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66 Cards in this Set

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What two systems control and adjust the activities of other organ systems?

Nervous and endocrine

What are the 2 anatomical subdivisions of the nervous system?

1. Central Nervous System (CNS)

2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

The CNS consists of the ________ and the _____________.

brain, spinal cord

The PNS can be further subdivided into:

1. Afferent Division

2. Efferent Division

This division of the PNS is associated with receptors of various kinds that provide sensory input to the CNS.

Afferent Division

This division of the PNS carries motor commands effectors that include muscle cells and gland cells.

Efferent Division

What two systems can the efferent division be divided into?

1. Somatic Nervous System (SNS)

2. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

This system of the efferent division controls skeletal muscle contractions

Somatic Nervous System (SNS)

This system of the efferent division regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glandular activity.

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

Neural tissue contains two cell types:

1. Neurons

2. Neuroglia

These cells transfer and process information


These cells serve various supportive roles for neurons. These cells comprises about half the volume of nervous tissue but there are about 5 times as many of these as neurons.


4 types of glial cells are found in the CNS : "As Oli Mimics Epen"

1. Astrocytes (Astro=star)

2. Oligodendrocytes (oligo-few + dendron- branch)

3. Microglia

4. Ependymal Cells

This glial cell is the most numerous and the largest. They have numerous processes that contact the surfaces of neurons and capillaries.



These types of glial cells physically isolate and support the neurons.


What are the functions of Astrocytes?

a. maintain the blood-brain barrier

b. create a three-dimensional framework for the CNS

c. performs repairs in damaged neural tissue

d. guide neuron development

e. controls the interstitial environment

the glial cells have fewer cell processes than astrocytes. They tie clusters of axons together, regulate extracellular ion concentration, and provide MYELINATION for CNS axons.



______________ consists of multiple layers of the cell membrane of either oligodendrocytes or Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) wrapped around the axons of neurons.



The cell membrane wrapping is called ___________.


The myelination contributed by each glial cell is called an _____________.


The small gaps between internodes are _________ or _______________.

nodes, nodes of Ranvier

White and gray matters refer to _________________.

two regions of the CNS

Regions dominated by myelinated axons appear glossy _________________.


Regions dominated by neuron cell bodies, dendrites and unmyelinated axons appear dusky ___________.


These are the smallest glial cells and have slender cytoplasmic processes with many fine branches.



These glial cells are phagocytic cells that engulf cellular debris, waste products and pathogens. They makeup only 5% of glial cells but increase dramatically during injury or infection.


The fluid-filled space within the CNS are lined by ________________.

ependymal cells

ependymal cells

These are epithelial cells that monitor the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) When specialized, these cells also participate in the secretion of CSF.

Ependymal cells

Two types of neuroglial cells are found in the PNS:

1. Satellite cells

2. Schwann cells ( neurolemmocytes)

These cells surround and support neuron cell bodies in ganglia. These calls regulate the exchange of materials between the cell and the extracellular environment.

Satellite cells

Satellite cells

these cells surround and support the axons of the PNS.

Schwann cells

the is the cell membrane of the axon


this refers to the cytoplasmic covering provided by the Schwann cell


This is the part of the neuron that contains the nucleus

Cell body (soma, perikaryon)

these are processes that receive information primarily at the dendritic spines.


this is the process that carries information away from the cell body.


this part of the axon is an elevated surface of the cell body that gives rise to the axon.

Axon hillock (little hill)

the proemial part of the axon that is unmyelinated and is designed to trigger an impulse

Initial segment

cytoplasm of the axon


side branches of the main axon


fine terminal branches of the axon


end of telodendria where the axon makes contact with another neuron or effector.

Synaptic terminal

Where does communication occur between neurons?


Neurotransmitters are released when an ________________ arrives a the synapse.

electrical impulse

found only in CNS, these neurons are small with processes whose axons cannot be distinguished from dendrites.

Anaxonic neurons

The branches of a dendrite fuse to form a single dendrite and the cell body lies between this dendrite and the axon. Unmyelinated and rare, these cells are associated with the special senses of sight, hearing and smell.

Bipolar neurons

the dendritic and axonal processes are continuous. Impulses are initiated at the base of dendritic branches and the remainder of the fused processes acts essentially as an axon.

Pseudounipolar neurons

Most sensory neurons of the PNS are of this type

Pseudounipolar neurons

these neurons are the most common type in the CNS. These neurons have several dendrites and one axon. All motor neurons that control skeletal muscles are this type:

Multipolar neurons

Sensory neurons deliver information from the peripheral receptors to the CNS along ________ fibers.

afferent fibers

Sensory neurons are subclassified into:

Somatic sensory neurons which include:

1. Exteroceptors

2. Proprioceptors

thesis sensory neurons monitor the position of muscles and joints


these sensory neurons provide information about the external environment including touch, temp, pressure, special senses and pain that affects the limbs and body surfaces.


These neurons monitor deep press and pain in various internal organ systems.

Visceral sensory neurons or interoceptors

Chemical concentrations and pressure in the cardiovascular system. Chemicals in the oral cavity and pharynx are detected and perceived as taste:

Visceral sensory neurons

motor neurons stimulate or modify the activity of peripheral tissue, organs or organ systems along __________ fibers.


Motor neurons are subclassified into:

Somatic motor neurons

Visceral motor neurons

these motor neurons innervate skeletal muscles by neurons whose cell bodies are in the CNS and whose axons extend to the muscle fibers they control. Most are consciously controlled

Somatic motor neurons

these motor neurons innervate effectors other than skeletal muscles. There are two types.

Visceral motor neurons

What are the two types of Visceral motor neurons?

1. preganglioinc fibers

2. Postganglionic fibers

the neurons have cell bodies in the CNS and synapse on postganglionic neurons in peripheral ganglia.

preganglionic fibers

these neurons have there cell bodies in peripheral ganglia and synapse onto the peripheral effectors.

Postganglionic fibers

Interneurons are also called _______________

association neurons

these neurons are located entirely in the CNS and analyze the sensory input and coordinate motor output.


These neurons greatly outnumber motor neurons.


Interneurons may either be ____________ or _____________ depending on their effects on other neurons.

excitatory, inhibitory