
rostral portion (superior), ventral (anterior) to the cerebellum
Closed medulla
caudal portion (inferior)
Tela choroidea
where the ventricular lining (ependyma) comes into contact with the pia mater
Choroid plexus
created when BV’s infiltrate the tela choroidea
Arachnoid villi
extensions of the arachnoid membrane that protrude through the dural layer into the superior sagittal sinus, have thin outer membranes beneath which are bundles of collagenous and elastic fibers, small oval epithelial cells cover the surface of the villi, they act like 1 way valves that are pressure dependent
pools of CSF in the subarachnoid space,
Paracentral lobule
gyrus surrounding the central sulcus on the medial surface
fasciculus gracilis
tract carrying fibers of the DCML from the lower limbs and trunk below T6, is located medial to the F.C.
fasciculus cuneatus
tract carrying fibers of the DCML from the upper limbs and trunk above T6, is located lateral to the F.G.
nucleus gracilis (include location, name of axons from here)
1st neurons of the DCML (from the lower limbs/lower trunk)synapse in this nucleus, located in the lower medulla, axons from these are called internal arcuate fibers
nucelus cuneatus (include location, name of axons from here)
1st neurons of the SCML (from the upper limbs/trunk) synapse in this nucleus, located in the lower/middle medulla, axons from these are called internal arcuate fibers
internal arcuate fibers
axons from the second neurons (N.C. and N.G.) of the DCML, immediately decussate (in the mid-medulla)
medial lemniscus
ascending fibers of the 2nd nueclei of the DCML (internal arcuate fibers) ascend through the brainstem as a bundle, terminates in the thalamus, vertical in the upper medulla, horizontal in the pons and triangle in the midbrain
terminal nuclei of the DCML
located in the VPL, axons from here project through the posterior limb of the internal capsule and terminate in SS1 and (SS2?)
primary sensory cortex
also called Brodmann's areas 1, 2 and 3
correspond to the postcentral gyrus and posterior part of the paracentral lobule, is the primary receptive area of the somatosensory information
sensory ataxia
loss of coordination when eyes are closed or when patient cannot physically see what they are doing, due to loss of conscious propioception, injury/lesion to DCML can cause this
loss of ability to recognize objects, people, smells, etc, can occur with injury/lesion to the DCML
nucleus propius
central processes of the anterolateral 1st neurons synapse on these dorsal horn neurons, is located at the same level, axons from here decussate obliquely w/in 1-2 segments
white commisure
axons from the nucleus propius of the ALS decussate obliquely w/in 1-2 segments through this
location of decussation of the ALS
1-2 spinal cord levels above where the 1st sensory neuron enters the SC
muscle stretch reflex
also called deep tendon reflex, contraction of a muscle in response to its tendon being stretched, protective to prevent overstretching, ex: knee jerk, ankle jerk, etc
level of decussation of DCML
Rhombencephalon (location, goes to which 2 structures at 5 weeks and which ventricle structure)
Is located most inferiorly
4th ventricle
pons and cerebellum
Mesencepahalon (location, creates which structure and which ventricle structure)
located in the middle, midbrain, cerebral aqueduct
Prosencephalon (location, goes to which 2 structures at 5 weeks and which ventricle structure)
Is the most superior part
2 telencephalons, lateral ventricle, Diencephalon,
3rd ventricle
cerebral hemispheres (lateral ventricles too)
thalamus and hypothalamus and 3rd ventricle
C-shaped structures (4)
Hippocampus, caudate nucleus, lateral ventricles and choroid plexus
Hippocampal formation (location, formation, function, what occurs if it atrophies)
area of the temporal lobe where parts of the cerebral cortex have become invaginated into the ventricular cavity during development, essential for forming (consolidating) short-term memory and atrophies in Alzheimer’s
what forms the roof of the 3rd ventricle
body of the fornix
Basal Nuclei (location, function, 4)
collections of gray matter within the subcortical white matter involved in regulation of motor function (except amygdyla), includes Caudate nucleus, Lentiform nucleus, Amygdaloid nucleus, Claustrum
Caudate nucleus
forms a C shaped configuration with its head related to the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle, body to the body of the ventricle and the tail passing into the temporal lobe (located laterally to the ventricle)
Lentiform nucleus
located lateral to the caudate nucleus, includes the Putamen (lateral structure, connected to the caudate nucleus) and Globus pallidus (medial, associated with the thalamus)
