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87 Cards in this Set

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What is the most contraversial acbout Freud's theory
The Odipus/Electra complex
Who introduced us to the Logo Therapy
Who intoduced us to the Defense mechanism AND why are we still talking about them
Frued inroduced us to the 8 defense mechanism And counselors are still using them in counseling even if they are not Freudians or Neofreudians
+What is Psychometric?
Mental testing or measurment
What kind of critisism has Jean Piaget's theory gotten?
His findings were based on his own children. Amd Piaget was atrained biologist.
Describe conservation thinking/
one can see reversibility. the same amount in two diffrent types of containers like the tall glass
Who expanede Piaget conseptualization of moral development?
Lawrence Kohlberg. He is the leading theorist in moral development
Define Preoperational??
The child view the world from their vantage
How many levels of moral did Kohlberg sugget in his theory
pre conventional
Where dies the term identity crisis come from?
Erikson and it occurs at the generativity vs staganation era around 35-45 years old
The highest level of moral is called_____ according to Kohlberg?
post conventional It focese on self imposed moral and ethics. wanting to do better one wants to even when no one is watching.
What kind of development direction did Piaget and Kohlberg talk about?
they said it was sequential development which moves from lower to a higher stage. however none of us reaches the highest level
Name two maturationist?
Frued and Erikson. They believed that behavior is guded exclusively via heredity factors and that certsain behavior manifest itself with certain stimuli Key words: Instinct, drives
Who is John Bowley?
He is assoiciated with bonding and attachment he believed that in order to lead a normal social life a child must bond with an adult parent or guardian before the age of three if the realtionship is not formed the indivdual will have problems later on in life. attachment theory These indivudals will have diffuclty with normal realtionshiops
Who is known for the the work with maternal deprived monekies ?
Harry Harlow
he had the monkies with wire mom monky vs cloth mom monkey the monkies all wanted the cloth monky. He also stated that infants that did not recieve marternal care develop possibly more difficulty sleping cried more ect
The counselor helps the client to cope with the environment the changes are withon
the counselor helps the client by changing external factirs of the environment
Who is Daniel Levinson and why is he impoortant ?
He wrte the book the "seasons of a man" he paid attention to the adult cycle of an adult the book that he wrote was heavily critized beacuse it only focuses on men only!!! each satble period on a mans life the roles were set uo for the indiviual however during the transition the roles were less satble according to Levinson
Name Four key behaviorist??
Ivan Palvo
J. Wolpe
Describe behaviorist theory
Blank slate~tabla rasa
the mind is like a computer
the environment is impotant when dealing with the human development. All behavior presumed to be result from learning the theraputic goal is to create new new condions for learning classical conditioning
operant conditioning, vicarious conditioning
verbal physical sexual viloence that result in psychological trauma
Making assessment based on the persons age. Being predjudice
A person with both masculine and femenine characteristics
Augmented family
this inclused non realatives that have become like realaitives because they may live together with the family for a long time
speaks more than one language
Blended family
Remarried familes step mom step dad step son ect
Issues include readjusment, appropriate family realtions
The counselors value traditional may interfere with the theraputic experience
Culture bond values
to impose ones value to the the client culture encapsulated
Coming Out
Telling the world that you are homosexual
Cross cultral counselor
To be commited and learn from the others culture and acceept that their way works well for them to learn more about our own thoughts and ideas and to always be non biased
Not being able to function on our "standard level"
Making assumptions and sterotypes regaring a person and its usally based on physical attributes or cultral
Making assumptions about a person using steropyes when doing assessment of a person. being predjudice based on looks age gender culture
Looking at the client from the clients framework taking a cultral approch
The counselor assumes thta we are more alike than diffrent
a group of individuals who are categorized by racial national religious lingustic and cultral attributes
Extended family
The family like grand ma aunt ect
Name the family roles we play
According to Bee and Mitchell we play several roles. 1. newly married no children 2.
new parent 3. parents with preschoolers 4. oldest child in school 5. oldest left home 6.All children are gone 7. aging family
the fear of homosexuality
the attractionof the same sex
Intervention as a counselor with a person of diffrent culture
Doing an intervention is to help that indiviual the counselor has to be cautious and use the positive skills that was taught in school Be aware of the clients culture and norms before making diagnosis
Role intregation
balance of the several roles we have if we have too many roles ther may be a case of role strain like the super mom
Sex roles
how feamle and male chracteristics are expected to look like
Cognative dissonances
conflict between the belief and the attitude are not
Who is the father of guidance
Frank Parson
Anal rententive person is .???
