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106 Cards in this Set

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eating stimulates the release of ___________________ (serotonin)
eating stimulates the release of natural ____, including _____,
opioids; endorphins
-mild and short-term changes in eating patterns
-occur in relation to a stressful event, an illness or a desire to change
diet for a variety of health and personal appearance reasons
disordered eating
_____ involves ________ changes associated with food restriction, binge eating, purging and weight fluctuations
eating disorders; physiological
anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, these disorders tend to occur in females (___:1 ratio with males)
eating disorders frequently develop during ______ or _____ and frequently co-occur with psychological disorders such as ____ and ______.
adolescence or early adulthood; depression, anxiety and
substance abuse
psychological loss or denial of appetite followed by self-starvation
anorexia nervosa
anorexia implies a loss of ______________
bulimia means “great ____________”
great hunger
___% of adolescent or college age women suffer from ______
4%; bulimia nervosa
traditionally, most researchers have reported that eating disorders primarily affect _____ and _____
middle- and upper-class Caucasian women
anorexic individuals think they are fat and intensely fear ______________ and weight gain
__% of individuals with ______ die from the disease
10%; anorexia
_______ is the most common cause of death in anorexics
_________ is the most common predictor of an eating disorder
extreme dieting
less than 85% of expected weight or BMI of less than 17.5
excessive exercise
possible bingeing/purging practices
is found primarily (but not exclusively) in adolescent girls, starting at or around puberty
unrealistic expectations
Profile of the Typical Person with Anorexia Nervosa
parents set high standards
Profile of the Typical Person with Anorexia Nervosa
typically manifested by an overbearing mother and an emotionally absent father
Profile of the Typical Person with Anorexia Nervosa
anorexic individuals focus of food, eating and weight instead of _________ relationships
_______________ becomes the life focus (obsessive)
often leads to abnormal eating habits and perceptions
Early Warning Signs of Anorexia
loss of menstrual cycle (hallmark of disease)
-first signs parents notice
-excessive diet soft drinks (up to 20 cans)
-excessive gum chewing (sugarless)
-300 to 600 total kcals per day
diet patterns change of anorexic nervosa
predictable effects are caused by hormonal responses to and deficient nutrient intakes from
anorexic nervosa
lowered body temperature and _________ intolerance (anorexic)
reduced production of thyroid hormones
anorexic nervosa
iron deficiency anemia can lead to further weakness
anorexic nervosa
-down-like hairs that appear after a person has lost much body fat through semistarvation
-the hair stands erect and traps air, acting as insulation for the body to compensate
for the relative lack of body fat (that usually functions as insulation)
low blood potassium increases the risk of ________ rhythm disturbances.
heat (anorexic)
increases the risk of _______ later in life
osteoporosis (anorexic)
intervention by friends and family members
treatment of anorexic nervosa
hospitalization is necessary once a person falls below ____% of expected weight, experiences acute medical problems and/or exhibits severe psychological problems or suicidal risk
75% (anorexic nervosa)
the first goal is to gain the patient’s cooperation and trust in order to increase oral food intake
focus then shifts to restoring appropriate food habits
(range of 2 to 3 pounds of weight gain per week is appropriate)
nutrition therapy for anorexia
rapid changes in electrolytes and minerals in the blood associated with
refeeding can be dangerous (especially ___________, phosphorus and
potassium (anorexic)
who helps the person learn to eat based on natural _____________ and satiety cues?