Amygdaloid nucleus
found at the tip of the tail of the caudate nucleus in the temporal lobe (just superior to the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle) and is involved in the regulation of emotional perception and expression
are axons that interconnect corresponding areas of two sides
Corpus callosum
connects the frontal (genu), parietal (trunk) and occipital lobes (splenium), its axons form the roof and parts of the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles, Functions in interhemispheric transfer of information
Anterior commisure (what is it and where is it on both sagittal and coronal section)
interconnects much of the temporal lobes, Is best identified on the medial surface of the hemisphere as a small bundle of axons in front of the column of the fornix, Can also be seen in coronal sections as a white bundle crossing the midline and passing below the lentiform nucleus into the temporal lobes
Association fibers
axons that interconnect different cortical areas within the same hemisphere, Are the most numerous fibers in the white matter
Arcuate fibers
short association fibers that run in the depth of the sulci and connect adjacent gyri (ex: connect 1° general sensory cortex with the adjacent sensory association cortex)
Superior longitudinal fasciculus
made up of long association fibers that interconnect the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes and allows integration of motor, general sensory and special sensory information
Arcuate fasciculus
lower part of the Superior longitunial fasciculus, connects Broca’s (frontal) to Wernickes (temporal) and is essential to normal speech
Projection fibers
form the major afferent and efferent connections of the cortex and run bidirectionally between the cortex and subcortical structures (basal nuclei, thalamus, brainstem and spinal cord)
Internal capsule
type of projection fiber through which the major sensory and motor pathwyas run, dense collection of axons that can be seen in both coronal and horizontal sections between the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus and between the lentiform nucleus and the thalamus, Is a straight line when it is a coronal section and a boomerang when in a horizontal section
interventricular foramen
connects lateral ventricles to the 3rd ventricles
3rd ventricle (location and limits)
narrow slit like cavity between the thalami and hypothalami of the two sides, Is limited above by the body of the fornix, Below, it extends to the optic chiasm and median eminence of the hypothalamus and infundibulum
massa intermedia
connects the 2 thalami, passes through 3rd ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct
placed between the sup/inf colliculi posteriorly and the cerebral peduncles anteriorly, Connects the 3rd and 4th ventricles
4th ventricle
located between the cerebellum posteriorly and the pons and upper medulla anteriorly
Lateral apertures (Luschka)
located at the tips of the lateral recesses of the 4th ventricle, allows for communication with the subarachnoid space
Lateral recesses
two narrow extensions from the lateral angels of the floor which extend forward around the medulla
Midline aperture (Magendie)
located in the middle/anterior part of the 4th ventricle, allows for connection with CSF
Cistern magna
is a large dilation of subarachnoid space in which the apertures open to, located between the cerebellum and posterior surface of the upper medulla
large clump of choroid plexus in the atrium, can contain calcifications, shifts in the position are usually as a result of changes in the volume or shape of the ventricle indicating a “space occupying lesion”
Choroid plexus
highly vascular structure made up of pial CT and CAPS and lined on the ventricular surface by specialized ependymal cells, makes CSF
major flow of the newly synthesized CSF (6)
lateral ventricle → 3rd → cerebral aqueduct → 4th ventricle → median and lateral apertures → subarachnoid space
major cource of CSF drainage
arachnoid granulations
abnormal accumulation of CSF in the brain cavity
non-communicating obstructions (hydrocephalus)
Obstructions within the ventricular system
communicating obstructions (hydrocephalus)
Obstructions in the subarachnoid space
superior and inferior (BS and brain)
means up and down in both
rostral (BS and brain)
is anterior for the brain
is superior for the BS
caudal (BS and brain)
is posterior for the brain
is inferior for the BS
Oligodendroglial cells
reside 1° within the white matter where they form myelin, they have small, round nuclei and no apparent cytoplasm on H&E, in the CNS, each cell can myelinate segments of several axons (Schwann cells make the myelin in the PNS)
