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Complete Blood Count - basic screening test. Measures erythrocytes, hemogloblin, hematocrit, leukocytes, and platelets in a sample of blood.
Values MedSurge Table 33-2
Mature red blood cells. Hemoglobin attaches to red blood cells. The primary function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen. Survive for 120 days.
Red Blood Cell Formation
Takes place in bone marrow, especially long bones. Formation depends on several factors including healthy bone marrow and dietary intake.
Red Blood Cell Count (RBCs)
M: 4.7-6.1 x 10^6
F: 4.2-5.4 x 10^6
Protein found in the RBCs that gives blood its characteristic red color. Hemoglobin contains iron, which carries oxygen. Delivers oxygen through circulation to body tissues and returns CO2 from tissues to lungs.
Elevated levels of Hemoglobin
Polycythemia. May be due to hemoconcentration secondary to dehydration.
Hemoglobin (HgB)
M: 13.5-17.5 g/dL
F: 11.5-15.5 g/dL
Decreased level of Hemoglobin
Indicator for anemia
The % of the total blood volume that contains erythrocytes. Usually 3x the HgB.
Low Hematocrit
May indicate anemia or luekemia
Elevated Hematocrit
May indicate dehydration or polycythemia.
Hematocrit (Hct)
M: 40-52%
F: 36-48%
Are thrombocytes. Aid in coagulation.
Low Platelet Count
May result in bleeding.
<20,000/mm3 serious
<10,000/mm3 life-threatening
Elevated Platelet Count
Occurs after a trauma, surgery, blood loss, fractures, postsplenectomy, and polycythemia vera.
Total number in circulation. Average life span 7-10 days.
Count is reflective of the patient's ability to fight infection, defend against foreign invaders, and mediate immune response.
White Blood Cell Count (WBCs)
Elevated WBC count
May be seen with infections, inflammation. tissue trauma, and cancer.
Decreased WBC count
May be seen with some viral infections, bone marrow depression, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and certain types of anemia.
First line of defense against bacteria and will increase during acute infections.
Segments are mature neutrophils. Bands are immature neutrophils that multiply quickly in a serious infection.
40-75% of WBC differential
> 8,000 = infection, some inflammatory response, stress, steroids, other drugs, myeloproliferative disease
Increase in response to allergic (neutralizes histamine) and parasitic conditions. Digests foreign proteins.
0-6% of WBC differential
Increased Eosinophils
Allergic states, medications, parasites, chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), metastatic/necrotic tumors.
increase during healing process.
0-2% of WBC differential
Contain histamine; integral part of hypersensitivity reactions. Increase very rare.
2nd line of defense against bacteria. Monocytes increase later during infections and inflammation.
1-10% of WBC differential
Enter tissues as macrophages; phagocytosis.
Increased Monocytes
Acute and chronic infection, inflammation, some myeloproliferative disorders, chronic myeolmonocytic leukemia (CMML).
Respond to viral and chronic infection by increasing. Integral part of immune system.
20-50% of WBC differential
Decreased Lymphocytes
<1,500: Lymphopenia
Increased Lymphocytes
>4,000; Lymphocytosis; increase in convalescent phase after bacterial or viral infection, lymphoproliferative disease.
Rubella Titer
(German Measles)
blood specimen that determines titer or amount of antibody present, indicating susceptibility or immunity to rubella.
Rubella Titer
Range of immunity >1:10.
Most states titer <1:8 is considered susceptible to rubella.
Rapid Plasma Reagin
Syphilis detection test. A blood specimen is used to detect antibodies for the causative agent of syphilis.
Sputum for acid-fast bacilla
An acid-fast bacilla smear (AFB) consists of a sputum specimen ot other body tissue or fluid collected to detect the causative agent of tuberculosis (Myobacterium tuberculosis). Best obtained when PT first wakes in the morning.
Mantoux Test
skin test for TB bacilli. Tubercle bacillus extract, a purified protein derivative, or PPD, is injected into the intradermal layer of the inner aspect of the forearm approximately six inches below the elbow using a TB syringe. 0.1 mL is injected. Test is read in 48-72 hours.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
nonspecific test used to detect inflammatory, neoplastic, infectious, and necrotic processes. Pathologic conditions increase protein count in plasma; RBCs tend to stack up, increasing their weight and then causing them to descend faster.
