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473 Cards in this Set

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contaminated food and water were responsible for _________
outbreaks of infectious disease in early US urbanization
eating stimulates the release of ___________________ (serotonin)
what is the rapid heating of a food product to kill pathogenic microorganisms and reduce
the total number of _____________
pasteurization; bacteria
athletes competing in a lower weight class gives an athlete a
mechanical advantage over a smaller stature opponent
-water purification
-sewage treatment
technology improvements used to reduce the risk of infectious disease outbreaks
eating stimulates the release of natural ____, including _____,
opioids; endorphins
greatest risk of food contamination is from ______ and ______
bacteria and viruses
-good health
-nutritious diet
-adequate fluid intake
-requirements to engage in vigorous physical activity
poisonous compounds produced by an organism that can cause disease
-mild and short-term changes in eating patterns
-occur in relation to a stressful event, an illness or a desire to change
diet for a variety of health and personal appearance reasons
disordered eating
most foodborne illness results from _______
microbial contamination
athletes can lose up to 22 pounds of body water in one day through what methods?
-exercising in a plastic sweat suit
-taking diuretic drugs
_______ cause ~ ___ million illnesses in the US per year
foodborne organisms; 76;
_____ involves ________ changes associated with food restriction, binge eating, purging and weight fluctuations
eating disorders; physiological
______ cause about ____ deaths each year
foodborne organisms; 5000
physical fitness
-ability to perform moderate to vigorous activity without undo fatigue
-especially affects fat use by the body
-as the level of physical fitness improves, more fat is used to supply energy
-infants, children and older adults
-individuals with liver disease, diabetes, cancer, or HIV infection
-post surgical patients; individuals on immunosuppressant drugs
-pregnant women
greater risk to foodborne illness
anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, these disorders tend to occur in females (___:1 ratio with males)
foodborne illnesses often result from the ______
unsafe handling of food at home
taking diuretic drugs increase ______
water loss from the kidneys
foods are generally ________, protein rich and have a neutral or slightly acidic pH
eating disorders frequently develop during ______ or _____ and frequently co-occur with psychological disorders such as ____ and ______.
adolescence or early adulthood; depression, anxiety and
substance abuse
refrigeration tends to ______ bacterial growth
slow (not prevent)
-benefits of regular physical activity
-increases cardiovascular function and improves blood lipid profile
-aids in weight loss and weight control
-increases muscle mass and strength
-improves GI tract peristalsis
-improves sleep
-reduces the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and likely breast cancer
-improves immune function
-increases flexibility and balance
-reduces stress and improves self-image
-strengthens bones and joints
-improves blood glucose regulation
-slows the aging process
-many adults do not practice moderate to vigorous physical activity on a regular basis
-many adults quit an exercise program within three months of initiation
increased consumption of raw or undercooked __________ products
psychological loss or denial of appetite followed by self-starvation
anorexia nervosa
increased use of ______ suppress a person’s ability to combat infectious agents
-reduces endurance and performance (especially in hot weather)
-kidney malfunction and heat-related illness
-death is a possibility
adverse effects of weight loss by dehydration
more people are looking for convenient or easy to prepare foods
reasons for food illnesses being so common
anorexia implies a loss of ______________
increased _______ of food production by the food processing and restaurant industry
centralization (reasons for food illnesses being so common)
recommendations for staying with an exercise program
-start slowly
-vary your activities; make it fun
-include friends and others
-set attainable goals and monitor progress
-set specific times for exercise; place it in your routine
-reward yourself for being successful in keeping up with your goals
-focus on the long-term benefits to your health
_____ in animal _____ increases the severity of foodborne illness
antibiotics; feed
bulimia means “great ____________”
great hunger
antibiotics in animal feed increases the severity of foodborne illness
leads to antibiotic-resistance strains of bacteria
7% or more of total body weight for male athletes and 12% or more for female athletes
safe body fat set by NCAA and many states
most food preservation methods ______ free water content of the food
___% of adolescent or college age women suffer from ______
4%; bulimia nervosa
-smoking meats
popular food preservation techniques that have been used for centuries
-regular physical activity is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle
-ideally consisting of a total of at least 30 minutes (and preferably 60, especially if weight
loss/weight control is an issue) of aerobic activity on most (or all) days
-reduce the risk of chronic diseases (cardiovascular, obesity, Type 2 diabetes)
_______ using certain bacteria or yeast is a practical alternative
fermentation (food preservation)
traditionally, most researchers have reported that eating disorders primarily affect _____ and _____
middle- and upper-class Caucasian women
acidic and alcoholic fermentation products minimize the _________ of other microbes
growth (food preservation techniques)
-to consume a diet that includes moderate to high amounts of carbohydrates
-to select a variety of foods in accordance with MyPyramid
-to include grain, starchy vegetables and fruits to provide carbohydrates to maintain liver
and muscle glycogen stores
anyone who exercises vigorously (especially more than one hour per day) on a regular basis
needs these things
-freezing and canning
-chemical preservation
-aseptic processing
current food preservation techniques
anorexic individuals think they are fat and intensely fear ______________ and weight gain