present in gray and white matter, have oval nuclei, have many processes which are only apparent when stained with GFAP, have functions in the BBB, a metabolic role and regulator of the ionic environment of the brain
Microglial cells
small, elongated, dark staining nuclei; can be activated in response to brain injury or during local immune response, become rod shaped and may upregulate MHC molecules and inflammatory cytokines; Are mesodemal, derived from the BM and infiltrate into the developing brain along with the BV’s, enter the brain during development and have a slow turnover during life
red neuron
due to ischemia, not visible until 8-24 hours after insult (and patient must be alive for these hours), neuron shrinks and cytoplasm becomes eosinophilic, nucleus shrinks, becomes darkly stained and then is lost, changes are irreversible, due to ATP depletion, intracellular acidosis, impaired glutamate reuptake → excitatory neuron damage, accumulation of intracellular Ca, generation of free radicals
Central chromatolysis
occurs in neuronal cell body after severe injury to the axon, most commonly seen in large motor neurons, cell body swells, Nissl bodies dissolute and nucleus migrates to the periphery, is reversible but may take months
Wallerian degeneration
occurs when axon is transected, axon and its myelin sheath, distal to the transaction, degenerates because it is separated from its cell body, shows impaired axonal transport followed by disappearance of neurofibrils and breaking up of axon into short fragments that are phagocytosed and removed, occurs over weeks in PNS, months in CNS, in PNS there may be sprouting → regeneration, doesn’t occur in CNS
Neurofibrillary triangle
located in cytoplasm, use Argyrophilic stain, associated with Alzheimer’s
Lewy body
located in the cytoplasm, use eosinophilic stain with halo, associated with Parkinsons
what do you stain myelin with?
Luxol Fast Blue
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
small plaques of demyelination develop where oligodendroglial cells dies and the myelin they support degenerates
myelin is abnormally formed due to a genetic abnormality, myelin is unstable and breaks down, oligodendroglial cells show some capacity to proliferate and remyelinate in response to injury
astrocytes respond in this manner to almost any brain injury which includes both proliferation and hypertrophy, when they hypertrophy, the cytoplasm becomes apparent and is eosinophilic due to accumulation of GFAP (called gemistocytes in this form), does not result in fibrosis
Microglial nodule
may respond to single, damaged neurons in encephalitis by encircling the neuron and phagocytosing it (neurophagia), results in the formation of a microglial nodule, can also be present in white matter, especially in HIV-encephalitis
Multinucleated giant cell
in HIV encephalitis, groups of microglial cells may accumulate in the white matter, some can fuse to form giant cells, often seen in patients with AIDS dementia
Ependymal rosettes
when ependyma is disrupted and ependymal cells are lost, there is proliferation of adjacent astrocytes to form small proturberances known as ependymal granulations, disrupted ependymal cells may form small rosettes in the adjacent brain tissue
Vasogenic edema
BBB is composed of specialized endothelim joined by tight junctions, surrounding basement membrane, feet of astrocytes and microglial cells; Loss of integrity → entrance of excess water and solutes into extracellular space of the brain → collects predominantly in the white matter → ↑ volume and ICP
Cytotoxic edema
toxic or metabolic events that affect normal neuronal and glial cell membranes → intracellular accumulation of fluid → more likely to affect cells in the gray matter and will not usually result in a mass effect
Neural tube closure
fusion starts at day 22, anterior rostral neuropore closes at day 24, posterior caudal neuropore (lumbar-sacral region) closes between day 26-28
Outgrowth of the telencephalic vesicles
arise in the 5th week of development but by 7-8 weeks → formation of 2 hemispheres
Cell migration (gestational time)
postmitotic neuroblasts migrate away from the ventricular wall to final sites, unused neurons die via apoptosis, cerebral cortex is formed “inside out” from successive waves of migrating neurons, begins at 7 weeks and most have arrived by 16 weeks
external surface of the brain is essentially smooth until after 24 weeks, in the following weeks there is development of gyri → ↑ surface area
Myelination (gestational time)
begins at about 20 weeks gestation in the BS and SC and progresses in an orderly fashion such that by 18 post-conceptional months, it has begun in almost all telencephalic sites.
