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113 Cards in this Set

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Ch 3
4 file types allowing inline coding?
.aspx (aspx file)
.master (master page)
.ascx (web user control)
.asmx (web service)
Ch 3
new code behind model?
partial classes enable it
Ch 3
page directive - links assembly to page or user control
Ch 3
page directive - meant for use with user controls
Ch 3
page directive - implements a specific .net interface
Ch 3
page directive - imports specified namespaces into page or user control
Ch 3
page directive - associates a class name to a page in order to get at strongly types references or members contained on a master page
Ch 3
page directive - enables you to specify master page specific attributes and values to use when page parses or compiles (only used with .master pages)
Ch 3
page directive - controls output caching policies of a page or user control
Ch 3
page directive - enables you to specify page specific attributes and values when page parses or compiles...only used with ASPX!
Ch 3
page directive - enables asp.net page to work with pasoback from another page in application
Ch 3
page directive - links a page or user control to current page or user control
Ch 3
page directive - associates aliases with namespaces and class names for notation in custom server control syntax
Ch 3
@page - AspCompat
permits page to be executed on a single threaded apartment thread when True. DEFAULT IS FALSE
Ch 3
@page - async
specifies whether .net page is processed syncrhoniously or asynchroniously
Ch 3
@page - AutoEventWireup
specifies whether page events are autowired when set to True. DEFAULT is TRUE!
Ch 3
@page - Buffer
enables HTTP response buffering when TRUE! default is TRUE!
Ch 3
@page - ClassName
specifies name of class that is bound to page when page is compiled
Ch 3
@page - CodeFile
references code behind file associated with page
Ch 3
@page - CompilerOptions
compiler string indicates compilation options for page
Ch 3
@page - CompileWith
Takes string value that points to code-behind file being used
Ch 3
@page - ContentType
defines HTTP content tytpe as a standard MIME type
Ch 3
@page - Culture
Specifies culture setting of page. .net 2 allows for AUTO to enable automatic detection of culture settings
Ch 3
@page - Debug
Compiles the page with debug symbols in place when set to true
@page - Description
text description of page. Ignored by parser
Ch 3
@page - EnableSessionState
Session state for page is enabled when set to True. DEFAULT SETTING IS TRUE.
Ch 3
@page - EnableTheming
Page is enabled to use theming when set to True. Default setting is FALSE!!
Ch 3
@page - EnableViewState
View state is maintained across the page when TRUE. Default is TRUE!
Ch 3
@page - EnableViewStateMac
Default is FALSE! runs a machine authentication check when page is posted back from user when True!
Ch 3
@page - ErrorPage
specifies URL to post for all unhandled page exceptions
Ch 3
@page - Explicit
Default is FALSE! When true, the VB explicit option is enabled.
Ch 3
@page - Language
Defines the language for any inline rendering and script blocks
Ch 3
@page - LCID
defines the locale identifier for the web form's page
Ch 3
@page - LinePragmas
Boolean value that specifieswhether line pragmas are used with resulting assembly
Ch 3
@page - MasterPageFile
Take String value that points to the location of master page used with page. Used with content pages.
Ch 3
@page - MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback
Takes boolean! indicates whether page should be positioned exactly same as scroll position or if page should be regenerated in uppermost position
Ch 3
@page - PersonalizationProvider
Takes String...specifies name of personalization provider used in applying personalization to page
Ch 3
@page - ResponseEncoding
Specifies the response encoding of page content
Ch 3
@page - SmartNavigation
specifies whethber to activate .net SmartNavigation feature for richer browsers. Default is FALSE!
Ch 3
@page - SRC
points to source file of class used for code behind of page being rendered
Ch 3
@page - strict
compiles the page using VB strict mode when set to TRUE. DEFAULT IS FALSE!!!
Ch 3
@page - Theme
Applies the specified theme to page using .net 2.0 themes feature.
Ch 3
@page - title
applies a page's title. This is an attribute mean for content pages to apply a title other than what is in MASTER page.
Ch 3
@page - Trace
page tracing is enabled when set to TRUE. DEFAULT is false!
Ch 3
@page - TraceMode
specifies how trace messages are displayed when tracing is enabled. Settings for this attribute include SortByTime or SortByCategory. Default setting is SortByTime.
Ch 3
@page - Transaction
Specifies whether transactions are supported on the page. settings are: NotSupported, Supported. Required, RequiresNew. Default is NOTSUPPORTED!
Ch 3
@page - UICulture
Value of UICulture attribute specifies what UI Culture to use for .net page. Auto will autodetect
Ch 3
@page - ValidateRequest
when true form input values are checked against list of dangerous values. default is True!
Ch 3
@page - WarningLevel
specifies compiler warning level at which to stop
Ch 3
@Master - AutoEventWireup
specifies whether master page events are autowired when set to True. Default is TRUE!
Ch 3
@Master - ClassName
Specifies name of class that is bound to master page when compiled
Ch 3
@Master - CodeFile
References code-behind file with which the page is associated.
Ch 3
@Master - CompilerOptions
Compiler string that indicates compilation options for master page
Ch 3
@Master - CompileWith
Takes a strong value that points to code behind file used for master page
Ch 3
@Master - Debug
Compiles master page with debug symbols in place when TRUE
Ch 3
@Master - Description
Provides text description of master page
Ch 3
@Master - EnableTheming
when true Master page can use theming...default is FALSE
Ch 3
@Master - EnableViewState
maintains view state for master page when true. DEFAULT IS TRUE!