-sterilizes food and packaging separately before the food enters the package
-sterile milk and fruit juices are examples
-allow products to be stored for years at room temperature
aseptic processing
applying the dietary principles of variety, balance and moderation to your exercise plan
-variety (different activities to exercise different muscles)
-balance (different activities that build cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility)
-moderation (exercise to keep fit without overdoing it)
-minimal doses of radiation used to control pathogens
-does not make the food radioactive
-radiation energy targets microbes present in the food
food irradiation
__% of individuals with ______ die from the disease
10%; anorexia
targets microbes present in the food
radiation energy
carbohydrate intake should be at least
5 grams per kg of body weight
-destroys microbial cell membranes and cell walls
-breakdown of microbial DNA
-links microbial proteins together
-limits microbial enzyme activity
radiation energy
_______ is the most common cause of death in anorexics
FDA approved the use of irradiation for raw red meat to reduce risk of ______
E. coli
healthy people
-gradual increase to a goal of regular physical activity
irradiated food, except for ____________ seasonings, must be labeled
_________ is the most common predictor of an eating disorder
extreme dieting
the international symbol of food irradiation is _______
aerobic training and endurance athletes (over 60 minutes per day)
may require as much as
7 grams per kg of body weight
pose the greatest risk for foodborne illness
less than 85% of expected weight or BMI of less than 17.5
can directly invade the intestinal wall and produce an __________ by a toxin contained in the organism
-older, inactive individuals or individuals with health problems
-physician consultation before increasing physical activity
-health concerns
____ can indirectly produce a toxin that is secreted into the food (intoxication)
bacteria; food (intoxication)
excessive exercise
bacteria do not have a ______
when exercise duration approaches several hours per day
carbohydrate recommendation increases up to
10 grams/kg of body weight
single celled microorganisms that lack organelles
possible bingeing/purging practices
some require oxygen for growth (aerobes); others grow in the absence of oxygen
-health concerns that need to be evaluated
-Health Problems
-cardiovascular disease or family history
-diabetes or family history
-shortness of breath after mild exertion
some produce endospores that resist high temperatures
is found primarily (but not exclusively) in adolescent girls, starting at or around puberty
________ bacteria have their optimum growth at human body temperature
disease causing
triathletes and marathoners should consider eating
500 to 600 grams of carbohydrates
per day
-______ and undercooked meats and fish
-poultry and eggs
-unpasteurized milk
-peanut butter
-food is contaminated by
raw (susceptible foods of Salmonella)
unrealistic expectations
Profile of the Typical Person with Anorexia Nervosa
-sanitary food handling practices
preventions of salmonella
first phase of a fitness program try to promote health
-incorporate short periods of physical activity into the daily routine
-walking, gardening, stair climbing and house cleaning
-goal is 30 minutes per day of this moderate type of physical activity
-time may be divided into 10 minute increments
-start with short intervals and build up to a total of 30 minutes of activity
-if time constraints occur, use any small periods of time for your physical activity
-these initial activities are not very vigorous
avoid unpasteurized raw eggs and undercooked eggs
preventions of salmonella
parents set high standards
Profile of the Typical Person with Anorexia Nervosa
proper refrigeration; thorough cooking of foods
preventions of salmonella
-prevents chronic fatigue
-loads muscle and liver cells with glycogen
carbohydrate increase
-undercooked beef (especially ground)
-fruits and vegetables (alfalfa sprouts)
-unpastuerized juice and milk
susceptible foods of Escherichia coli (0157:H7
typically manifested by an overbearing mother and an emotionally absent father
Profile of the Typical Person with Anorexia Nervosa
serious complication is hemolytic _______syndrome
uremic (Escherichia coli)
next phase involves more intense activities after you can perform physical activity for
minutes per day
-allows an increase in muscle strength and muscle mass
red blood cells are destroyed; kidney failure
hemolytic uremic syndrome
anorexic individuals focus of food, eating and weight instead of _________ relationships
-thorough cooking of ground beef
-avoid unpasteurized dairy products and untreated apple cider
preventions of Escherichia coli
athletes should obtain at least ____% of their total energy needs from carbohydrate
lives in the intestine of healthy cattle; cattle and cattle manure are chief sources
Escherichia coli
_______________ becomes the life focus (obsessive)
found in the _________ passages and on the skin
nasal; (Staphylococcus)
Guidelines for Designing a Fitness Program
aerobic activities
strength training
stretching activities
______-resistant toxin produced if food is left at room temperature for long periods of time
heat; (Staphylococcus)
often leads to abnormal eating habits and perceptions
Early Warning Signs of Anorexia
-hams and poultry
-potato salad, macaroni salads and other egg-based salads
-egg products and cream-filled pastries
susceptible foods of Staphylococcus
-pasta and rice
-potatoes and bread
-fruit and fruit juices
-many breakfast cereals
-sports drinks that are appropriate for carbohydrate loading
high-carbohydrate food choices
-sanitary food handling; cover cuts on the skin
-proper refrigeration
preventions of Staphylococcus
loss of menstrual cycle (hallmark of disease)
-first signs parents notice
-can multiply and grow at refrigeration temperatures
-one third of cases occur during pregnancy and can cause premature birth and stillbirth
-stretching 5 to 10 minutes
-start with smaller muscle groups (arms) and work toward larger muscle groups (legs and
-5 to 10 minutes of low intensity exercises
-walking, slow jogging
-warms the muscles and increases blood flow
-reduces the risk of injury
-increases the range of motion
-______ cheeses made with unpasteurized _______
-unpasteurized milk