Neural tube defects
also called dysraphism and can be associated with failure of fusion of the bony vertebrae and cranial vault, folic acid deficiency has been implicated, timing and extent of injury can affect how severe the effects are
Spina bifida occulta
simple bony defect usually in the lumbosaccral region that involves no nervous tissue, may be clinically silent but is often covered by a nevus, hairy patch, lipoma or dimple
some of the vertebrae remain unfused and the meninges are damaged and pushed out, appears as a sac/cyst filled with CSF, spinal cord and nerves are not involved
unfused spinal column allows the spinal cord to protrude out of the opening, meninges may or may not form a sac around the SC, nerves of this section of SC are damaged → some degree of paralysis
when brain and meninges protrude from an opening in the skull
most severe, results from lack of fusion of the anterior neuropore, absent development of overlying skull → mechanical destruction of the malformed developing cerebrum, may be stillborn or alive (but die w/in hours)
developmental defect of the forebrain and frequently the midface in humans that involves incomplete development and septation of midline structures, other signs are microcephaly (small head), mild hypotelorism (close set eyes)
Alobar HPE
most severe form, usually incompatible with life, failure of division of the forbrain into R and L hemispheres, associated with cyclopia, primitive nasal structure and midfacial clefting; teratogens, chromosomal abnormalities and familiar forms have been described
groups of neurons that have halted their migration and differentiated w/in the white matter proximal to their final destination in the cortex
Gyration defects
can also occur, gyri may be absent, ↑ in # or broader than normal
incidence of anencephaly
Was 1/1000 but w/ folic acid supplementation it is 1/5000
incidence of
is 1/250 in embryogenesis and 1/16,000 newborns
↑ amount of CSF, usually associated w/ enlarged ventricles and usually under ↑ ICP
Obstructive Hydrocephalus
due to blockage of CSF flow, most common
Non-obstructive Hydrocephalus
due to excess CSF, like by a tumor of the choroid plexus
Communicating Hydrocephalus
if the obstruction is in the subarachnoid space or due to blockage of arachnoid granulations; may be a consequence of subarachnoid hemorrhage, leptominigitis, developmental abnormality or rarely dural sinus thrombosis
Non-communicating Hydrocephalus
if the blockage occurs in the brain, most common are developmental malformation (aqueduct stenosis), inflammation and neoplasm
Mental retardation
Significantly sub-average general intelligence (IQ <70) WITH Concurrent deficits in adaptive behavior (ex: communication, social skills, etc) AND Onset during developmental period
Cerebral palsy
chronic disorders impairing control of movement that appear in the first few years of life and generally do not worsen over time, Caused by faulty development of or damage to motor areas in the brain that disrupts the brains ability to control movement and posture, Symptoms: difficulty w/ fine motor tasks, difficulty maintaining balance and involuntary movements, Can be congenital or acquired after birth
Electrochemical potential
sum of the electrical and chemical potentials for the component
Electrochemical equilibrium
normally occurs when the force due to the chemical concentration difference to move an ion one direction is balanced by an equal but oppositely directed force due to the membrane potential to drive the ion the opposite direction → net force is zero
Equilibrium Potential
(E) is the value of the membrane potential that will prevent ions from moving down concentration gradients, calculated using the Nernst equation
Equilibrium potential difference
drives ions to move across cell membranes, Both the chemical concentration difference and the membrane (voltage) potential represent forces that drive an ion towards equilibrium
Membrane potential (Vm)
the electric potential (voltage) across a membrane; Arises from the action of ion transporters which maintain variable ion concentrations inside the cell; Resting membrane potential for most cells is 40-100 mV (in most cells this is due to a net leakage of K+ out of the cell) with the cytoplasm at a negative potential relative to the EC fluid and is present in both excitable and non-excitable cells
Conductance (g)
ease with which current flows, reciprocal of resistance; Is directly proportional to the # of open ion channels in the membrane; Is much higher for K+ than for Na+ → greater outward K+ current than inward Na+ current (this net efflux of + charges underlies the inside negative resting potential in animal cells)
Ohms law
determines the magnitude of the current carried by each ion
