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75 Cards in this Set

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The central nervous system consists of the
Brain and Spinal Cord
What is the implication of a mature neuron having no centrioles?
The cell would not be able to divide.
Multipolar neurons have
one axon and several dendrites
The axon emerges from the soma at a thickened region called the
Axon Hillock
Which of the following does not describe a synapse?
The point where neurotransmitters are assembled
The movement of materials from the soma to the synaptic knob is called the
axoplasmic transport
the movement of substances from the synaptic knob to the soma is called
retrograde flow
Motor neurons form the __________ division of the _______.
efferent, PNS
What type of sensory neurons would Amt, a gymnast, use to inform her brain of the position of her skeletal muscles and joints?
which of the following are not CNS glial cells?
Schwann Cells
The ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord are filled with
Cerebrospinal fluid
Among the many functions of the astrocytes are
all of the above
the transmembrane potential found in all living cells is maintained by
the sodium potassium pump
the resting potential of a typical neuron is about
there are two major categories of ion channels: leak channels and
active channels
Gated channels may be
all of the above
graded potentials
are found in many types of cells
A stimulus causes a neuron's membrane potential to rise to -60mV. Which of the following is not going to occur?
inhibition of action potential because of hyperpolarization.
the refractory period occurs
from the time an action potential begins until the normal resting potential has stablized.
Saltatory Transmission
all of the above
The speed at which an action potential is transmitted depends on
the myelination and diameter of the axon.
Campared with type C fibers, type A fibers have a larger diameter and can increase propogation __________ times faster.
which of the following is not a neurotransmitter?
which of the following statements about facilitation is false?
All of the above
presynaptic facilition
is activity at an axoaxonal synapse that increases the amount of neurotransmitter released when an action potential arrives at the synaptic knob.
The adult spinal cord is _____ long.
45cm (18 inches)
regions of the spinal cord are expanded to accomodate sensory and motor information associated with the limbs. These expanded areas are called
cervical and lumbar enlargements.
which of the following statements about spinal nerves is false?
the spinal cord itself extends the length of the entire vertebral column.
the filum terminale and spinal nerves in the lumbar and sacral regions are called the
cauda equina
the mebranes surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord are the
the space between the arachnoid and pia mater is filled with
cerebrospinal fluid
an epidural block
can be given to control pain during labor.
gray matter in the spinal cord is divided into
In the spinal cord, gray matter is organized into
visceral and somatic sensory and motor nuclei
The dorsal root ganglion contains the _______ of _______ neurons.
cell bodies, sensory
all of the above
There are ________ major plexuses of the spinal nerves.
The most impiortant branch of the cervical plexus is the ______ nerve, which innervates the diaphragm.
The branches of the ansa cervicalis innervate the
laryngeal muscles
The median nerve of the brachial plexus innervates the
flexor muscle of the forearm
Susan is doing hip extension movements during an exercise class; which plexus and which nerve is she using to contract the gluteus maximum muscle?
sacral plexus and inferior gluteal nerve
The first step in the activation of a reflex arc is the
activation of a receptor
The last step in the activation of a reflex arc is the
response of an effector muscle
monosynaptic reflexes
all of the above
Jon is learning to drive, and although at first he was slow to step on the brakes when trouble appeared, he now does it automatically. What kind of reflex has Jon developed?
Acquired reflexes are
learned responses.
Accidentally touching a hot burner on the stove elicits a
flexor reflex.
The reflexes that prevent you from falling when you slip in a puddle of water in your kitchen are the ______ reflexes.
all of the above
The reflex that complements a withdrawal reflex, making compensatory adjustments of the side of the body opposite that which receives the stimulus, is the _______ reflex.
crossed extensor
Which of the following is not true of the tendon reflex?
It prevents opposing tendon force through reciprocal inhibition.
The cerebrum develops from which portion of the embryonic brain?
The most posterior part of the brain, which integrates into the spinal cord, is the
medulla oblangata
Which of the following brain components is not considered part of the brain stem?
which of the following statements about cerebrospinal fluid is false?
It is absorbed in arterial circulation at arachnoid granulations.
The third and fourth ventricle are connected by the
all of the above
The inner meninx adhering to the tissues of the brain is the
Pia mater
The falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli are
dural folds
cerebrospinal fluid circulates through the
all of the above
The major arteries supplying the brain are the
internal carotids and vertebrals.
Elevated ridges on the surface of the brain are called
The two cerebral hemispheres are connected by a broad band of white matter called the
corpus callosum
The right cerebral hemisphere receives sensory input from and controls movement of the ___________ side of the body.
Projection fibers link the ________ cortex with the _________.
cerebral, brain stem and other centers.
The postcentral gyrus contains association cells of the
primary sensory center.
the visual association area is located in the
occipital lobe.
the general interpretive area is
all of the above.
Broca's area is
also called the motor speech area.
Jennifer tries to dress in the dark so as not to disturb her roommate, Joann. Jennifer feels the clothes in her closet until she recognizes her favorite silk blouse. Which part of the brain allowed Jennifer to recognize her blouse by using her sense of touch?
Right cerebral hemisphere.
A disorder affecting the ability, called the __________, results from damage to the __________ area of the brain.
aphasia, general interpretive
Which of the following could have resulted from stimulating the lymbic system of a patient undergoing brain surgery?
The patient became agitated and angry.
Which of the following is not a function of the hypothalamus?
Adjusting postural muscles
The corpora quadrigemina are part of the
Damage to the cerebellum could be diagnosed by observing
ataxia, or a loss of balance.
The tenth cranial nerve is the
vagus nerve.
Which of the following cranial nerves are not somatic?
Direct light reflex