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58 Cards in this Set

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efine: CNS ; Brain
spinal cord
Define: PNS
peripheral ganglia
Nerves projecting in and out of brain and spainal cord
Cell organelles contained in soma
rough ER (Nissl substance), nucelus, Golgi, mitochnodria, cytokeleton
Cytoskeleton of neurons contains ____ ; Microtubules
Multipolar neuron
Many dendrites and an axon or two
Bipolar neuron
one axon and one dendrite (retina of eye)
Gray matter has ___
Abudnance of neuron cell bodies; some myelin
OGD structure ; Footlike projections
have nodes of Ranvier
Mononuclear Phagocyte system ; includes microglial cells along with monocytes
efine: CNS
Brain, spinal cord, optin nerve, retina
Define: PNS
Nerves projecting in and out of brain and spainal cord, peripheral ganglia, communicating nerves b/t ganglia (also includes autonomic NS)
Define: Dendrite
Carry impuleses toward the body
Define: Axon
Carries nerve impulses away from the body
Cell organelles contained in soma
Nucleus, rough ER (Nissl substance), Golgi appartus, cytoskeleton
Cytoskeleton of neurons contains ____
Microtubules, microfilaments, neurofilaments
Define axon hillock
Pyramidal portion of soma where it joins with axon
Function of Axon Hillock
Sums all dendritic impulses and results in prpopgation down axon
Anterograde Flow/what provides energy for it?
Organelles made in soma are transported down axon driven by ATPas
Microtubule associated protein associated with anterograde flow
Retrograde flow
Carries endocytic vesicles from axon back to soma for reloading with neurotransmitters
Micritubule associated protein associated with retrograde transport
Multipolar neuron
Many dendrites, an axon or two
Bipolar neuron
One axon, one dendrite (retina of eye)
Pseudiunipolar neuron
Sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia
Gray matter
Abudnance of neuron cell bodies, some myelin, glia
White matter
Contains mostly myelin and glia (few neurons)
Dorsal (posterial) horn
Sensory neurons receive input from neurons with cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia and dendrites on end organs
Ventral (anterior horn)
Motor neurons sending out axons to innervate skeletal muscle
Glia cells outnumber nerve cells by about ___
Myelin is produed by ______
Myelin consists of
multiple layers iof glia cell membranes wrapped around neural processes
Gaps in myelin are: __________
Nodes of Ranvier
Purpose of myelin
Speed conduction velocity of impulses
Myelin in the PNS is produced by
Schwan cells
Myelin in PNS is found around
Axons of motor neurons and dendrites
Myelin in PNS consists of:
Many layers of Schwan cells wrapped around axon
Myelin in PNS grows by:
Ellongation of the mesoaxon
Gaps between Schwan cells are called
Nodes of Ranvier (axon exposed to ECF)
Define: Schmidt-Langerman incisures
conical defects in myelin filled with Schwan cell cytoplasm to noursih myelin
Unmylenated nerves have a _____ conduction velocity
Unmyelinated nerves are associated with _____ cells
Unmylenated nerves do/do not have multiple layers of Schwan cells
Do not
Myelin in the CNS is produced by
Oligodendroglia (OGD)
OGD structure
Footlike projections, have nodes of Ranvier
Gray matter contains ___________ astrocytes
White matter contains __________ astrocytes
What plays a role in regulating the blood brain barrier?
Tight junctions at vascular epithelium
Define: Microglia
Small PHAGOCYTES that perform immune syrveillance in CNS
Microglia are part of the
Mononuclear phagocyte system
Mononuclear Phagocyte system
includes microglial cells along with monocytes, macrophages, Kupfer cells, BONE MARROW derivatives
Define: sattelite
Surround neurons in ganglia
Function of satellite cells
Perhaps functionally isolate or support neurons
Location of satellite cells
Autonamic ganglia and dorsal root ganglia
Define: Muller cell
In neural retina supports retinal neurons
Define: Bergman glia
Provide migratory pathways for developing neurons in brain
Define: Ependymal cell
Cuboidal-columnar cell that line lumen (central canal of spinal corn and ventricles in brain) of CNS
What structures are on ependymal cells?
Apical cilia and microvili
Ependymal cells are remants of?
Proliferative neuroepithelium that produced spinal cord and brain