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17 Cards in this Set

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Name the sources of statute law

Acts, regulations, approved code of practice and guidance


Describe what an Act is

It is derived from statute law & accompanies regulations. The principle Act for H& S is the HSWA 1974 & the corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide act 2007

Describe a Regulation

It is a delegated or secondary piece of legislation derived from a principal Act such as HSWSA such as management of health and safety at work regs 1999

Describe an Acop

Approved code of practice outlines the legal standard outlined in a regulation. They do not have full legal status but can be used in evidence

Describe guidance

Guidance often accompanies regulations & often sets out best practice

What are the employer's 5 common law duties? AS AS A

A safe place of work with safe access to &from it

Safe plant & equipment

A safe system for doing the work

Safe & competent workers

Appropriate supervision, information, instruction & training

There are 5 ASASA

Name 2 types of enforcement notices

Improvement notice

Prohibition notice

Name 2 types of law

Criminal law

Civil law

Name the 2 sources of law

Statute law

Common law

What are the 3 tests for negligence

A duty of care had to be owed by the defendant to the claimant

The duty must have been breached

A loss must have occurred as a direct result

What is Statute Law

Made by parliament in the form of acts & regulations

What is common law

Made by judges through precedent that they set through their own decision making

What is vicarious liability

I where the employer can be held liable for the negligent acts of his employees

What is torque negligence

It's the civil legal system concerned with claims of compensation

Identify 6 defence claims for compensation brought under tort negligence

1. No duty of care was owed

2. No breach of duty of care

3. No loss occurred as a direct result of the breach of duty of care

4. Volenti non fit injuries (Voluntary acceptance of the risk by the claimant)

5. Contributory negligence

6. The facts are disputed

Outline the circumstances that would make an employer vicariously liable for the acts of a worker

1. The employer would be the employer if the worker

2. The worker would have to be working negligently & would have to be acting through the course of their employment

What is vicarious liability

The employer can be held liable for the negligent acts of an employee