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73 Cards in this Set

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Causes of pancreatitis

acute cause: alcohol & gallbladder disease

chronic cause: alcohol

S&S of pancreatitis

pain increases when eating;

rigid board-like abdomen;



abdominal mass;



Dx of pancreatitis

increased serum lipase and amylase;

increased WBC;

high blood sugar;

ALT AST liver enzymes increase

bilirubin increase;

Normal lab value H&H

hemoglobin male: 14-18

female: 12-16

hematocrit male: 42-52

female: 37-47

Normal lab value for amylase


Normal lab value for lipase


Tx for pancreatitis

1. control pain by

- decreasing gastric secretions (NPO, NGT) which keeps stomach dry and empty

- morphine, fentanyl patches

2. give steroids (decrease inflammation)

3. anticholinergics (dries up)

- benztropine, atropine, diphenoxylate

4. GI protectants

GI protectants

pantoprazole, ranitidine, famotidine, antacids

Why do you want to give insulin to someone with pancreatitis?

- steroids make BG go up

- pancreas are sick so might not produce it

- may be getting TPN

4 major function of the liver

- makes clotting factors

- synthesizes albumin

- breaks down drugs

- detoxifies body

What is the antidote for Tylenol overdose?


What is the cause of portal HTN?

scar liver tissue that alters circulation

S&S of cirrhosis

firm, nodular liver

abdominal pain

GI upset

change in bowel habits



decrease in serum albumin

increase in ALT & AST


can progress to hepatic encephalopathy/coma

NH4 acts like?


Dx of cirrhosis

liver biopsy

- clotting studies pre-procedure: PT, INR, aPTT

how do you position liver biopsy pt?

supine; right arm behind head

exhale and hold breath to get diaphragm out of the way

post-liver biopsy procedure

lie on the right side;

worry about bleeding

Tx of cirrhosis

antacids, vitamins, diuretics;

prevent bleeding;

measure abdominal girth;


good skin care for jaundice;

avoid narcotics because liver cannot metabolize;

decrease protein (increases NH4); low Na diet

what are you worried about for paracentesis?

throwing them into shock

Protein breaks down into


What converts ammonia (NH4) into urea?


What excretes urea?


S&S of hepatic coma

decreased LOC;

difficult to awake;


decreased reflexes;

breath smells like acetone;

GI bleeders

Tx of hepatic coma

lactulose (decrease NH4)

cleansing enemas (removes old blood)

decreases protein in the diet

monitor serum NH4

explain bleeding esophageal varices

portal HTN causes collateral circulation to form in the esophagus

When does bleeding esophageal varices become a problem?


Tx of bleeding esophageal varices

replace blood;

vital signs;


oxygen (anemic);

balloon tamponade;

cleansing enema;


saline lavage

what is the common cause of GI bleeding?

peptic ulcers

where can you find peptic ulcers?

esophagus, stomach, duodenum

S&S of peptic ulcers

burning pain in mid-epigastric area


Dx of peptic ulcers

gastroscopy - EGD or endoscopy

upper GI

pre-procedure gastroscopy?

NPO; sedated

post-procedure gastroscopy?

NPO until gag reflex returns;

watch for perforation by watching for PAIN or bleeding

Tx of bleeding esophageal varies

- meds & - teaching

liquid antacids (coats stomach);

proton pump inhibitors

H2 antagonist

antibiotics for H. Pylori

decrease stress

stop smoking

follow up for a year

avoid extra spicy food or caffeine or extremes

when do you take antacids?

when stomach is empty and at bedtime so antacid can get on the ulcer

proton pump inhibitors

omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole

H2 antagonist

ranitidine; famotidine

explain hiatal hernia & cause

hole in diaphragm so large hat stomach moves up into the thoracic cavity; large abdomen is cause

S&S of hiatal hernia


fullness after eating;


dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)

Tx of hiatal hernia


small frequent meals;

sit up 1 hour after eating;

elevate HOB


explain dumping syndrome

stomach empties too quickly after eating secondary to gastric bypass, gastrectomy

S&S of dumping syndrome







Tx of dumping syndrome

semi-recumbent with meals;

LIE DOWN after meals;

no fluids with meals;

small and frequent meal;

avoid high carbs and high electrolytes because they empty fast

which side of stomach do you lay on to keep food in?

left side

which side of stomach do you lay on to release food?

right side

explain ulcerative colitis

large intestine inflammatory bowel disease

crohn's disease

inflammation and erosion of the ileum but can be found anywhere in the small or large intestines

S&S of crohn's or ulcerative colitis


rectal bleeding;

weight loss;





rebound tenderness

what does rebound tenderness indicate?

peritoneal inflammation

dx of ulcerative colitis or CRohn's



barium enema

pre-procedure colonoscopy

clear liquid diet for 12-24 hours;

NPO 6-8 hours pre-procedure;

avoid NSAIDs;

laxatives or enemas until clear

polyethylene glycol drink;


post-op colonoscopy WARNING SIGN

pain or discomfort - PERFORATION!

Tx of ulcerative colitis or CRohn's

- diet & meds


low fiber to limit GI motility to save fluids;

avoid extreme foods and smoking because they can all increase motility


antidiarrheals; antibiotics; steroids

Surgery for ulcerative colitis

J pouch or Koch's

Surgery for CrohnS

may remove only affected area;

ileostomy or colostomy

ileostomy care

drain liquids so don't have to irrigate;

avoid hard to digest foods;


stay hydrated

colostomy care

you irrigate for descending and sigmoid for regularity

what type of stool will ascending and transverse colon have?

semi liquid stools

what position do you lie when you are irrigating an ostomy? or doing an enema?

lying on the left side

if the pt gets a cramp while giving an enema, what do you do?

stop the fluids and lower the bag OR check temperature of the fluid

after intermittent bolus feeding, which side do you lie pt on?

right side because it empties well

cause of appendicitis

low fibers diet

S&S of appendicitis

localized RLQ pain (McBurney's point)

rebound tenderness



if appendix ruptures, the pt can go into


if appendix ruptures, place pt in

right side bc bowel contents will stay confined

what do you NOT give to appendicitis Pts?

enema or laxatives because you don't want to cause perforation

Tx of appendicitis

laparoscope surgery

after appendectomy, what position?

elevate HOB; decrease pressure on abdomen

what is needed for TPN?

central line;


dedicated line;

24 hour hung;

tubing change with new bag;

blood sugar check q6;

taking insulin

when assisting physician to insert a central line, what position does the pt need to be in?

trendelenberg to distend veins

if air gets into the line, what position is pt in?

left side trendelenberg

how do you avoid getting air in the central line?

clamp it off; valsalva; deep breath and hum

what do we check for in X-ray of central line?


no pneumothorax