-uncooked processed meats such as hot dogs
soft; milk (susceptible foods of Listeria)
-excessive diet soft drinks (up to 20 cans)
-excessive gum chewing (sugarless)
-300 to 600 total kcals per day
diet patterns change of anorexic nervosa
-sanitary food handling
-avoid unpasteurized milk
-thorough cooking of foods
preventions of Listeria
-reduces the risk of bloating
-reduces the risk of intestinal gases
dietary fiber during the final day of training
bacteria produce a neurotoxin in a non-acidic, anaerobic environment
Clostridium botulinum
predictable effects are caused by hormonal responses to and deficient nutrient intakes from
anorexic nervosa
incorrectly ______ foods (especially corn and green beans)
home-canned; (Clostridium botulinum)
aerobic activities
-recommended on a daily basis
-uses large muscle groups in rhythmic fashion
-brisk walking and running
-swimming and cycling
-cross country activities
-duration of 20 to 60 minutes (not counting warm-up or cooldown)
-frequency at least 5 days per week
-intensity 55% to 90% maximum heart rate or RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion) of 4 or above
-________ and corn syrup may carry bacterial endospores
-should not be given to infants less than one year of age
honey (Clostridium botulinum)
lowered body temperature and _________ intolerance (anorexic)
-proper canning techniques
-avoid cans that are bent or bulging
preventive measures of Clostridium botulinum
maximizes the amount of energy stored in the form of muscle glycogen
carbohydrate loading
neurotoxic symptoms include double vision, inability to swallow, speech difficulty and progressive paralysis of the respiratory system
may be fatal
Clostridium botulinum
reduced production of thyroid hormones
anorexic nervosa
-human carriers
-raw or undercooked ______________ (oysters)
-contaminated food and water
shellfish (Vibrio sources)
strength training
-resistance activities such as weight lifting, pilates, push-ups and pull-ups
-frequency of 2 to 3 days per week
-recommend 8 to 12 repetitions of 8 to 10 different exercises
-intensity enough to condition major muscle groups of both the upper and lower body
causative agent for cholera
iron deficiency anemia can lead to further weakness
anorexic nervosa
-handwashing after using the bathroom
-thorough cooking of seafood
-adequate water and sewage treatment
Vibrio preventions
-marathons and triathlons
-cross country skiing
-soccer and tournament play basketball
some appropriate activities for carbohydrate loading
essentially nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat
-down-like hairs that appear after a person has lost much body fat through semistarvation
-the hair stands erect and traps air, acting as insulation for the body to compensate
for the relative lack of body fat (that usually functions as insulation)
cannot grow in food that is harvested or slaughtered
stretching activities
-important in warm-ups and cooldown
-duration of 4 repetitions of 10 to 30 seconds per muscle group
-frequency of 2 to 3 times per week and also during warm-ups and cooldown
-5 to 10 minutes during warm-up and cooldown
require a living host cell to replicate
low blood potassium increases the risk of ________ rhythm disturbances.
heat (anorexic)
found in the human intestinal tract and feces
Norovirus (Norwalk virus)
-single basketball and football games
-weight lifting
-most track and field events; walking and hiking
some inappropriate activities for carbohydrate loading
filter feeders and are able to filter sufficient viral amounts from (fecal) sewage contaminated water
increases the risk of _______ later in life
osteoporosis (anorexic)
-foods prepared by infected food handlers (direct hand to food contact)
-shellfish from contaminated _____________
-fruits and vegetables contaminated during growing, harvesting and processing
waters (sources of Norovirus (Norwalk virus)
-5 to 10 minutes of low intensity activities
-5 to 10 minutes of stretching
-essential to prevent injury and soreness
-sanitary handling and adequate cooking of food
-use pure drinking water
-adequate sewage disposal
-good personal hygiene
Norovirus (Norwalk virus) preventions
intervention by friends and family members
treatment of anorexic nervosa
-sources include fecal-oral route that contaminates food, water or shellfish
-shellfish harvested from contaminated water
-foods prepared by infected food handlers
-fruits and vegetables contaminated during growing, harvesting and processing
hepatitis A virus
-water is stored in muscles with extra glycogen (3 grams of water with each
gram of glycogen)
-muscle stiffness and heaviness
-increased water weight can detract from performance
disadvantages of carbohydrate loading
-sanitary handling of foods
-use pure drinking water
-adequate sewage disposal
-adequate cooking of foods
-handwashing after using the bathroom
preventative measures of hepatitis A virus
hospitalization is necessary once a person falls below ____% of expected weight, experiences acute medical problems and/or exhibits severe psychological problems or suicidal risk
75% (anorexic nervosa)
includes molds, mildews, yeasts and mushrooms
intensity describes
how hard you are working and to what extent you can maintain that intensity over time (level of exertion)
most are decomposers that live on dead and decomposing matter
the first goal is to gain the patient’s cooperation and trust in order to increase oral food intake
focus then shifts to restoring appropriate food habits
(range of 2 to 3 pounds of weight gain per week is appropriate)
nutrition therapy for anorexia
molds produce _______
-diet containing up to __% of calories from fat is recommended for athletes
-monounsaturated sources (ex. canola oil) are emphasized
-saturated fat and trans fat intake should be limited
35%;Fat Needs
aflatoxins are a major example of a ______
rapid changes in electrolytes and minerals in the blood associated with
refeeding can be dangerous (especially ___________, phosphorus and
potassium (anorexic)
-found on beans, grains and peanuts that have been stored in a moist place
-can cause liver and/or kidney disease
mycotoxin (fungi)
determine your maximum heart rate
subtract your age from 220
-discard foods that are contaminated with visible mold
-proper storage of susceptible foods
preventions of fungi
who helps the person learn to eat based on natural _____________ and satiety cues?
