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79 Cards in this Set

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convey electrical impulses, synthesize and secrete neurotransmitters, membrane potentials and can carry electric charge
glia (neuroglia)
support and maintain neuronal envirnment
Nerve Cell Body (NCB)
= periaryon, soma
nissl bodies
neurofilaments and neurotubules
residual bodies
nissle bodies
granular ER, ribsomes, clumps in stains
intermediate filaments, fcn in cell meovement) and neurotubules, for neurotransmitters to travell
residual bodies
old lysosomes that have some debris - brown pigment
Neuronal Processes
dendrites and axons
dendritic spines (protrusions of PM) - shorter and branching
carry impulses towards hte cell body
usually one per neruon, usually carry electrical impulses away from the cell body
axon hillock
initial segment: site of generation of action potential
axon collaterals
terminal boutons - when it synapses on another neuron
motor end plate - when it synapes on muscles
Axonal Transport - bidirectional
transport mediated by neurotubules
Axonal Transport - anterograde
kinesin - mediated, down the axon, away from the cell body, neurotransmitter travels
transport of a vesicle along a microtubule
Axonal Transport - retrograde
dynein - mediated, things are taken up at the synapse, transport of a vesicle along a microtubule, towards the cell body
= point of contact between 2 neurons
axodendritic, axosomatic, axoaxonic, dendrodendritic
main types: electrical synapse-gap jcn, chemical synapse
membrane ion pumps maintain baseline electrical gradient between inside and outside of neuron
ion channel proteins
electrical synapse
chemical synapse
Ion channel proteins
form pores or "gates" that can alter membrane permeability to ions in response to specific signals
ligand-gated channels
open and close in response to neurotransoutter binding, located mainly at synapse
voltage-gated channels
widely distributed on cell membrane and involved in rapid depolarization
simplified chemical axosomatic synapse
terminal boutons are synapsing on a NCB of another neuron
1. presynaptic neuron: nerve impulse causes depolarization of PM, synaptic vesicles migrate to presynaptic membrane and fuse with it and exocytose neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, and then the nt's pass through the synaptic cleft
2. 2nd neuron is considered the post-synaptic neuron
3. nt binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane and alters postsynaptic membrane potential
depolarization and progration of impulse = excitatory synapse
hyperpolarization = inhibitory synpase blocks transmission of impulse
Neuron classification: based on structure on structure or function, structure (number of processes)
pseudopolar neuron
during development, the dendrite and axon fuse. An initial short segment extends from the NCB and then splits into a peripheral pricess and a central process, both have the structure of axons so both are refered to as axons
sensory neurons
multipolar neuron
possess a single axon and many dendrites
motor neurons
interneurons (only CNS)
bipolar neurons
has two extensions, specialized sensory neurons
neuron classification by function
motor neurons
sensory neurons
motor neurons function
axons = efferent fibers: carry impulses away from CNS, synapse on other motor neurons or effector organs (tissues): muscle (skeletal, smooth, cardiac), glands (salivary)
motor endplate: specialized termination of a motor neuron which synapses on muscle
interneurons: found in between two neurons
sensory neurons function
bipolar: special sensory (eye and ear)
peripheral process (axon) = afferent fibers: carry impulses towards CNS, originate in tissues as receptor endings. Central process (axon) enters the CNS
only located in sensory ganglia in PNS
specialized structures which act as transducers or converters that convert sensory stimulation into electrical impulse. Sensor stim includes mech stim (tactile, pressure, shearing on skin), pain, thermal, chemical, stretch, receptors are classified according to their structure or the stim that they convery
Receptor Structural Classification
specialized cells or modified neurons that synpase on pseudounipolar neurons (olfactory epithelium, taste buds)
specialized endsing of peripheral processes of sensory neurons
specialized endsing of peripheral processes of sensory neurons
free nerve endings
encapsulated nerve ending
stretch receptors
free nerve endings
located in or below epithelium (skin, mucosa), convey pain, touch, themral
encapsulated nerve endings
touch, pressure, found deeper in skin, sometimes in connective tissue
stretch receptors
proprioception or muscle position sense, detect stretch on a muscle or tendon
classification of receptors based on stimulus conveyed:
mechanoreceptors: tactile, pressure
nociceptors: pain
chemoreceptors: olfaction, taste, blood pH
proprioceptors: muscle spindle, golgi tendon organ detect stretch on muscle and tendons, can be bone
photoreceptors (eye)
barorecptors (blood vessel stretch or BP)
Basic architecture of the NS
neuron NCBs are located in specific locations of the CNS and PNS
axons extend from the NCBs and travel together forming nerves in the PNS and white matter tracts in the CNS
NCBs and Axons in the CNS
NCBs - gray matter: nuclei, cell colums, layers
axons - white matter: tracts, fibers
NCBs and Axons in the PNS
NCBs - ganglia
Axons - nerves: spinal, cranial, other
components of PNS
peripheral nerves
collections of neuron NCBs
autonomic motor ganglia
contain NCBs of motor (multipolar) nuerons
autonomic motor ganglia: sympathetic
sympathetic chain ganglia - runs outside the vertebral column, connects with the soinal nerve (where motor neruons are located)
prevertebral (preaortic) ganglia
autonomic motor ganglia:
cranial nerve motor ganglia
intramural ganglia: in walls of organs, tiny ganglia, between layers of smooth muscle
sensory ganglia
contain NCBs of pseudounipolar neurons
dorsal root ganglia
cranial nerve sensory ganglia - in the head (5th CN)
Peripheral Nerves
