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75 Cards in this Set

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brain +spinal cord
head and back
nerves, ganglia, sensory receptors
n, g, sr
cranial nerves
originate from brain. extends to neck (12 pairs)
from head, extends to back 12
spinal nerves
from spinal cord to supply below head (31pairs)
from back to head 31
8 pairs
Lucky number
12 pairs
6x2=? pairs
5 pairs
2+3=? pairs
5 pairs
5×1=? pairs
1 pair
a pair
somatic system
voluntary. contains sensory nerves in skin, sensory organ in head
vol., sense in skin+head
motor nerves
stimulate skeletal muscles
skeletal muscles
involuntary motor+sensory nerves that carry impulses to visceral organs, blood vessels+glands
invol., motor, sense, impulse to visceral organ, vessels, glands
sympathetic division
active during injury, emotional excitement, strenuous physical activity
active during owie, hormones, and volleyball
parasympathetic division
active during conditions of normal organ functioning
normal organ functioning
90% substance in brain, spinal cord, smaller in peripheral nerves. provide structural framework for fragile neurons. produce fatty sheath around axon, remove unwanted material,aid circulation of cerebrospinal fluid+impulses conduction.
astrocytes, ependymal cells, microglia, oligodendrocytes, Schwan's cells
primary structural+functional unit of nerve tissue.
nerve cell. axon large. dendritic smaller
cell body
nisel substance specialized rough er.
nisel proteins
intermediate cytoskeleton. maintains cell shap
intermed. cytoskeleton. maintains cell shape
axons with myelin sheath=white matter
white matter
fibers w/out myelin sheath. has neuron cell bodies form gray matter
gray matter
structural multipolar
many dendrites+ single axon arising from cell body
dendrites+single axon
single dendrite+single Axon from cell body (eyes, ears, nose)
single nerve fiber extends from cell body+splits to become axon and dendrite (neurons from skin receptors to spinal cord)
single nerve. become axon and dendrite
sensory neurons. afferent, unipolar
sensory, afferent, uni
association neurons
interneurons located in cns. between neurons. multipolar
in cns. multipolar
motor neurons
efferent multipolarse figure
efferent mulipolar
pain +temperature receptor
naked nerve endings
nerve endings
meissners' corpuscles
touch receptors
pacinian corpuscles
deep pressure receptors
deep pressure
goli tendon organ, muscle spinde
muscle spindle
action potential
nerve impulse. depolarization of region of plasma membrane, followed quickly by repolarization. NA/K pump
nerve impulse. depolarization. sodium potassium pump.
Saltatory conductions
impulses jumps across myelin sheath from one node to another of ranvier
across myelin sheath,node to node to ranvier
junction betw. adj. neurons. presynaptic neuron/postsynaptic neuron
adjacent neurons. pre+post synaptic neuron
presynaptic neuron
ends into synaptic end bulb w/synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitters. ex: acetycholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, gaba
ends in synaptic bulb w/synaptic vesicles. norepinephrine, dopamine etc.
post synaptic neurons
concave surface that forms a gap called synaptic cleft
concave, forms synaptic cleft
exitatory transmission
increase postsynaptic membrane permeability to sodium ions causing action potential
increase postsynaptic, NA ions cause action. potentialtial
exitatory neurotranamitters
inhibitory transmission
increase postsynaptic membrane permeability to K ions. chloride channels are opened. action potential blocked.
increase postsyn.,k ion, chloride channel open, action pot. blocked
inhibitory neurotransmitters
GABA, endorphin, enkephalins
gaba, endor., enkeph.
protective covering of spinal cord
vertebral column, cerebrospinal fluid, meninges
vertebral, cero, mening.
dura mater, arachnoid, piano mater
dura mater, arach,pia
Subarachnoid space
betw. arachnoid+ pia mater filled with cerebral fluid
arachnoid+pia. cereb.
