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15 Cards in this Set

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What does the nervous system do?
It regulates body activities by responding rapidly through impulses
What is the nervous system responsible for?
All your perceptions, behaviors, memories, and movements
Name the 3 groups of basic functions:
Afferent (sensory), Integrative (interneurons), Efferent (motor)
What happens during sensory function?
Sensory receptors detect internal stimuli, such as an increase in blood acidity, or external stimuli, such as a raindrop lanind on your arm. This sensory info is caried into the brain and spinal cord thru cranial and spinal nerves
What happens during integrative function?
The nervous system processes sensory info by analyzing and storing some of it, and by making decisions for appropriate responses-an activity known as INTEGRATION.
What consists of the CNS (Central Nervous System)?
The brain and spinal cord
What consists of the PNS (Peripheral Nervous System)?
Everything else! All nervous tissue outside the CNS, nerves, ganglia, enteric plexuses, and sensory receptors.
What happens during depolarizing phase?
The negative membrane potential becomes less negative, reaches zero, and then becomes positive.
What happens during repolarizing?
The membrane potential is restored to the resting state of -70 mV
What is a normal threshold?
-55 mV in most neurons
What is a subthreshold stimulus?
Weak stimulus, will not cause depolarization (not enough flick so that the dominoes will go)
What is a threshold stimulus?
Just strong enough for depolarization (strong enough flick so that dominoes will start falling)
What is a suprathreshold stimulus?
More than enough strength. (dominoes will definitely fall)
Graded potentials produce...
short distance communication
Action potentials produce...
Long distance communication