collections of axons referred to as "components" of the nerve
spinal nerves
31 pairs, innervate body wall, come up and branch into dorsal and ventral
cranial nerves
12 pairs, innervate head and neck structures, exfcept for vagus nerve that innervates the viscera
other peripheral nerves
roots, rami, plexus, visceral nerves
CT sheaths
around each individual axon
around a bunch of axons
around the whole nerve
collection of axons, nerves can carry axons of motor neurons or sensory neurons, two different traffic patterns
peripheral nerve distribution
a nerve to a particular tissue is made up of many axons of sensory and/or motor neurons. these axons are referred to as motor efferent fibers or sensory afferent fibers
the axons can be traced back to the neuron NCB located either in gray matter of the spinal cord or a peripheral ganglion
tissue that receive innervation
"outer" body = skin (cutaneous), skeletal muscle (motor and sensory_, tendons, ligaments, bone (outside the body cavities
somatic motor to skeletal muscle
somatic sensory to skin, and all others
"inner" body = cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands receive autonomic innervation
visceral motor to cardiac and smooth muscle as wall as glands
visceral sensory - organ distension, blood vessel distension
NS support cells
PNS: schwann cell, satellite cell
CNS: oligodendrocyte, astrocte, microglia, ependymal cell
Schwann Cells
enclosed in their own basal lamina and located adjacent axons
synthesize and maintain myelin sheath
a single axon will have man segments of myelin along its length with the schwann cell nucleus visible outside the myelin segment
Myelin Formation
schwann cells cup around axon
schwann cell "feeds out" elongating cytoplasmic process which wraps around the axon in a spiraling fashion
as the process wraps around the schwann cell, most of the schwann cell's cytoplasm is extruded. The resulting myelin sheath is compact concentric layers of schwanna plasma membrane
1 segment of myelin
nodes of Ranvier
between internodes, axon surrounded by schwann cell basil lamina
EM Level characteristics of Myelin
Major dense line:electron-dense line represents fusion of cytoplasmic surfaces of schwann cells plasma membrane
intraperiod line: lighter line represents the fusion of outer plasma membrane surfaces
Schmidt-Lanterman's Cleft: areas of retained cytoplasm
Alternating dark and light dense lines: represent the different surfaces of the PM
unmyelinated axons
in the PNS they sit in clefts or indentations in the schwann cells, one schwann cell may surround many unmyelinated axons
CNS Oligodendrocytes
synthesize and maintain the myelin sheath
one may provide more than 1 segment of myelin along the axon
one may provide myelin to more than 1 axon
they do not have a basal lamina; axon is bare at the nodes of ranvier
unmyelination axons in the CNS are not associated with them
made of lipids and proteins
insulated, increases the speed of propogation of impulses down an axon and prevents dissipation of current
thickness varies per axon
Myelin Proteins
serve as anchoring attachments between myelin membranes and mediate myelin compaction
are strong antigenic targets for immune attack
myelin basic proteins (CNS and PNS)
proteolipid protein (CNS)
myelin protein zero (PNS)
other proteins
different kinds of proteins depending on CNS or PNS
responsible for intracellular communication,
demyelinating diseases and factors affecting myelin formation
myelin sheath may be directly affected or demyelination may result from pathology of myelinating cells
nutritional deficieny, Vit B12 deficieny = hypomyelination
toxins: heavy metals
Genetic Demyelinating Diseases
Adrenoleukodystrophy: peroxisomal disorder affects myelin lipid
pelizaeus-Merzbacher: mutation of proteolipd protein gene results in degerneration of CNS myelin in chidlren or hypomelination
Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune: autoantibodies target olgiodendrocytes and myeline, acute or replasing remitting, mutliple focal demyelinationg lesions in brain, SC, optic nerve
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
causes by human polyoma virus (JC virus), occurs in immunoisuppressed individuals
CNS Astrocytes
provide structural support and maintain neuronal extracellular environment
during development, provide scaffolding support for migrating neurons
component of the BBB: astrocytic process wrap around blood vessels and nerves
astrocytic reaction to insult or injury: proliferation and/or hypertrophy
reactive astrocytosis
glial scarring - encapsulates walls off the area of infection, protective mechanism
fibrous astrocyte
ehite matter
protoplasmic astrocyte
gray matter
CNS microglia
derived from monocytes, are phagocytic, have immune fucntion
express MHC II and are antigen-presenting cells
become activated during disease and produce chemoattractants that recruit WBCs across the BBB
HIV type I infects microglial cells which produce cytokines toxic to neurons
CNS ependymal cells
line cavities of the CNS (ventricles and central canal)
may be squamous to columnar, microvilli and cilia may be present
desmosome attachment between cells
in certain areas of the ventricles, the ependymal cells are specialized
choroid plexus epithelium
secrete CSF
Glial Tumors (Gliomas)
astrocytomas: most common
Primitive neuroectodermal tumors: derived from undifferentiated cells (more harmful the more undifferntiated), medulloblastomas (childhood tumprs)
Neural tissue repair and regeneration
mature neurons do not divide
regeneration of peripheral nerves is possible but limited (stem cells)
Wallerian or Anterograde degeneration
axon distal to cut loses support from NCB and degenerates
Retrograde degeneration
chromatolysis = swelling of NCB, proximal axon initially degenerates but since still attached to NCB it can regenerate when NCB recovers
distal axon: schwann cell proliferate forming "tube" can form another channel of myelin, ner axonal sprouts

proximal axon: grows towards schwann cell tube. If it can find correct path, and grow through and reach the effector organ, it can potentially function again