registered dietician; hunger (anorexic)
organisms that live in or on another organism and derive nourishment from that organism
typical protein recommendations for athletes should range from
1.0 to 1.6 grams of protein/kg of
body weight
Trichinella spiralis
examples of Parasites
professionals have to work with anorexics to help moderate their __________ activity
-parasitic roundworm
-found in pork, bear and other ______ game
-thorough cooking is the best prevention
wild (Trichinella spiralis
to establish a range of
heart rates
multiply your maximum heart rate by 60% (0.60) and 90% (0.90)
thorough cooking is the best prevention
Trichinella spiralis
after physical problems are addressed, treatment focus shifts to the underlying _______ problems
emotional (anorexic)
-parasitic roundworm found in raw or undercooked _________
fish (Anisakis)
RDA of protein
.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for non-athletes
thorough cooking of fish is the best prevention
therapist can utilize _____________ behavior therapy
cognitive (anorexic)
-parasitic flatworms
-found in raw fish, beef and pork
to determine
heart rate
during exercise, count your pulse rate for 10 seconds and multiply by 6
-thorough cooking of animal products
preventative measures of tapeworms
nutrition therapy
psychological and related therapy
family therapy
Treatments of Anorexia Nervosa
humans acquire the disease from ingesting contaminated meat or from fecal contamination from handling cat __________
litter (Toxoplasma)
PCr and carbohydrate (not extra protein) primarily fuel the body during
strength-training activities
-parasitic protozoan found in water and contaminated food
-can be spread in water parks and community swimming _________
pools (Cryptosporidium)
may play a role in treating mood changes, anxiety or psychotic symptoms
Zyprexa (anorexia)
(Creutzfeldt-Jakob is the human variant)
Mad Cow Disease
heart rate range is called
the target zone
proteins can turn into infectious prions leading to _________
spongiform encephalopathy
-may stabilize recovery in patients with anorexia who have attained 85% of their expected body weight
-prolong ___________ activity in the brain which regulates mood and feelings of satiety
Prozac; serotonin (anorexia)
cooking does not destroy ______
-increases calcium loss in the urine
-leads to increased urine production (possibly compromising body hydration)
-may increase the risk of kidney stones
-a decrease in carbohydrate intake (in a high protein diet) may lead to fatigue
problems with excessive protein intake
dinoflagellates produce a red pigment; “red tide”
paralytic seafood poisoning
most common among college-aged successful females (although some high school students are at risk)
bulimia nervosa
some dinoflagellates produce a potent ________
at the start of an exercise program, aim for the
lower end of the target zone
-maintain or increase a food’s nutritional value
-preserve freshness
-increase shelf life
-enhance flavor or appearance
-aid in processing and preparation
the purposes of additives
susceptible people often have genetic factors and _______ patterns that predispose them to
becoming overweight
common food additives serve the general function of _______
-gymnastics or other events where low body weight is crucial
-vegetarian athletes
individuals that require balanced multivitamin and mineral supplement
use of ______ slow the action of oxygen requiring enzymes on food surfaces
unlike anorexics, bulimia's are at or slightly above a normal ____________
vitamin C, vitamin ____ and sulfites can act as preservatives
E; preservatives
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale
-includes a range of 1 to 10, with each number corresponding to a subjective feeling of
-“0” is nothing (sitting at a table) while “10” is maximal effort
-goal is to aim for “4” which corresponds to “somewhat strong”
-additives______added to foods by manufacturers
-~2800 different substances are intentionally added to foods
directly; 2800 (intentional food additives)
people with______recognize their behavior as abnormal
bulimia nervosa
-indirectly added as contamination
-environmental contamination of food ingredients
-contamination during the manufacturing process
-~______ different substances enter foods as contaminants
10,000 (incidental food additives)
increased ____________ use may require antioxidant protection
initiated in 1958; _________Additives List
Generally Recognized As Safe
_______ people tend to be impulsive; expressed in a variety of behaviors
the ____ is responsible for proving a substance does not belong on the GRAS list
convert energy from foods into ATP
body cells
natural chemicals may not be as safe as ______ chemicals
some studies demonstrate that bulimic individuals come from _____________ families
synthetic chemicals can be as safe as _______ chemicals
diet rich in antioxidants
-fruits and vegetables
-whole grains and vegetable oils
highest dose of the additive with no ______ is determined on the test animals
observable effects
-loose rules
-too little protection
-undefined family roles
-great deal of family conflict exists
characteristics of disengaged families (bulimia nervosa)
maximum dosage is divided by ___ to establish a margin of safety for human use
yields ATP
ADP + Pi + energy from foods
if an additive is shown to cause cancer, no margin of _____________ is allowed
-strict dieting
-taking diuretics or laxatives
-excessive exercise (hypergymnasia)
characteristics of bulimia nervosa
-a clause to the 1958 Food Additives Amendment of the Pure Food and Drug Act
-prevents the intentional addition to foods of a compound shown to cause ________ in
lab animals or humans
cancer (Delaney Clause)
antioxidant systems in the body increase in activity as
exercise training progresses
FDA cannot ban because they are not _______ added to a food
erosion of __________; swollen salivary glands
teeth (bulimia)
substance cannot contribute to more than 1 cancer case/lifetimes of 1 million people
incidental food additives
the breakdown of ATP yields
energy for cellular work + ADP + Pi
-identify the new additive
-provide its _____________ composition
-state how the additive is manufactured