INa = gNa (VM - ENa)
Action potential
is generated in either neurons or muscle cells when the membrane conductance to Na+ ↑ and the membrane potential is driven towards ENa
Local anesthetics
work by blocking transmission of pain by preventing Na channels from opening in pain conducting neurons
Node of Ranvier
areas without myelin with lots of Na+ channels; Occur b/c the neuronal membrane under the myelin has few Na+ channels
Salutatory conduction
occurs as the AP jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next
Local responses
membrane potential changes that occur in response to stimuli that are too small to initiate an AP; The magnitude of the depolarization ↓ exponentially with ↑ distance from stimulus
Length constant
distance over which the voltage change decreases to 1/e (37%) of its maximum (2-3 mm is typical)
Electrotonic conduction
mechanism of depolarization spread where small currents flow between adjacent areas of different electrical potential but the depolarization induced by these currents is too small to initiate an AP
Receptor or generator potential
a graded potential that is the result of a change in ion fluxes across the membrane due to the transduction of stimulus energy
Adaptation or desensitization
↓ in the frequency of AP’s in a sensory neuron despite maintenance of the stimulus at constant strength, purpose is so that sensory neurons can maintain their responsiveness as the mean level of the stimulus changes
activated sensory neuron starts to activate sensory units in the areas that are adjacent, weak stimuli will activate receptors with low thresholds and strong stimuli will activate receptors with higher thresholds
Sensory modality
type of sensory information that is being conveyed
Sensory unit
describes a sensory axon and all its peripheral branches
Receptive field
area from which the stimulus produces a response in that unit, over overlap with the fields of other sensory neurons
organized arrangement of fibers conveying sensory information from the body which is maintained throughout the CNS and allows the CNS to accurately pinpoint the origin of the particular sensation
Phasic receptor
rapidly adapting, respond very rapidly to the onset of stimulus → frequency ↓ over time and axons may eventually stop responding; This is in part due to a generator potential that rapidly decays despite continued stimulus and in part due to accommodation in the nerve fiber itself; These are important for indicating when there is a change in the stimulus, such as an ↑ or ↓ in intensity
Tonic receptor
slowly adapting; found in joints and muscles to convey positional information to the brain, receptors that measure O2 in our blood and receptors that measure cold/hot and maintain their response to a stimulus over time; Due to a slowing decaying generator potential
Salutatory conduction
occurs as the AP jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next
Local responses
membrane potential changes that occur in response to stimuli that are too small to initiate an AP; The magnitude of the depolarization ↓ exponentially with ↑ distance from stimulus
Length constant
distance over which the voltage change decreases to 1/e (37%) of its maximum (2-3 mm is typical)
Electrotonic conduction
mechanism of depolarization spread where small currents flow between adjacent areas of different electrical potential but the depolarization induced by these currents is too small to initiate an AP
1. Stimulus transduction
process by which a sensory receptor converts the stimulus into the electrical signal that is carried by sensory axons.
lateral inhibition
receptors at the edge of the field are inhibited to make the boundaries more distinct
Autoregulation of the brain
the brain can maintain fairly constant blood flow and pressure, despite rather large changes in system blood flow, is under metabolic control, when BP is <50-70 → autoregulation fails and there is ↓ blood supply to the brain
Carotid system
supplies the anterior, medial and lateral aspects of the cerebral hemispheres as well as some deep structures
Vertebral-basilar system
supplies portions of the SC, brainstem, cerebellum and the inferior and posterior aspects of the cerebral hemispheres as well as some of the deep structures
Internal carotid artery
branch from the common carotid, once they enter the brain, they start to branch bilaterally; After exiting the cavernous sinus, and at the level of the optic chiasm, the ICA bifurcates into the anterior cerebral (ACA) and middle cerebral (MCA) arteries
supplies most of the medial aspect of the frontal and parietal lobes and overlaps slightly onto the lateral side
branch of the internal carotid, travels in the lateral fissure → cortical surface and supplies most of the lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres
