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60 Cards in this Set

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Why are infants and young children at higher risk for getting a foodborne illness?
they have not yet built up their immune systems
What bacteria is commonly linked with cooked rice dishes?
bacillus cereus
Scromboid poisoning can be prevented by?
purchasing fish from approved, reputable suppliers
Which is a TCS food?
Which is a biological contaminant?
tomato juice
Jaundice is a symptom of which foodborne illness?
hepatitis A
How long should you scrub your hands?
10-15 sec
If someone at an operation has a sore throat and a fever what should you do?
restrict them from working with food
If you have a hand wound what should you do?
bandage the wound and use a single use glove
Foodhandlers should wash their hands before and after
handling raw meat, poultry and seafood
A foodhandler who spends an entire shift forming hamburger patties should change gloves after...
every 4 hours during continual use, more often as needed
How should you take the temperature of sour cream when it arrives?
remove the lid of the container and put the thermometer stem into the sour cream
When should you reject a shipment of fresh chicken?
if it doesn't have a USDA or state inspection stamp
cut melons should be stored at what internal temperature?
41 F or lower
seafood should reach what temperature?
145 F for 15 sec
leftovers to be reheated should reach what temp?
165 F for 15 sec
2 Tbsp = __ fluid oz
1 fluid ounce
__ pints = 1 quart
2 pints = 1 quart
__ fluid ounces = 1 quart
32 fluid ounces = 1 quart
__ quarts = 1 gallon
4 quarts = 1 gallon
__ pints = 1 gallon
8 pints = 1 gallon
1 pound = __ grams
1 pound = 454 grams
1 oz = ___ cup ___ mL
1 oz = 1/8 cup 30 mL
# 6 scoop=
__ Tb
__ cup
__ oz
# 6 scoop=
10 Tb
2/3 cup
6 oz
# 8 scoop=
# 6 scoop=
8 Tb
1/2 cup
4 oz
# 10 scoop=
__ Tb
__ cup
__ oz
# 10 scoop=
6 Tb
3/8 cup
3 to 4 oz
# 12 scoop=
__ Tb
__ cup
__ oz
# 12 scoop=
5 Tb
1/3 cup
2.5-3 oz
# 16 scoop=
__ Tb
__ cup
__ oz
# 16 scoop=
4 Tb
1/4 cup
2 oz
# 20 scoop=
__ Tb
__ oz
# 20 scoop=
3 Tb
1.75-2 oz
# 24 scoop=
__ Tb
__ cup
__ oz
# 24 scoop=
2.67 Tb
1.5-1.75 oz
# 30 scoop=
__ Tb
__ oz
# 30 scoop=
2 Tb
1-1.5 oz
a restaurant that receives raw food products, prepares them, and serves them immediately to the customer would be classified as a ________ type of foodservice
cook-chill and cook-freeze are examples of which type of food service?
ready prepared
which critical control points are more important in ready prepared foodservice than in conventional foodservices
cooling and reheating
the __________ foodservice has centralized procurement and production facilities with distribution of prepared menu items to several remote areas for final preparation and service
foodservice operations using only pre-prepared, convenience food items are termed:
The menu would be categorized as ________ in the foodservice systems model
a control
a static menu
is one in which the same menu items are offered each day
a cycle menu
offers food items that are repeated on a patterned basis
aesthetic factors in menu planning include:
color, texture, shape of foods
when planning a menu, recommendations are to first plan:
the entree because it's the most expensive
food cost percentage
raw food cost/
equivalent meals
equivalent meal factor
meals/labor hour
# of meals (in EMs)/
# of labor hours
labor minutes/meal
60 minutes/hour/
meals/labor hour
labor hours/100 meals
# of labor hours/
meals served/100
absentee rate percentage
total absences in period/ x100
total FTE x # of workdays in period
turnover rate
total terminations in period/ x100
total FTE x # workdays in period
what are the FTEs
8 hours/day
40 hours/week
173.33 hours/month
2080 hours/year
What are potential challenges with foodservice associated with labor
lower wages --> less reliable employees
employee hours are long and odd
peaks and valleys complicate scheduling and productivity
limited profitability, personnel not used effectively
What are the two main components of payroll costs
the amount of time required to do the job and the rate of pay
the determination of the appropriate number of workers needed for the operation and the work that must be accomplished is referred to as:
the assigning of employees to specific working hours and workdays is referred to as:
FTE stands for
full time equivalents
some concerns with absenteeism
decreased output
increased record keeping
substitution of untrained workers
increased overtime accumulated
valid methods of reducing turnover
giving exit interviews
provide a realistic job preview
implement a job enrichment program to give workers more pride in their jobs and wider appreciated for the role they play in the company
What is a "variable and prime cost" of foodservice operations
food and labor
the theory of control based on a boss-subordinate relationship is known as the
traditional theory of control
T/F cost is the only concern in the make/buy decision
A typical indicator of productivity often used in foodservice organizations is:
meals per labor hour