protective coverings of brain
crainium, cerebrospinal fluid, meninges, duramater, arachnoid, piamater, subarachnoid space
cranium, cereb. fluid, everything in meninges
spinal cord
long cylinder flattened on its anterior+posterior surfaces, spinal nerves extend by way of spinal roots
long cylinder. spinal nerves extends by spinal roots
cervical enlargement
in the neck
lumbosacral enlargment
in lower back
low back
Conus medullaris
spinal nerves extends to form caudal equina.
spinal nerves form cauda equina
filum terminale
membrane that is an extension of piamater to back coccyx
extension of piamater to back coccyx
cross section
anterior median fissure. posterior median sulcus divides cord into right+left portions
anterior median fissure. posterior median sulcus divide cord right+left
gray matter
center. unmyelinated fibers and neuron cell bodies. posterior horns(sensory function). anterior function (motor). lateral hot autonomic), gray commissure
center. unmyelinated. gray commisure
white matter
myelinated fibers. anterior, posterior, and lateral columns
nodes of anvier
gaps in myelin sheath along axon
gaps in yelp sheath
cell body
first part of neuron to receive messages, then moves to axon.
cell body receives messages the moves to axon
sensory afferent neurons
carry impulses from sensory receptors to cns
sensory receptors to cns
conduction pathways & reflex arc
ascending tracts, carry sensory information to brain
sensory info. to brain
decending tracts
carry motor info. away from brain
motor away from brain
reflex arc
receptor, sensory neuron, association neuron, motor neuron, effector
rec, sens, ass. neur,.mot. neur, eff.
somatic reflexes
withdrawal and patellar reflexes, effector skeletal muscles
w/drw., patellar reflexes, effector skel. musc.
visceral reflexes
affect smooth and cardiac muscles cause auto.atic response (heart rate breathing, vomiting, sneezing, coughing)
affects smooth+cardiac musc. causes automatic response
cavities continuous with the central canal of spinal cord+ subarachnoid space. 2 lateral ventricles located in cerebral hemisphere, 3rd ventricle in center of diencephalon, 4th betw. cerebellum+medulla oblongata. each lateral ventricle is connected to 3rd by foramen of monro. 3rd ventricle connected to 4th by cerebral duct.
spinal to subarachnoid. 2 in cerebral. 3rd vent. in diencephon. 4th vent. betw. cerebellum+medulla oblongata. connected to foramen Monro. 3rd ventricle connected to 4th by cerebral duct
formed w/in ventricles by filtration thru dense network of capillaries(chloride plexus). similar to blood plasma. lack cells, bacteria, and protein. consist of water, glucose+oxygen. return to bloodstream by resorption across arachnoid villi which deliver to superior sagittal sinus.
form w/in ventricles by filtration thru choroid plexus. return to bloodstream.
cerebrum, diencephalon
cerebr., dien
mid brain
hindbrain, brainstem, cerebrum,diencenphalon, midbrain, medulla oblingata, cerebellum
pons, medulla oblingata, cerebellum
p, m o, cerebe.
midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
mid, pon, med, oblong
cerebral hemisphere, convolution s - gyri, sulci, longitudinal fissure, lateral fissure, lobea:frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, cerebral cortex - gray matter, corpus callosum - white matter
thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland
cerebral peduncles, corporate quadrigemina
medullary oblongata
cardiac, vasomotor+respiratory center
Arbor vitae, cerebellar peduncles
functional areas of cerebral cortex
sensory areas, association areas, motor areas, origins of motor impulses
sensory areas
general sensory area in the parietal lobe, primary visual area in occipital lobe, primary Gustatory in parietal, primary olfactory in temporal
association areas
somesthetic area located behind general sensory area, visual association area, frontal association area, gnostic association area
motor areas
primary motor area, premotor area, visual motor area, motor speech area (broca), frontal lobe, wernickes area(temporal/parietal)
origins of motor impulses
arise from integration centers in the spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum, basal ganglia, hypothalamus, or cerebral cortex