Posterior communicating artery
Pcomm, proceeds posteriorly (towards the back of the brain) and eventually joins with the arteries of the vertebral basilar system
Vertebral arteries:
arise from the subclavian arteries → ascend through the transverse processes of the rostral 6 cervical vertebrae, enter the cranial vault via the foramen magnum, the two vertebral arteries run rostrally along the ventral side of the medulla and fuse at the pontomedullary junction to form the single midline basilar artery
Anterior spinal artery
branches of the vertebral arteries, artery from each side fuse at the midline and descend along the ventral SC
Posterior spinal artery
branches of the vertebral arteries,2 posterolateral arteries descending along the spinal cord (dorsally)
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
PICA, branch of the basilar arteries, supply blood to the inferomedial aspect of the cerebellum, has a very characteristic hair pin loop
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
branch of the basilar arteries, supplies inferolateral aspect of the cerebellum
Superior cerebellar artery
SCA, supplies superior aspect of the cerebellum and inferior colliculus
Posterior cerebral artery
PCA, supplying inferior central hemisphere (temporal and occipital lobes) and superior colliculus
Brain uptake index
BUI, relative uptake of a molecule as compared to the uptake of DOD (water); Is arbitrarily set as 100%; Nicotine is 131%, alcohol 104%, aspirin 1.8%, etc
poorly permeable through the BBB, use to dehydrate the brain by osmosis → ↓ swelling
Antibodies to transferrin receptors
may sneak drugs through the BBB, TR’s are abundant in the BBB so if agents are coupled to it or an antibody → complexes can be taken up
Billirubin encephalopathy
end result of injury to the CNS by bilirubin (which is more toxic to newborns than adults), only the free bilirubin is taken up, bilirubin influx is ↑ and efflux is ↓ in newborns; Bilirubins binding to gangliosides may interfere w/ glycolysis → impaired neuronal conduction
Basal nuclei
gray matter masses located within the white matter of the cental hemispheres, includes the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, claustrum and amygdaloid body
consists of the putamen and the caudate, receive the major input to the BN from the motor cortex
Globus palidus
consists of the externa (GPe) and the interna (GPi)
Subthalamic nucleus
part of the diencephalon and is located ventral t the thalamus and lateral to the hypothalamus, functions with the GPe to modulate BN output
Substantia nigra
component of the midbrain and extends from the level of the diencephalon to the upper pons and occupies a position between the crus cerebri ventrally and the tegmentum dorsally; It is divided into a dorsal strip (pars compacta, SNpc) containing pigmented neurons and a ventral strip (pars reticulate, SNpr) which has non-pigmented neurons
Direct pathway (BN and motor activity)
helps to initiate wanted movement by reducing the BN output
Indirect pathway (BN and motor activity)
inhibits unwanted movement
is released at the terminals of the nigrostriatal projections in the striatum; Binds to cell surface receptors → interacts with G-proteins
D-1 receptors
Dopamine receptor, found on neurons involved in the direct pathway → coupled to stimulatory G-proteins that ↑ cAMP → excitatory effect on the direct pathway
D-2 receptors
Dopamine receptors found on neurons involved in the indirect pathway → inhibit cAMP production through a different G-protein → inhibition
excitatory AA released by cortical neurons that project to the stiatum, thalamocotical axons of the VA/VL nuclei and axons of the STN
inhibitory NT released by striatal neurons that end in the GPe, GPe axons that end in the STN and the axons that convey BN output to the VA/VL nuclei of the thalamus
Hyperkinetic disorders
abnormal involuntary movements
slow and twisting movements of the limb, face and trunk
sustained abnormal posturing of the trunk and extremities
brief rapid jerks involving parts of the limbs as in Huntington’s disease
gross rapid flinging movements of an entire limb, often due to lesions of the STN
Hypokinetic events
reduction in mobility (ex: Parkinson’s; Reduction in the amount (hypokinesia to akenesia), rate and amplitude of voluntary movements (bradykinesia); Movements are slow and stiff and are either started or stopped with great difficulty