-specify lab methods to measure its presence in the food supply at the amount of intended use
-provide proof the additive will accomplish its intended purpose
-establish that the ingredient is necessary for producing a specific food product
chemical (manufactures must provide this info to FDA before approval of food additive)
purchase of syrup of _____(induces _______________)
ipecac; vomiting (bulimia)
alternative sweeteners
antimicrobial agents
color additives
curing and pickling agents
flavors and flavoring agents
flavor enhancers
nutrient supplements
Examples of common food additives
iron is involved in oxygen transport, ____ blood cell production and energy production
-sweeten foods without adding more than a few calories
-some examples include saccharin, sucralose, aspartame and tagatose
-moderate use of these sweeteners is considered safe (except for aspartame in individuals with the
disease PKU)
Alternative Sweeteners
binge and purge at least ____ a week for ____ months
twice; three (bulimia)
-absorb moisture to keep table salt, baking soda or powdered sugar free-flowing and prevent caking and lumping
-include calcium silicate, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide
Anticaking Agents
high energy bonds
chemical bonds between the phosphates of ATP
-inhibit mold and fungal growth
-salt, sodium benzoate, calcium propionate and sorbic acid
Antimicrobial Agents
may last 30 minutes to two hours
what delays food discoloration from ____________ exposure
oxygen; Antioxidants
athletes on special diets such as low-calorie and vegetarian diets may be low in
reduce rancidity from the breakdown of fats
bulimics commonly consume high _______ convenience foods during binges (cakes, cookies, ice cream)
-maintain the color of lunchmeats; prevent the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines
ATP energy is used in the cell to accomplish cellular work
-ions pumping across membranes
-enzyme activity during cellular metabolism
-muscular contraction
-some examples
-BHA and BHT
-vitamin C and vitamin E
these foods may supply up to 3000 kcal or more during a binge
make foods appealing
Color Additives
distance runners should pay attention to iron intake because their intense workouts may
lead to
GI bleeding
-salt, nitrates and nitrites
-lunch meats and other cured meats
Curing and Pickling Agents
___% to ___% of food energy taken in is still absorbed prior to a purge
33% to 75% (bulimia)
prevents Clostridium botulinum growth
Curing and Pickling Agents
primary goal in the use of any fuel is to
make ATP
nitrate and nitrite consumption linked to nitrosamine synthesis in the stomach, esophagus and colon
Curing and Pickling Agents
if laxatives or enemas are used, up to __% of food calories (energy) are absorbed
some________ are cancer-causing agents (risk is low)
nitrosamines (Curing and Pickling Agents)
exercise causes blood plasma volume to expand (results in blood dilution)
sports anemia
adequate vitamin ____ reduces the risk of forming nitrosamines
C (Curing and Pickling Agents)
in “ ” bulimic individuals try to estimate the amount of _______ in a binge and exercise to counteract the excess
debting; calories
found in ice cream and mayonnaise
primary sources of ATP
-glucose (carbohydrates) and fatty acids (fat)
monoglycerides and lecithins
after a binge, they usually feel __________ and depressed
guilty (bulimia)
suspend _______ in water to improve uniformity, smoothness and body of foods
fat; Emulsifiers
reduced bone density increases the risk of
_________ due to acid content in vomit
teeth demineralization (bulimia)
-provide more flavor to foods
-natural and artificial flavors, sugar and corn syrup
Flavors and Flavoring Agents
small amount of available ATP
resting muscle cells
-help bring out the natural flavor of foods
-monosodium glutamate (MSG)
-found in Chinese foods and gravy mixes
Flavor Enhancers
majority of health problems associated with bulimia nervosa are associated with______
glycerol, propylene glycol and sorbitol are examples
low calcium intakes increases the risk for _________ fractures
retain ___________, texture and flavor in candies, shredded coconut and marshmallows
moisture; Humectants
decrease blood _________ levels with regular vomiting or use of certain diuretics can disrupt ____ and even result in sudden death
potassium; heart rhythms
-enhance the nutrient content of foods
-margarine, milk and ready-to-eat breakfast cereals
-vitamin and mineral supplements
Nutrient Supplements
available ATP can keep a muscle cell working only about
2 – 4 seconds
EDTA and _________ acid are examples
citric acid; Sequestrants
swollen _____________ glands
salivary (bulimia)
bind (sequester) free ions; reduce ability of ions to cause rancidity in fat containing products
average fluid needs for an adult are
~9 cups/day for women and ~13 cups/day for men
some foods contain a variety of _____ occurring substances that can cause illness
oxalic acid
herbal teas
Substances That Occur Naturally in Foods and Can Cause Illness
stomach _________ and bleeding
ulcers (bulimia)
-found in sassafras and nutmeg
-causes cancer when consumed in high doses
helps resupply ATP in working cells
-found in raw egg whites
-prevents the absorption of the vitamin biotin
______ tears
esophageal (bulimia)
-found in raw fish, clams and mussels
-destroys the vitamin ______________
thiamin; thiaminase
maintain body’s ability to regulate internal body temperature and keep cool
fluid intake
-found in pufferfish
-causes respiratory paralysis
ipecac syrup (induces vomiting)
is toxic to the __________, liver and kidneys
heart (bulimia)
-found in spinach
-binds _____ and iron thus limiting their absorption
calcium; oxalic acid
First Line of Defense for Resupplying ATP in Muscles
Phosphocreatine (PCr)
-___________ shoots and green spots on potato skins
-inhibits neurotransmitter action
-store potatoes in the dark to reduce the synthesis of solanine
potato; solanine
treatment should last at least _____ weeks
16 (bulimia)
heat production in contracting muscle can rise _______ above that of resting muscle
15 to 20 times
-contain senna or comfrey
-can cause diarrhea and liver damage
herbal teas
first goal is to ___________ the amount of food consumed in a binge session
decrease (bulimia)