registered dietician; hunger (anorexic)
professionals have to work with anorexics to help moderate their __________ activity
after physical problems are addressed, treatment focus shifts to the underlying _______ problems
emotional (anorexic)
therapist can utilize _____________ behavior therapy
cognitive (anorexic)
nutrition therapy
psychological and related therapy
family therapy
Treatments of Anorexia Nervosa
may play a role in treating mood changes, anxiety or psychotic symptoms
Zyprexa (anorexia)
-may stabilize recovery in patients with anorexia who have attained 85% of their expected body weight
-prolong ___________ activity in the brain which regulates mood and feelings of satiety
Prozac; serotonin (anorexia)
most common among college-aged successful females (although some high school students are at risk)
bulimia nervosa
susceptible people often have genetic factors and _______ patterns that predispose them to
becoming overweight
unlike anorexics, bulimia's are at or slightly above a normal ____________
people with______recognize their behavior as abnormal
bulimia nervosa
_______ people tend to be impulsive; expressed in a variety of behaviors
some studies demonstrate that bulimic individuals come from _____________ families
-loose rules
-too little protection
-undefined family roles
-great deal of family conflict exists
characteristics of disengaged families (bulimia nervosa)
-strict dieting
-taking diuretics or laxatives
-excessive exercise (hypergymnasia)
characteristics of bulimia nervosa
erosion of __________; swollen salivary glands
teeth (bulimia)
purchase of syrup of _____(induces _______________)
ipecac; vomiting (bulimia)
binge and purge at least ____ a week for ____ months
twice; three (bulimia)
may last 30 minutes to two hours
bulimics commonly consume high _______ convenience foods during binges (cakes, cookies, ice cream)
these foods may supply up to 3000 kcal or more during a binge
___% to ___% of food energy taken in is still absorbed prior to a purge
33% to 75% (bulimia)
if laxatives or enemas are used, up to __% of food calories (energy) are absorbed
in “ ” bulimic individuals try to estimate the amount of _______ in a binge and exercise to counteract the excess
debting; calories
after a binge, they usually feel __________ and depressed
guilty (bulimia)
_________ due to acid content in vomit
teeth demineralization (bulimia)
majority of health problems associated with bulimia nervosa are associated with______
decrease blood _________ levels with regular vomiting or use of certain diuretics can disrupt ____ and even result in sudden death
potassium; heart rhythms
swollen _____________ glands
salivary (bulimia)
stomach _________ and bleeding
ulcers (bulimia)
______ tears
esophageal (bulimia)
ipecac syrup (induces vomiting)
is toxic to the __________, liver and kidneys
heart (bulimia)
treatment should last at least _____ weeks
16 (bulimia)
first goal is to ___________ the amount of food consumed in a binge session
decrease (bulimia)
_______ improves a persons’ self-acceptance and helps one to be less concerned
about body weight
______ is the only antidepressant approved by the FDA for treatment
of bulimia
-correct misconceptions about food
-re-establish regular eating habits
nutritional counseling's two main goals
bulimics tend to eat very quickly reflecting their difficulties with ___________
binge-eating disorder, night eating syndrome and female athlete triad
other disordered eating patterns
defined as binge-eating episodes not accompanied by ___________ at least 2 times per week for
at least 6 months
purging (binge-eating disorder)
40% are ________
males (binge eating disorder)
-eating during a specific and discrete period of time
-consuming a larger amount of food than normal
-a sense of lack of control during the binge episodes
-eating more rapidly than normal
-eating until feeling uncomfortably full
characteristics of binge-eating disorder
triggered by anxiety or ______________
depression (binge-eating)
individuals engage in binge-eating in an attempt to avoid feeling and dealing with ____ and ____
emotional pain and anxiety
eat food continually over an extended time period
grazing (binge-eating disorder))
purging or prolonged food restrictions are ____ characteristics of binge-eating disorder
food is used to reduce stress, produce feelings of power and well-being, avoid feelings of
intimacy with others and avoid life problems
binge-eating disorder
use food as a _______
coping mechanism (binge-eating disorder)
binge-eating usually increases feelings of ________.
guilt, embarrassment and shame
some people that practice _______have been shaped by families that do not address and
express feelings in a healthful manner
learn to respond to hunger rather than ______________ needs
emotional (binge-eating disorder)
Overeaters Anonymous create an environment of encouragement and __________________
accountability (binge-eating disorder)
characterized by evening ______________ and nighttime awakening accompanied by the ingestion
of food
hyperphagia (night-eating syndrome)
____ is eating more than one-_____ of the total daily calories after the evening meal
hyperphagia; one-third
_____ rhythm of _____ intake appears to be disturbed in night eating syndrome
circadian; food (night eating syndrome)
women participating in appearance-based and _______________ sports
endurane (female athlete triad)
-disordered eating patterns
-compromised bone density (osteoporosis)
Components of female athlete triad
loss of menstrual periods in female athletes results from a decrease in female reproductive
hormones especially _______________
estrogen (female athlete triad)
-reduce preoccupation with food, weight and body fat
-gradually increase food/snacks to an appropriate amount
-achieve an appropriate weight for height
-establish regular menstrual periods
-decrease training time and/or intensity by 10% to 20%
treatment suggestions for female triad syndrome
provide information about normal changes that occur during _______________
puberty (preventing eating disorders)
correct misconceptions about nutrition, healthy body weight and approaches to weight loss
-healthful outlook toward food and body weight
preventing eating disorders
-teach basics of proper nutrition and regular physical activity in school and at ___________
home (preventing eating disorders)
-enhance tolerance for ____ in body weight and shape and personal food choices
diversity (preventing eating disorders)
-promote healthful food practices
preventing eating disorders
focuses on __________________, as opposed to restriction and perfection
moderation (changes to be made in society)
______ is a complex hormonal disorder and is a leading cause of ____________
PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome); infertility
-hormonal imbalance causes tiny cysts to surround the ______________ like a chain of pearls
ovaries (PCOS)
-difficulty losing weight
-intense cravings for carbohydrates
-irregular or absent periods
-these symptoms have a direct effect on body image and self-esteem; relationship
between PCOS and eating disorders is suspected
signs and symptoms of PCOS