idiopathic variety of hypokinetic disorders; There is a significant loss of dopaminergic neurons in the SNpc which can be seen in a PET scan; This leads to a ↓ in the activity of the direct pathway → ↓ facilitation of the cortex by the thalamus → ↓ sustenance of desired movement; Also → ↑ in the activity of the indirect pathway → ↑ BN output → ↑ inhibition of VA/VL nuclei and ↓ in facilitation of the cortex → excessive suppression of both unwanted and desired movements and an inability to switch to new motor programs
pontine trigeminal nucleus
central processes of trigeminal ganglion cells (neuron 1) enter the mid-pons and synapse here, located in the mid-pons just lateral to the motor nucleus of V
trigeminothalamic tract
contains axons from the pontine and spinal nuclei of V on their way to the VPM,
location of the spinal nucleus of V
extends from the mid-pons down to the upper cervical regions
location of the mesencaphalic nucleus and what fibers are here
located in the upper pons/ lower midbrain, is the 1st neuron!!! (no DRG) propioception fibers from the jaw are the peripheral processes for these, from here they go to the cortex as well as to both motor nucli of V to affect the strength of bite
trigeminospinal tract
extends from mid-pons down to lower medulla (is lateral), contains the descending pain and temperature fibers, also fibers from 7, 9, 10
solitary nucleus
extends throughout the medulla, taste fibers from 7, 9, 10 synapse on the superior part of this nucleus
Synaptic delay
time between depolarization of the presynaptic cell and the initiation of the postsynaptic response (due to time required to release and bind the NT)
Neuromuscular junction
region where a motor neuron and a muscle cell come close together and where the NT ACh is released; The muscle cell membrane is highly folded in this area → ↑ SA exposed to ACh
Motor end plate
region where the nerve cell and the muscle cell membranes overlap
End plate potential
depolarization that occurs at the motor end plate, is NOT an AP, is transient; Only has a few Na channels → does not participate in the AP
present on the post-junctional membrane, rapidly hydrolyze ACh, keep the EPP transient
inhibitors of acetylcholinesterases, prolong the EPP but can lead to desensitization
inhibit the uptake of choline by the presynaptic motor neuron; Prolonged stimulation of the presynaptic nerve in the presence of these → depletion of ACh → inhibition of synaptic transmission
Myasthenia gravis
the density of AChR at the NM junction is < normal; Is characterized by extreme muscle weakness and rapid onset of fatigue; Most patients have circulating Ab’s against AChR (autoimmune, they may bind and cause internalization of the receptors); Leads to smaller EPP’s when ACh is released and it may be so small that it cannot elicit an AP
inhibits the nicotinic AChR of skeletal muscle by preventing the opening of ion channels, leads to paralysis
blocks the binding of ACh to the receptor, leads to paralysis
epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine; receptors are linked to cAMP 2nd messangers and G proteins (NOT ion channels)
Excitatory AA’s
glutamate, aspartate
Inhibitory AA’s
GABA (can have ion or G-protein coupled receptors), glycine
axon hillock
EPSP is conducted electrotonically to this area which contains a high # of Na channels and can generate an AP if enough are opened
transient depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron caused by the binding of an excitatory NT → ↑ Na+ and K+ conductance
transient hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic neuron caused by the binding of an inhibitory NT → ↑ K+ and Cl- conductance
Spatial summation
integration of many synaptic inputs arriving simultaneously from DIFFERENT presynaptic cells
Temporal summation
series of inputs from a single synapse occurring in rapid succession
choline acetyltransferase
synthesizes the equation: Choline + Acetyl CoA → ACh + CoA
Nicotinic receptors
chemically gated Na+ ion-channels; These are “fast action” excitatory receptors prominent in muscle fibers; Nicotine is an agonist and curare is an antagonist; Have 2α, 1β, 1γ and 1δ subunit; Gated channels are normally pentameric
Muscarinic receptor
slower actions and longer lasting changes are created by these receptors; They are associated with G-proteins; The receptors control the level of 2nd messengers and can be excitatory or inhibitory; Muscarine is an agonist, atrophine is an antagonist; 5 subtypes are recognized which are the products of 5 different but homologous genes; Have a wide distribution: heart muscles, interneurons in ganglia, neurons in gut plexus, SM, gland cells, CNS pathways
botulinum toxin
destroys the neuro-exocytosis apparatus required for the release of ACh into the cleft → flaccidity, cure requires the sprouting of new nerve terminals
Tetanus toxin
blocks the release of inhibitory NT’s (by disrupting the synaptic vesicle release apparatus) like glycine and GABA → ↑ firing of α-motor neuron → rigidity