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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the characteristics of a network and what are the 2 main types?

It has 2 or more computers connected together with the ability to transmit data between each other. The 2 types are LAN and WAN.

What is a LAN?

LAN stands for local area network; it is spread over a small geographical area or a single site.

Example: a networking at a school or at home

What is a WAN?

WAN stands for wide area network; it is spread over a large geographical area.

Example: a networking covering a country

What is a physical topology?

It's the physical layout of the wires and components which form the network.

Examples: bus, star, mesh

What is a logical topology?

It's the layout which shows how data flows.

What is a physical bus topology?

- all devices are connected to a backbone cable which the ends of it are connected to a terminator.

What are the advantages of a bus topology?

- inexpensive

- no additional hardware required

What are the disadvantages of a bus topology?

- if the cable fails, the entire network gets disconnected

- as traffic increases, performance decreases

- all computers can see the data transmission - low security

What is a physical star topology?

It has a central node (switch). It keeps record of the unique MAC address of each device on the network and can identify which device it should send data to.

What are the advantages of a star topology?

- if one cable fails, only one station is affected (simple to find faults)

- consistent performance even with heavy traffic

- higher transmission speeds, giving better performance than a bus topology

- can easily add new stations without disrupting the network

- more secure as messages are sent directly to the central computer; cannot be intercepted by other stations

What are the disadvantages of a star topology?

- expensive due to the length of cable required

-if the central switch fails, the rest of the network fails and data can no longer be transmitted to any of the nodes.

What is a physical mesh topology?

- every node is connected to every other node, by transmitting data across any intermediate nodes

- only one node needs a connection to the Internet and all others can share this connection

- most commonly found with wireless technology such as Wi-Fi

What are the advantages of a mesh topology?

- wireless: no cabling costs

- as the number of nodes increases, the reliability and speed of the network increases

- nodes are automatically incorporated into the network

- nodes don't need to go through the central node so fast communcation/speed

What are the disadvantages of a mesh topology?

- wireless: devices with wireless capability must be purchased; cost increases

- wired network: a large quantity of cable is required; expensive

- maintaining the network is difficult

What is a WAP?

A wireless access point allows Wi-Fi devices to connect to a wired network.

What are IP addresses?

- An Internet Protocol address is a unique address that is assigned to a network device.

- It indicates where a packet of data is to be sent/has been sent from.

- Routers use this address to direct the data packet accordingly

What is a URL?

- A Uniform Resource Locator is a full address of an Internet resource.

- specifies the location of a resource on the Internet, including resource name and usually file type so that a browser can request it from the website server.

- "http" - method

- "www" - host

- "webpage" - location

- "element" - resource


What is a MAC address?

- Media Access Control

- assigned to a NIC

- unique

What is a firewall?

A security checkpoint designed to prevent unauthorised access between 2 networks.

What does a typical firewall consist of?

- a separate computer containing 2 NICs with one connected to the internal network and the other connected to the external network

- each data packet that attempts to pass between the 2 NICs is analysed against packet filters then accepted or rejected

What is a proxy server?

- it intercepts all packets entering and leaving a a network, hiding the true network addresses of the source from the recipient.

- enables privacy and anonymous surfing

- maintains a cache of websites commonly visited and returnd the webpage data to the user immediately without needing tonreconect to the Interent and re-request the page from the web server.

- speeds up user access to webpage data and reduces web traffic

What are proxy servers used for?

To filter requests providing administrative control over the content that users may demand

Example: a school web proxy filtering undesirable/unsafe online content