Normal M: 15mm/hr, F: 20mm/hr
Hepatitis A
Radioimmunoassay may be used to detect IgM antibodies to HAV in acute phase. Antibodies appear 3-4 weeks after exposure.
Hepatitis B
Radioimmunoassay may be used to detect Hep B surface antigen (HbsAg) in various stages of Hep B infection.
Hepatitis C
formerly known as non-A non-B hepatitis. Presence of the HCV antibody IgG may not be detectable for 3-6 months following onset of illness.
Hepatitis D
Transmitted parenterally. Only can be found in the presence of Hep B. Detection of Hep D antigen (HDAg) indicates acute HBV and HDV infection. When AbsAg decreases so does HDAg. Anit-HDV appears later and indicates chronic hepatitis D
Hepatitis E
antibodies to Hepatitis E (Anti-HEV) diagnose hep E infection.
Hepatitis B
Radioimmunoassay may be used to detect Hep B surface antigen (HbsAg) in various stages of Hep B infection.
Hepatitis C
formerly known as non-A non-B hepatitis. Presence of the HCV antibody IgG may not be detectable for 3-6 months following onset of illness.
Hepatitis D
Transmitted parenterally. Only can be found in the presence of Hep B. Detection of Hep D antigen (HDAg) indicates acute HBV and HDV infection. When AbsAg decreases so does HDAg. Anit-HDV appears later and indicates chronic hepatitis D
Hepatitis E
antibodies to Hepatitis E (Anti-HEV) diagnose hep E infection.
Liver Enzymes
Hepatocellular (Liver) enzymes include alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST).
Elevation of Liver Enzymes
indicates some type of liver injury or disease. In ALL forms of hepatitis, elevated ALT and AST levels are usually present.
Liver Biopsy
used to evaluate and diagnose pathologic liver conditions like hepatitis. Major complication is post-procedure hemorrhage. PT should lie on right side after procedure to compress the liver. Assess for signs of bleeding such as increased pulse, decreased BP, and increased abdominal girth.
AIDS/HIV testing
AIDS serology is used to detect the antibody to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Confirmation only after (1) at least two reactive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) screening test and (2) another serologic test such as a Western blot.
Detects antigens. Negative for HIV-1-p24 is a nonreactive test.
Lumbar Puncture
Performed to obtain a specimen of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for analysis. AKA spinal tap or "LP". A needle is inserted into the subarachnoid space of the spinal column. Used to detect metastatic neoplasms, cerebral hemorrhage, meningitis, encephalitis or other orders involving the CNS.
Analysis of CSF
normally clear. may show presence of blood, bacteria, or malignant cells along with quantities of glucose and protein.
CSF abnormal cell count that shows both RBCs and WBCs are abnormal
Indicative of infection
shows the position of normal structure and displacement of and presence of abnormal shadows. May reveal pathology in the absence of symptoms such as an abscess. With contrast media like barium, provide better visualization
Computerized Axial Tomography
(CT or CAT scan)
A narrow x-ray beam scans the various areas of body in successive layers. May be used to define tumors and other abnormalities.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
magnetized PT tissue generates a weak electromagnetic signal, which is mapped for visualization. Provides contrast between various tissues that is more detailed than CT scan or x-ray.
Non-invasive procedure used to visualize soft tissue structures in the body by recording the reflection of ultrasound waves directed at tissues.
swollen/enlarged lymph nodes. occurs 5-7 years after initial HIV infection.
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
nodules or blotches that may be red, purple, brown, or black, and are usually papular.
a tumor caused by Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8). AIDS.
zidovudine (AZT), dideoxyinosine (DDI) and zalcitabine (DDC)
antiviral therapy for AIDS. These drugs work by inhibiting and decreasing viral replication.
saquinavir and indinavir
other antivirals for AIDS that are reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim), dapsone and aerosolozed pentamidine. indicated when CD4 count is 200/mm3 or less
a member of the herpes family. most people become infected at some point during their lifetime.
red or purple spot on the body, caused by a minor hemorrhage (broken capillary blood vessels) The most common cause of petechiae is through physical trauma such as a hard bout of coughing, vomiting or crying
enlarged liver
enlarged spleen
inflammation of the retina (eye)
an inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor of the mouth.