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38 Cards in this Set

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Cancer warning signs:
C= change in bowel or bladder
A= a lesion that wont heal
U=unusual bleeding or discharge
T=thickening or lump
I=indigestion or diff. swallowing
O=obvious changes in wart/mole
N= Nagging cough or persistent hoarseness
Hypermetabolic state due to:
rapid and uncontrolled growth of cancer.
muscle breakdown
are all concerns.

Elevated BUN and Uric Acid
Confirmation of DX:
via biopsy
Staging of cancer:
cancer is stages I through IV

from least invasive to most aggressive

Stage I: local in one body part
Stage II: locally advanced
Stage III: More Advanced. Determined by type of cancer
Stage IV: Metastasized to other organs
Treatment: Chemo:
the more aggressive the CA, the more aggressive the TX.

Combination of chemo agents, and radiation along with surgery may be used.

Chemotherapy used to targer rapidly growing cells

Antiemetics before chemo
TX: Antineoplastics:
bone marrow suppression

Monitor for signs and symptoms

Avoid infections incl. coming in contact with anyone who has received a live vaccine
chemo can cause:
stomatitis: use soft tooth brush or gentle spray

Alopecia associated with Chemo

peripheral neuropathy
(both can be reversed if caught early)
Immune modulating agents:
Interleukin and interferon used to boost immune system to fight CA
Cisplatin (Platinol)
adverse reaction is ototoxicity with hearing loss or tinnitus
Cyclophostphamide (Cytoxan)
Hemorrhagic cystitis is adverse reaction. consume large amounts of fluids during therapy
Daunorubicin (Cerubidine)
Causes N & V
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
can cause stomatitis and hyperuricemia
Imatinib (Gleevec)
Monitor for bleeding tendancies
Monitor drug levels due to potential for toxicity
Melphalan (Alkeran)
monitor for leucopenia
Leucovorin (Wellcovorin)
used to diminish toxicity of folic acid antagonists such as methotrexate
used for acute lymphocytic anemia. Can have anaphylactic reaction.

Epinephrine and O2 n hand when administered
used frequently in combo with chemo for leukemia
may be given to prevent uric acid buildup and kidney damage
crowding of the bone marrow due to overproduction of white blood cells

can be acute or chronic

both types seen more often in adults

May be lymphocytic or myelocytic

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
primarily seen in kids.

"The LITTLE guys"

Acutye Myelocytic Leukemia
primarily in adults and more prominment in males.

"The MEN"

Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia
may only live 2 years. The are MADE for heaven.

Those with CML have splenomegaly. Usually have to have spleenectomy

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
can live 10 yers. They are chronic and LIVE LONGER
Hodgkin's Lymphoma:
type of lymphoma characterized by orderly speak of disease from one lymph node group to another.

systemic symptoms develop with advanced disease

Hodgkins DX & TX:
Reed-Sternburg cells present in biopsy of lymph nodes

Staging laparotomy performed to determine extent and TX

TX with combo radiation and chemo which can result in a cure

Alopecia common with TX

Monitor alkaline phosphatase. Increase may indicate metastasis to bone or liver
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma:
Cancer of the cells of the lymph system.

May occur in single lymph node, a group of nodes or an organ such as the spleen.

Lymphoma can spread to almost any part of body inc: liver, bone, bone marrow and spleen. Overtime, the lymphoma cells replace normal cells in marrow.
type of neoplasm that originates in lymphocytes

many types such as poorly differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma whic is tx with radiation.

This type has a better prognosis that other types
Multiple myeloma:
type of CA of the plasma cells in bone marrow which are the cells that produce antibodies.
Multiple myeloma tumors:
present in the bone and displace calcium from the bone into blood stream.

Dec. RBC, WBC and platelets
Inc. BUN, creatinine, Ca+

Monitor for signs of hypercalcemia
S & S of hypercalcemia:
mental dullness
dec. reflexes
weakness and fatigue
signs of dehydration

Protein and high calcium levels can lead to renal failure,.
Bence Jones protein
seen in urine in Multiple Myeloma
Bone marrow biopsy:
shows large plasma cells and confirms diagnosis of myeloma
Tx of multiple myeloma:
combo chemo and bone marrow transplant (if young)

Will be immunocompromised

Up and wt. bearing activity recommended

High caloric intake with adequate fiber
Clinical correlation of Chemo:
chemo is elimiated in urine

blood, emesis, urine and any excretion should be considered contaminated.

Gloves should be worn

Contaminated linens, wash seperately, twice if necessary

All contaminated disposable items should be sealed in plastic bags and put into biohazard containers

those receiving chemo should not share bathroom with family, children or those who may be or are pregnant
Bladder instillation
(intravesicle) chemo for bladder CA

Urine is a biohazard

Disinfect urine and the the toilet for 6 hours after TX
done Mon - Fri at center

avoid lotions at site of radiation

localized skin reactions occur

avoid sun exposure to site

radiation implants may be perm. or temporary

Radon seeds may be implaced for oral CA.

side effects include nausea and vomiting

Cleanse mouth with gentle spray

Private room to decrease exposure to others
Common fears of radiation:
being radioactive afterwards

fear of being burned

TX failure and side effects. Incl. fatigue, nausea and vomiting