The test will be..
a success
What does balance theory postulate?
A move from cognitive inconsistency to consistency and a tendency to move to a blalance cognitive state Disonnace is a distasteful state of mind which individuals attempt to change
How did Freud believe that successfully resolution of the oedipus complex led to the development of the super ego HOW???
The identification with the aggressor the parent of the same sex the super ego would resolve any issue that led to oedipus complex
Freud refers to the ego as the ...???
The executive administrator of the personality and the relative principle
According to Freued what do we find in dreams
Manifest and latent content Freud said that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious
Little Albert was conducted by whom????
John B Watson a behaviorist
What are realtors core?
Empathy respect genuiness
What are social influences core?
What are skill core.?
Communication skill such as attending inquiry and reflection
What structure did the personality according to Freud
Id , ego ,super ego
What is preconsiuos mind
The thoughts memory images ideas reflection that we can bring up with some effort
What is unconscious mind
The thoughts memory images ideas reflection that we can not bring up e
What is conscious mind
The thoughts memory images ideas reflection that we can bring up easily
What is the purpose of the uncounsuios mind?
It's a ego defense mechanism that is served to protect the self from severe Id or super ego demands
According to Freued what is the most important ego defense mechanism ?
Repression. It's involuntary
What is the purpose of interpretation in counseling ?
Make the client aware of their uncounsuios process it's also used to uncover suggest meaning and relationships often underlying the apprent expression
Who does organ inferiority belong to?
Alfred Adler. He said that individuals try to compensate their weakness
C G Jung the founder of analytical psychology said that men and women operates on....??
He said that men operated on logos which means logic and women on Eros which means intuitive
What is a mandala?
Drawings based around a center point to analyze himself his clients and dreams mandalas was also self unification
Who emphasize the drive for superiority
Adler did. He said it was the thirst for perfectionist that drove people to superiority
If a client is inconsistent with behavior and what they are expressing verbally what should a client do ?
If its safe the counselor should confront the client however if the client is delicate weak and suicidal the counselor should be VERY cautious
Define symptom substitution and who beliefs they they occur.?
It's when you replace one symptom for another. For instance smoker may replace the cigarette with excessive eating. The psychoanalytical believe that if you only pay attention to the symptom in counseling an other symptom will appear they say that you have to address the problem that causes the symptom to manifest itself. Behaviorist only want to minimize the symptom
Who's theory did BF Skinner reinforcement elaborate on ?
Edward Thorndike
What do you call an association that naturally exists like drooling when you see food and you are a dog
You call it unconditioned which means its it is unlearned naturally
Condition means learned
What does Skinners operant conditioning refers to as well...?
Instrumental learning
Is negative reinforcement the same as punishment
What will punishment most likely do ?
Decrease the probability that the behavior will occur
Who stated that animals were indeed condition to control autonomic process
Mary Lower Jones demonstrated that learning could serve as a treatment for.....?
Treatment for phobic reaction
Which is the most difficult schedule to extinguish
Variable ratio
What are the four basic tenets that form philosophic bases of mental health counseling ?
1.Behavior interaction between client and their environment
2.human growth develop naturally toward health growth
4. Counselors seek to help and Use skills to help clients
Name the four core elements a counselor and client need to have
Human relationship
Who is always "becoming" in his theory?
Who developed systematic desensitization
What does it mean to to systematic desensitalization
Step by step replace the anxiety with relaxation techniques
Arnold Lazarous is what type of theorist
Behavioral even though he in cooperated Cognition.
What does BASIC ID stand for
Behavior. Affect sensation Imagery cognition Interpersonal Drugs
From what philosophy did the existential evolve from
Kierkegaurd philosophy
Name Humanistic theorist ?
Gestalt Perls
Person center. Rogers
What does cognitive therapist focus on
The clients thought process to overcome emotional difficulties they help to rethink assumptions and to re structure cognition
mind over matter
Name some cognitive theorist
Elilis REBT
Beck Cognitive theory
Glasser Reality therapy
Berne. TA