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13 Cards in this Set

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What are some risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
Prior shoulder dystocia
Gest diabetes, macrosomia
postdates preg, short mom
What signs tell you that shoulder dystocia is occurring?
-Fetal head retracts (turtle)
-Gentle traction does not effect delivery
What should you do if you identify shoulder dystocia?
What is HELPERR?
Call for Help
Episiotomy evaluation
Legs - McRoberts
Pressure - suprapubic
Enter maneuvers
Retrieve the posterior arm
Roll mom over on all fours
What is the power of the effect of McRoberts Maneuver?
Reduces >40% of shoulder dystocias in and of itself!
What are the 3 Enter maneuvers?
1. Rubin 2
2. Wood's screw
3. Reverse wood's screw
How do you accomplish the Rubin 2?
Approach the ANTERIOR shoulder from behind, exert pressure on the scapula
How do you accomplish the Wood's Screw?
In addition to the Rubin 2, approach the POSTERIOR shoulder from the front
How do you accomplish the reverse wood's screw?
Approach the posterior shoulder from behind - to turn baby in opposite direction
Which arm do you deliver in shoulder dystocia if turning was successful?
The POSTERIOR arm; follow down to elbow, flex arm at elbow, sweep across fetal chest
What can you do if Enter maneuvers do not work?
Rol the patient to all fours and try the Enter maneuvers in that position
What is the Zavanelli maneuver?
Cephalic replacement followed by emergent c/s delivery
When should you NOT do a Zavanelli's maneuver?
If the nuchal cord has been clamped/cut