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82 Cards in this Set

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Puberty order
Growth spurt, breast budding, pubic hair, menses
DES exposure
possible if born prior to 1971
Auscultate heart sounds at...
2nd right ICS, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th left ICS at sternal border, 5th left ICS at MCL
First heart sound is...? Head best at?
closing of AV valves?
heard best at mitral, 5th ICS MCL
Second heard sound is heard best?
2nd ICS R sternal border, aortic pt?
Normal female CBC
RBC count: 4.2-5.4 million

HCT (% of total blood volume that is made up of RBCs): 37-47% (32% in pregnancy)

HGB: 12-16, >11 if pregnant
Normal WBC count
Platelet count
Fasting glucose
normal 70-105
BUN and creatinine
BUN 10-20
Creatinine 0.5-1.1
Lipid Profile
Total <200 (high if >240)
Triglycerides 35-135 (high if >200)
HDL >40 (low if <40)
LDL <130 (high if > 160)
HIV testing
2 Elisa, confirm with Western Blot
Hepatitis B test
HBsAG indicates active HBV infection
PPD positive when?
high risk > 5mm
Mod risk > 10 mm
General pop >15 mm
Calcium requirements, Vit D
11-24 yo: 1200-1500
25-50 yo: 1000
Post-men 1200-1500
pregnant/ nursing: 1200-1500

Vit D 800-1000
Varicella/ rubella and preg
don't get pregnant for 4 weeks after shot
0-25, MRI if >35
FSH and LH at ovulation
At what testosterone level should you supect a tumor?
Squamous metaplasia is...
Uterine cycle
Proliferative: endometrium thickens, from end of period to ovulation

Secretory: from ovulation to menses
Normal male fertility values
Volume: 2-5 mL
Concentration >20 mill/mL
Total sperm count >40 mill (20mill)
Motility > 50%
Morphology >14% (>50%)
Odd benefit of HRT:
decreased colorectal CA
condyloma acuminata =
genital warts from HPV
COC mechanism of action
suppresses FSH and LH to inhibit ovulation, atrophic endometrium, thickens cervical mucus
Estrogen OC SE?
nausea, increased br size, cyclic weight gain, leukorrhea, cervical eversion
Progesterone OC SE
breast tenderness, HA
Drugs that may decrease the effectiveness of OCPs
Rifampin, griseofulvin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, topirimate, carbamazepine, primidone, st. john's wort
OCPs may potentiate these drugs
benzos, corticosteroids, bronchodilators
If miss 2 pills:
in week 1 or 2: take 2 pills today and 2 pills tomorrow, finish pack, back-up for 7 days

in week 3: discard pack and start new pack immediately, back-up for 7 days
Warning signs in OCP use: ACHES
Abdominal pain, chest pain, headache, eye problems, severe leg pain
Advantages of depo?
no drug interaction profile
Medical EAB with what drugs?
mifepristone plus misoprostol
Classic ndometriosis triad?
dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyschezia
Umbilical cord- what vessels?
2 arteries that carry fetal deoxygenated blood, 1 vein carries oxygenated blood
Presumptive pregnancy signs
amenorrhea, n/v, urinary freq, fatigue, breast tenderness, vasomotor symptoms,
Probable pregnancy signs
abdomen enlarged, enlarged uterus, palpation of fetal outline, ballotement, positive preg test, all the signs
Positive pregnancy signs
Fetal heart tones, sonographic evidnece, palpation of fetal movement
Naegele's rule
subtract 3 months, add 7 days
Pregnancy changes in renal system
dilation of renal everything, decreased bladder tone, increased renal blood flow
Pregnant woman can get which vaccines?
Hep B and tetanus
self applied at home for genital warts, not in pregnancy
H. ducreyi leads to...
chancroid, dx with culture
Sx: painful genital ulcer and inguinal adenopathy
tx: azithromycin, cipro, ceftriaxone
Pregnant cannot have...
cipro, bactrim
If she has 4+ ketones..
24 hr diet recall
If she has 2+ glycosuria think...
altered renal function
What are mullerian abnormalities?
congenital abnormalities
karyotype normal
may have problem with uterus, tubes, or upper vagina
May have hx of preg loss, infertile, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia
Might have ovaries --> secondary sex characteristics
What is Turner's syndrome?
45X female
short, webbed neck, wide hips
no secondary sex, amenorrhea, might have hearing loss
Absent or streak ovaries
What is androgen insensitivity syndrome (testicular feminization)?
46xy, genetically male but phenotypically female
Risk of malignant transformation of gonads
Primary amenorrhe and infertile
Abdominal testes
Might have breast development
If Kell positive in pregnancy?
baby with mild to severe hydrops - K-kills
Type of diaphragm for woman with mild cystocele?
arching type
Metorrhagia definition?
uterine bleeding at irregular intervals
Menorrhagia definition?
excessive uterine bleeding at the expected intervals of the menstrual period
Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy
1/1000 will transmit, leads to decreased IQ, deafness, congenital infection, SAB, IUGR, PTB
Reliability vs. validity
Reliability: consistency of your measurement, repeatability of the measurement

Validity: does it measure what it should
Test trigeminal nerve by...
clenching teeth
Lung sounds with bronchitis? asthma? foreith body?
distant or absent breath sounds
Dilantin is a...
seizure med. If on OCP increase dose to 50, if new start go with depo
Ovulation happens how long after LH surge?
32-44 hrs
When is quickening?
first preg- 20ish weeks
subsequent- earlier 14-16
Normal values for 3 hr Gtt
Fasting- 95
1 hr- 180
2 hr- 155
3 hr- 140
What secretes Hcg?
What drugs interact with diflucan?
increased PT on warfarin, increased phenytoin, cyclosporin levels
Floxin contraindicated under 18 b/c?
bone and cartilage compromise
Give a pregnant woman hep B vaccine if?
HBsAG negative
Vitamin C does what to estrogen effect in OCs?
Symtom of retroejaculation?
sperm found in urine
Check what labs when taking ketoconazole?
liver studies
Spirolactone: Indication? contraindications? SE?
a potassium sparing diurectic indicated for edema, HTN, primary hyperaldosteronism, hirsutism, PMS, decreased metorrhagia, acne vulgaris

do not use if renal isufficiency, hyperkalemia, hepatic disease

SE= agarnulocytosis, hyperkalemia, dehydration
Pregnancy- cannot have these HTN drugs?
Rhogam works by?
temporary passive immunity
Natural contraception- how know safe time?
shortest cycle -18, longest cycle-11, no sex in this period
Good vegetable sources of Ca?
leafy greens, broccolli,
Pregnant woman should keep heart rate below?
Phenobarb does what to OCs?
breaks down estrogen and progestin
Anti-lewis antibody in preg
no significance
med option for hyperprolactinemia?
Pregnant women exposed to rubella?
do u/s. concerned with hydrops
Pregnancy pt with toxoplasmosis. Give what med?
a mycin
What meds increase prolactin?
With prolonged metronidazole, what should you check?
Drug use/abuse and clonidine...
increase effects on CNS