a stimulant found as a natural or added ingredient in many beverages and _________________
stimulant; chocolate (caffeine)
high energy compound used to produce ATP
caffeine does not ______ in the body and is normally excreted quickly following consumption
accumulate; excreted
_______ improves a persons’ self-acceptance and helps one to be less concerned
about body weight
can cause anxiety, increased heart rate, insomnia, increased urination, diarrhea and GI
discomfort if consumed in high doses
an athlete should aim to replace the total amount of fluid lost during
regular coffee consumption has been linked to a ______ risk of colon cancer
______ is the only antidepressant approved by the FDA for treatment
of bulimia
heavy caffeine use mildly increases the amount of ___________ in the urine
yields ATP + Cr
new research suggests that _____ may reduce the risk of developing headaches, cirrhosis of the liver, some forms of kidney stones, some nerve-related diseases and possibly aids in blood glucose regulation
-correct misconceptions about food
-re-establish regular eating habits
nutritional counseling's two main goals
Potential Environmental and Other Contaminants in Our Food Supply
based on differences in body mass, environmental conditions, level of training, event
duration and genetics
fluid and electrolyte needs
children absorb lead easier than adults
bulimics tend to eat very quickly reflecting their difficulties with ___________
large predatory fish can accumulate high amounts of ______
converted into PCr
creatine (Cr) can accept a high energy phosphate
forms during fermentation of certain alcoholic beverages
binge-eating disorder, night eating syndrome and female athlete triad
other disordered eating patterns
-ensure a safe and adequate food supply
-help make foods available at a reasonable cost
beneficial effects of pesticides in food
goal is a loss of no more than___ of body weight during exercise
-chronic toxicity
-in humans, low concentrations of pesticides pose a danger in their cumulative
effect (over time)
-contamination of ground water supplies
-destruction of wildlife habitats
-enters and alters the food chain
detrimental effects of pesticides in food
defined as binge-eating episodes not accompanied by ___________ at least 2 times per week for
at least 6 months
purging (binge-eating disorder)
substances or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate any pest
if no other source of energy for ATP resupply were available,
PCr could probably maintain
maximal muscle contractions for ~ 10 seconds
includes insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides
40% are ________
males (binge eating disorder)
EPA allows ~10,000 _____ to be used containing some 300 active ingredients
pesticides; active
for every pound lost, ______ of water should be consumed during exercise or immediately after exercise
2.5 to 3 cups
primary reason for pesticide use is ________
economics (the use of agricultural chemicals increases production and lowers food costs)
-eating during a specific and discrete period of time
-consuming a larger amount of food than normal
-a sense of lack of control during the binge episodes
-eating more rapidly than normal
-eating until feeling uncomfortably full
characteristics of binge-eating disorder
many foods contain _______ occurring chemicals that are considered toxic
advantages of PCr ends up as a major energy source for events
lasting about 1 minute or less
-activated enzyme
-replenishes ATP at rates fast enough to meet energy demands of the fastest and most
powerful actions
-lifting and jumping
-throwing and sprinting
remove the outer leaves of leafy vegetables (lettuce, cabbage)
advice from the EPA to reduce dietary exposure to pesticides
triggered by anxiety or ______________
depression (binge-eating)
-trim fat from meat, fish and poultry; remove skin from poultry and fish
-some pesticide residues will collect and concentrate in fat tissue
advice from the EPA to reduce dietary exposure to pesticides
after exercise, ___ cups of fluid should be consumed for every pound lost
2.5 to 3
consume a wide variety of foods, especially fruits, vegetables and fish
advice from the EPA to reduce dietary exposure to pesticides
individuals engage in binge-eating in an attempt to avoid feeling and dealing with ____ and ____
emotional pain and anxiety
eat smaller, rather than larger species of freshwater game fish
advice from the EPA to reduce dietary exposure to pesticides
disadvantages of PCr ends up as a major energy source for events
lasting about 1 minute or less
-not enough made or stored in muscle for long-term use
-strength-training athletes are using creatine supplements in an effort to increase PCr in muscles
avoid lawns, gardens and flower beds that have been recently treated with
advice from the EPA to reduce dietary exposure to pesticides
eat food continually over an extended time period
grazing (binge-eating disorder))
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Agencies Responsible for Monitoring the Food Supply in the United States
improves athletic performance during endurance events or sports that require a high degree of alertness
some studies show caffeine
-responds to emergencies related to foodborne illness
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
purging or prolonged food restrictions are ____ characteristics of binge-eating disorder
ensures the safety and wholesomeness of all foods (except meat, poultry and processed egg products) in interstate commerce
most useful form of carbohydrate fuel
controls product (food) labels
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
food is used to reduce stress, produce feelings of power and well-being, avoid feelings of
intimacy with others and avoid life problems
binge-eating disorder
FDA regulates _________
can lead to shakiness, nervousness, anxiety, nausea and insomnia
excessive caffeine consumption
-regulates pesticides
use food as a _______
coping mechanism (binge-eating disorder)
Who establishes _________ quality standards
water; EPA
available to cells from the bloodstream
enforces wholesomeness and quality standards of agricultural products
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
binge-eating usually increases feelings of ________.
