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35 Cards in this Set

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When did NC secede from the Union?
May 20,1861
What factors led to breakdown of Union?
1.Expansion of the nation
2.Changes in Northern and Southern societies
3.Struggle of political parties for power
6.States' rights
What was the most troubling issue in American politics in 1800's?
What year did Congress admit Louisiana into the Union?
Slave states and free states in 1820
US:22 states
-Free: 11
What year did Missouri apply for admission to Union?
Missouri Compromise
-Missouri would enter as a slave state
-Maine would enter as a free state
-A line would be drawn from Missouri's southern border across rest of Louisiana territory, slavery would not be allowed north of the line, states below line required to be proslavery
Important facts learned by southern politicians from Missouri Compromise
1. South could no longer depend on alliance with northwestern states to protect slavery and economic interests
2.The free states controlled House of Representatives and electoral votes for president
3.South needed to keep number of slave and free states equal
American Antislavery Society
-founded in 1833
-founded by William Lloyd Garrison
-urged immediate end to slavery with no thought of how the South would be affected
-flooded Congress with petitions of abolition
-LASTING IMPACT: to convince many people that slavery was morally evil and slave owners were sinners
Underground Railroad
-secret way to help slaves escape from South
-NC Quaker Conductor: Levi Coffin
Antislavery Movement effect on Methodist and Baptist Churches
-At first, Methodist church in NC was antislavery, then it was losing lots of members so it became proslavery
-Baptist churches were breaking away and making own Southern churches
-split national Baptist organization
-further loosened social bonds that bound the nation together
What year did Texas ask for admission to Union as a slave state?
What year did Democrat James K. Polk run for president?
What year was Texas admitted?
Wilmot Proviso
-proposed by David Wilmot
-proposed that slavery be barred from any territory gained from Mexico
-split House of Representatives along sectional lines
withdraw from Union
Compromise of 1850
-proposed by Henry Clay
-free states got admission of California as free state and a ban on the slave trade in District of Columbia
-slave states got a stronger fugitive slave law and the issue of slavery in New Mexico and Utah would be decided locally(popular sovereignty)
Kansas-Nebraska Act
-by Stephen Douglas
-created territories of Kansas and Nebraska
-allowed settlers to decide if they wanted slavery or not
What political party was created in 1854?
Southerners supporting secession
Dred Scott Decision
-Scott was a slave who'd lived in free territories for 5 years, he asked courts to free him. Courts didn't free him but could not make him be slave in free territories
The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
-published by Hinton Rowan Helper
-compared economic progress of North to backwardness of South
-answer why South lagged behind: slavery
John Brown's Raid
-plotted to take over federal arsenal in Harper's Ferry, Virginia
-federal troops put end to raid
Election of 1860
Stephen Douglas-Northern Democrat
John Breckenridge-Southern Democrat
John Bell-Constitutional Union
Abraham Lincoln-Republican
-Lincoln won
Complaints against Republican Party
1.against slavery
2.abolitionist members couldn't be trusted to make national policy
3.control of presidency and Congress endangered slavery
-against Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
When did South Carolina secede?
December 20, 1860
When did delegates from seceding states meet?
February 4, 1861
What states made up Confederate States of America?
1.South Carolina
When did men seize Fort Caswell and Fort Johnston?
January 10, 1861
What led Unionist fight?
The North Carolina Standard
What presented secessionist side?
The Raleigh State Journal and The Wilmington Journal
When did South Carolina and Confederate forces bombard Fort Sumter?
April 12, 1861
Zebulon Vance
NC Congressman who supported Crittendon's Resolutions