Ch 3
@Master - Explicit
Indicates VB Explicit option is enabled when sety to true
Ch 3
@Master - Inherits
Specifies code-behind class for master page to inherit
Ch 3
@Master - Language
Defines language that is used for any inline rendering and script blocks
Ch 3
@Master - LinePragmas
Boolean value that specifies whether line prgamas are used with resulting assembly
Ch 3
@Master - MasterPageFile
Takes string that points to location of master page used with master page...creates a nested master page
Ch 3
@Master - SRC
points to source file of class used for code bbehind of master page being rendered.
Ch 3
@Master - Strict
Compiles master page using VB Strict mode when true. DEFAULT IS FALSE!
Ch 3
@Master - WarningLevel
Tells the compiler the warning level to stop at. Values 0 through 4.
Ch 3
@Import - namespace
the name space to be imported
Ch 3
web.config and namespaces
already has some in the .net default web.config file under <assemblies>. can add and delete as necessary so not need to add to references folder. still need to import namespaces into pages though in the <namespaces> tags
Ch 3
assocaites aliases with namespaces for notation in custom server control syntax.
Ch 3
@register - Assembly
assembly you are associating with TagPrefix
Ch 3
@register - Namespace
namespace to relate with TagPrefix
Ch 3
@register - SRC
location of user control
Ch 3
@register - tagname
alias related to the ClassName
Ch 3
@register - TagPrefix
alias to relate to the namespace
Ch 3
example of register directive
<%@Register TagPrefix="MyTag" Namespace="MyName:MyNamespace" Assembly="MyAssembly" %>
Ch 3
@assembly directive
attaches assemblies...the building blocks of .Net application
Ch 3
@assembly - name
enables you to specify name of assembly used to attach the page files..includes filename ONLY not file extension.
Ch 3
@assembly - src
enables you to specify the source of the assembly to use in compilation. Use the filename and extension!
Ch 3
@previouspagetype - typename
sets name of derived class from which the postback will occur
Ch 3
@PreviousPageType - VirtualPath
sets the location of the posting page from whiuch the postback will occur
Ch 3
@MasterType - typename
sets name of derived class from which to get strongly typed references or members
Ch 3
@MasterType - VirtualPath
Sets location of page from which these strongly typed references and members will be retrieved
Ch 3
@OutputCache - CacheProfile
central way to manage application cache profile. use it to specify name of cache profile detailed in Web.Config
Ch 3
@OutputCache - DiskCacheable
specifies whether the cache can be stored to disk
Ch 3
@OutputCache - Duration
duration time in seconds that ASP.Net page or control is cached
Ch 3
@OutputCache - Location
Default is ANY. valid for aspx pages only and does not work with user control. Other values = Client, Downstream, none, server, and serverandclient
Ch 3
@OutputCache - NoStore
Specifies whether to send a no-store header with the page
Ch 3
@OutputCache - SQLDependency
enables a particular page to use SQL Server cache invaldiation - a new feature of .net 2.0
Ch 3
@OutputCache - VaryByControl
semi-colon spearated list of string used to vary the output cache of a user control
Ch 3
@OutputCache - VaryByCustom
String specifying the custom output caching requirements
Ch 3
@OutputCache - VaryByHeader
semi-colon list of HTTP headers used to vary output cache
Ch 3
@OutputCache - VaryByParam
semi-colon list of strings used to vary the output cache
Ch 3
@Reference - TypeName
Sets name of derived class from which the active page will be referenced
Ch 3
@Reference - VirtualPath
sets location of page or user control from wchih the active page will be referenced.
Ch 3
9 page events
Ch 3
How to deal with cross page posting...
1) Create a property for the control on the previous page
2) Use the PreviousPage object to access the objects on the previous page.
Ch 3
\App_Code Folder
-stores classes and wdsl files
-all compiled into 1 assembly
-can be of a different languages, but must have appropriate sub-folders (\VB and \CS)
Ch 3
\App_Data folder
-sql express and access files stored here
-membership and role management to MMC snap-in and web admin tool is built to work with App_data folder
Ch 3
Storage location for .skin files
Ch 3
-data dictionaries for application.
-Assembly Resource Files (.resx)
-can be used to add resources for multiple cultures
Ch 3
creating resources for a single page in the application
Ch 3
automatic access to remote web services referenced from application
Ch 3
.browser files...xml files used to id browsers making requests to application
Ch 3
in-place precompilation?
pull site in browser and replace page name with: precompile.axd
Ch 3
pre-compilation for deployment?
aspnet_copiler -v [app_name ] -p [physical location] [target]
Ch 3
called when app receives first request
Ch 3
called when an individual users makes first request
Ch 3
triggered before each and every request is executed
Ch 3
triggered for each request enabling to set up custom authentications for a request
Ch 3
Triggered when an error is thrown anywhere in app...good for recording to server event logs
Ch 3
triggered when an end user leaves the application
Ch 3
Triggered when app comes to an end.
Ch 3
What 3 directives can be used in global.asax?