guilt, embarrassment and shame
control of agricultural pests by using natural predators, parasites or pathogens
biological pest management
diuretic effect of caffeine ____support optimal hydration
does not
___________ can be used to control an aphid infestation
some people that practice _______have been shaped by families that do not address and
express feelings in a healthful manner
-synthetic pesticides, fertilizers and hormones
-sewage sludge
-______ engineering and irradiation
genetic; components not allowed in the production of organic foods
-abundant in the liver and muscle cells
-involved in the storage of glucose
-important role in blood glucose regulation
consumers may opt for organic foods to encourage________ practices
sustainable agriculture
learn to respond to hunger rather than ______________ needs
emotional (binge-eating disorder)
-agricultural system that provides a secure living for farm families
-maintains the natural environment and resources
-supports the rural community
-help satisfy human food needs
Sustainable Agriculture
loss of body fluid and then depletion of blood volume
heat stress causes
-describes a growing demographic group focused on sustainable living
-many college students are joining this market segment and developing behaviors
associated with social responsibility
LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)
Overeaters Anonymous create an environment of encouragement and __________________
accountability (binge-eating disorder)
defined as someone who eats food grown or produced locally or within a certain radius
Anaerobic Glucose Breakdown Yields Energy Fast
-glucose is broken down into two 3-carbon molecules called pyruvic acid
-oxygen supply is limited (anaerobic condition)
provide a partnership between local food producers and local consumers
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
characterized by evening ______________ and nighttime awakening accompanied by the ingestion
of food
hyperphagia (night-eating syndrome)
-select frozen and perishable foods last when shopping
-sack separately to prevent drippings from contaminating other foods
-refrigerate or freeze ASAP
General Rules for Preventing Foodborne Illness
sweat loss during _____ exercise ranges from 3 to 8 cups per hour
-purchase only pasteurized juice, milk and cheese (especially important for pregnant women)
General Rules for Preventing Foodborne Illness
____ is eating more than one-_____ of the total daily calories after the evening meal
hyperphagia; one-third
wash hands before and after handling food with hot, soapy water for 20 seconds
Preparing Food
pyruvate (pyruvic acid) accumulates in the muscle cell and is converted into lactic acid
during intense activity
wash hands after restroom use to reduce fecal-oral contamination
Preparing Food
_____ rhythm of _____ intake appears to be disturbed in night eating syndrome
circadian; food (night eating syndrome)
microwaving sponges for 30 to 60 seconds helps to rid them of live ___________
an increase in ___________ results in slower evaporation rates and sweating is ineffective
marinate foods in the ____________
women participating in appearance-based and _______________ sports
endurane (female athlete triad)
USDA's Fight BAC Program
energy yield from a glucose molecule is extracted through anaerobic processes
only 5%
-only 2 net ATPs are produced
-choose foods processed for safety
-cook food thoroughly
-eat cooked foods immediately
-store cooked foods carefully
-reheat cooked foods thoroughly
World Health Organization’s Golden Rules for Safe Food Preparation
-disordered eating patterns
-compromised bone density (osteoporosis)
Components of female athlete triad
increased body temperature associated with dehydration is most evident when the amount of
water loss exceeds ___% of body weight
loss of menstrual periods in female athletes results from a decrease in female reproductive
hormones especially _______________
estrogen (female athlete triad)
advantage of Anaerobic Glucose Breakdown
-provides a fast re-supply of ATP (other than PCr breakdown)
-provides most of the energy needed for events that require a quick burst of energy
-useful for events ranging from about 30 seconds to 2 minutes
-examples include sprinting 400 meters or swimming 100 meters
-reduce preoccupation with food, weight and body fat
-gradually increase food/snacks to an appropriate amount
-achieve an appropriate weight for height
-establish regular menstrual periods
-decrease training time and/or intensity by 10% to 20%
treatment suggestions for female triad syndrome
-headache and dizziness
-profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting
-muscle weakness and visual problems
-flushing of the skin
common symptoms of heat exhaustion
provide information about normal changes that occur during _______________
puberty (preventing eating disorders)
disadvantages of Anaerobic Glucose Breakdown
-high rate of ATP production cannot be sustained for long periods of time
-rapid accumulation of lactic acid increases muscle acidity
-lactic acid activity thus inhibits muscle cell enzymes
correct misconceptions about nutrition, healthy body weight and approaches to weight loss
-healthful outlook toward food and body weight
preventing eating disorders
treatment for heat exhaustion
-take to a cool environment and remove excess clothing
-sponge body with tap water
-fluid replacement
-teach basics of proper nutrition and regular physical activity in school and at ___________
home (preventing eating disorders)
the life of lactic acid
-builds up in active muscle cells until it is released into the bloodstream
-the liver converts lactic acid back into glucose
-glucose reenters the bloodstream and is available for body cells
-enhance tolerance for ____ in body weight and shape and personal food choices
diversity (preventing eating disorders)
occur in individuals who have experienced large sweat losses from exercising several hours
in a hot climate and consumed large amounts of water without replacing _________ losses
-promote healthful food practices
preventing eating disorders
the major fast-paced anaerobic fuel is
focuses on __________________, as opposed to restriction and perfection
moderation (changes to be made in society)
heat cramps occur in ___________ muscle
______ is a complex hormonal disorder and is a leading cause of ____________
PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome); infertility
Sustained Energy Source
Aerobic Glucose Breakdown
-hormonal imbalance causes tiny cysts to surround the ______________ like a chain of pearls
ovaries (PCOS)
heat cramps consist of a contraction lasting ______ at a time
1 to 3 minutes
-difficulty losing weight
-intense cravings for carbohydrates
-irregular or absent periods
-these symptoms have a direct effect on body image and self-esteem; relationship
between PCOS and eating disorders is suspected
signs and symptoms of PCOS
aerobic conditions
oxygen is available
internal body temperature of 104oF or more
heat stroke
