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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the agent that causes neosporosis?
Neospora caninum
What is the definitive host of Neospora caninum?
What is the distribution of Neospora caninum?
Enzootic worldwide
Neosporosis is most common in _____ and _____ .
Cattle & dogs
What are the 3 routes of Neospora transmission?
1) Ingestion of cysts in infected animal tissues
-**Important in dogs
2) Ingestion of oocysts shed in dog feces
3) Congenital (transplacental)
The clinical signs of neosporosis are similar to _______.
-think toxo in dogs
What are the predominate clinical signs of neosporosis?
Neurologic and muscular abnormalities
What are 5 clinical signs of neosporosis in young dogs (<6 months)?
1) Ascending paralysis
2) Gradual muscle atrophy
3) Stiffness of pelvic limbs
4) Dysphagia
5) Ataxia
What are the 3 clinical signs of neosporosis in old dogs?
1) CNS signs
-seizures & tremors
2) Polymyositis
3) Myocarditis
What are the lab abnormalities seen on a chemistry profile of an animal with neosporosis?
Increased CK and AST if there's muscle involvement
What lab abnormalities are found in the CSF of an animal with neosporosis?
Slight increase in protein and cell count (mostly small mononuclear cells)
-most protozoal and viral diseases don't cause change in CSF
Is demonstration of the organism very common in CSF or tissue samples of an animal with Neosporosis?
No, very rare (can be mistaken for toxoplasmosis)
What do you look on serology when trying to diagnose neosporosis? Is there any cross reactivity with toxoplasmosis?
IgG titer > 1:200
-minimal cross reactivity with T. gondii
When will IgG titers be high in the CSF of an animal with neosporosis?
Titers may be high in cases with CNS signs
What are the 2 components of treating animals with neosporosis?
1) Supportive therapy
2) Antimicrobials
-Sulfonamide + trimethoprin + pyrimethamine
*pretty much same as toxo
What are 2 ways to prevent neosporosis?
1) Bitches that whelped affected puppies should not be bred
2) Avoid glucocorticoids in seropositive dogs
How does the treatment for neosporosis vary from the treatment for toxoplasmosis?
Topical corticosteroids are not recommended for neosporosis but it is recommended for toxoplasmosis