pyruvic acid enters the mitochondria of a cell
during moderate or light exercise
during a heat stroke __________ ceases and blood circulation is reduced
organelles within the cell that are sites of energy production (ATP)
during a heat stroke skin is hot and _________
converted in the mitochondria into carbon dioxide and water
pyruvic acid (during aerobic glucose breakdown)
-nausea and irritability
-confusion and poor coordination
-seizures and in severe cases, coma
heat stroke symptoms
waste products from glucose breakdown
carbon dioxide and water
treatment for heat stroke
-administer ice packs or cold water to the skin
-seek medical help
-aerobic metabolism contributes
95% of the ATP from glucose
-releases more energy than anaerobic processes
sports that require less than 60 minutes of exertion or when total weight loss is less than 5 – 6
pounds the primary concern is ____ replacement
supplies energy more slowly
for exercise that extends beyond 60 minutes ___________ (sodium) and carbohydrate
replacement becomes important (as well as water)
supply energy for activities lasting 2 minutes to 3 hours hours or more
components of a sports drink
water, carbohydrate, and electrolytes
jogging or distance swimming
endurance activities
-include sodium, potassium and chloride
-enhance water and glucose absorption from the intestine
-stimulates thirst
-help maintain blood volume
electrolytes in a sports drink
lactic acid is not produced
-provide glucose
-aids in flavor, encouraging individuals to drink
-helps delay fatigue during endurance sports
-typically contains 6% to 8% sugar
carbohydrates in a sports drink
use carbohydrate, fat and protein fuels
slow and steady aerobic activities
light meal supplying up to ____ kcal should be eaten ____before an endurance event
1000; 2 to 4 hours
Carbohydrate Feedings
-30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates/hour
-aid in maintaining adequate blood glucose levels
-delay fatigue by 30 to 60 minutes
prolonged exercise decreases _____ and low levels of blood glucose leads to physical and mental fatigue
muscle glycogen stores; low levels of blood glucose
-without blood glucose maintenance there is a
decline in mental function
consumption of ____ during activity is not likely to translate into better performance
cyclists refer to diminished mental ability
carbohydrate rich foods providing about _____ grams of carbohydrate/kg should be consumed within ___ hours after endurance exercise
1 to 2; 2
related to a decrease in liver glycogen stores (not muscle)
the fall of blood glucose
muscles are very ______________ sensitive
carbohydrate intake during exercise is not as important in shorter events because the
muscles do not take up much blood glucose during short-term exercise
high-glycemic load carbohydrates contribute to _______
glycogen synthesis
primarily from muscle glycogen stores
carbohydrate energy
-availability of adequate carbohydrate
-ingestion of carbohydrate as soon as possible after completion of exercise
-selection of high-glycemic load carbohydrates
key factors for achieving the most rapid replenishment of muscle glycogen after exercise
The Main Fuel for Prolonged Low-Intensity Activity
aid is a mechanical, nutritional, psychological, pharmacological or physiological
substance or treatment intended to directly improve exercise performance
majority of stored energy is found in
fatty acids
-sufficient water and electrolytes
-lots of carbohydrates
-balanced and varied diet consistent with MyPyramid
ergogenic aids
each triglyceride (from fat stores) break down and yields
glycerol and three fatty acid chains
-artichoke hearts and bee pollen
-freeze-dried liver flakes and seaweed
-dried adrenal glands from cattle and consumption of salt tablets
ineffective substances
fatty acids are released from
adipose tissue and enter the bloodstream
-rationale is to increase PCr in muscles, increase ATP concentration
-may improve performance in weightlifting or sprinting
-little is known about the long-term use
fatty acids travel to muscle cells and are
metabolized aerobically to yield carbon dioxide and water
-rationale is to counter lactic acid build-up
-may be effective in wrestling
-nausea and diarrhea may occur
sodium bicarbonate
more fatty acids released from fat stores means
more will be used by muscle cells
-rationale is to increase the use of fatty acids for muscle fuel and promote
mental alertness
-may provide energy for some athletes
some athletes try to increase blood fatty acid levels by consuming
-leucine, isoleucine and valine
-energy source if carbohydrates are depleted
-carbohydrate feeding may negate the need for BCAA supplements
branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)
illegal under NCAA rules if caffeine levels exceed the equivalent of
6 – 8 cups
of coffee
anabolic steroids
growth hormone
blood doping
dangerous or illegal substances/practices
fat stores tend to be
hormone involved in blood doping to increase RBC number
for lengthy, moderate-paced activities fat supplies
70% to 90% of energy required
the fast paced (anaerobic) fuel is
slow and steady (aerobic) activity uses much
fat in addition to carbohydrate
muscle cells produce more _______ and thus can burn more fat
the number of muscle capillaries increase thus
elevating oxygen supply
Protein: A Minor Fuel Source, Primarily for _____
Endurance Exercise
can be used to fuel muscle cells
amino acids
contributes very little to general energy needs
protein supplies ~ 5% of ______
the body’s general energy needs
proteins contribute ______ in endurance exercises, especially as _____ stores decrease.
10 %-15%; glycogen
most of the energy supplied from protein comes from
the metabolism of branched-chain
amino acids - isoleucine, leucine and valine
protein not a primary fuel in ______________ exercises like weightlifting
primary muscle fuels for those short bursts of activity
phosphocreatine and carbohydrate
provides energy during the resting stages
consuming _____, _____ foods immediately after a weight training workout enhances the muscle building effect
high-carbohydrate, moderate-protein
athletic performance determinants
-athletic training
-genetic make-up
-diet can enhance and maximize athletic potential
calorie needs depend on ______
-depends on body size and body composition
-depends on the type of athletic training or competition
estimates average ______ to sustain moderate activities
5 to 8 kcals per minute
method's to estimate athlete's body fat percentage
-skinfold thickness
-bioelectrical impedance
-underwater weighing
body fat ranges
-5% to 18% for most male athletes
-17% to 28% for most female athletes
if an athlete has too much body fat composition
-lower food intake 200 to 500 kcals per day
-maintain a regular exercise program until desired fat % is attained
if weight gain is required by an athlete
-increase food intake 500 to 700 kcals per day
-mix of carbohydrate, fat and protein intake is advised
-coupled with exercise, this weight gain needs to be in the form of lean tissue
and not fat stores