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77 Cards in this Set

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3 characteristics of sound that the ear must encode
Pitch- frequency, cycles/sec
Loudness- sound level dB
Timing- onset duration
Human ear recognizes sounds between frequencies of ___ to ___
20- 20,000 Hz
Functions of the outer ear summarized in 2 words
Collection and amplification
Outer ear is comprised of external ear with ___along with the ___
Pinna or auricle and external auditory meatus (ear canal)
The transfer of movement of ear drum to the oval window is the job of the ___ ear
Middle ear
The stapes rests in the ___
The malleus is attached to the___
While the ___ is in between these two
oval window
Tympanic membrane
In the Middle Ear reflex these 2 muscles contract to stiffen the ossicular chain and cause what
Stapedius and Tensor Tympani
reduce the amplitude of movement of the stapes in the oval window
Middle ear reflexes are unilateral or bilateral? Protect from what kind of sound
Loud Long and Low frequency
A tympanometry test asses the function of what part of the ear
The middle ear
The osseous labyrinth of the inner ear is divided into the
cochlea, vestibule, 3 semicicular canals
Osseous labrynth is filled with-
Membranous labrynth is fille dwith
Osseous- Perilymph
Membranous- Endolymph
Which part of the ear plays a role in signal transduction
Fluid filling the scala vestibuli and typani is ___ which is high in___
perilymph, high in Na+ like CSF
Fluid filling the scala media is ___ which is high in__
endolymph, high in K+ like intracellular fluid
Reissner's membrane seperates
scala vestibuli from scala media
The organ of Corti is formed by
epithelia in the scala media
Are inner hair cells or outer hair cells more abundant?
Outer Hair Cells
How are inner and outer hair bundle oriented?
the tallest row is positioned on the side corresponding to the outer wall of cochlear duct
The electrochem gradient causes K+ to rush in hair cells when stereocilia are deflected ___
What is the stria vascularis
specialized vascular area of the lateral wall of the cochlear duct that maintains fluid content of the mebranous duct
Meniere's disease may result from a failure to maintain
proper fluid balance in the membranous labyrinth
Fluid waves rock the basilar membrane and _____ to initiate signal transduction
shear the hair bundles against the stiff tectorial membrane
In the cochlea high frequency energy peaks near the base or apex?
Near the apex
opposite true for low frequency
Electromotility is based on
voltage dependent changes in the configuration of proteins in the lateral walls of OHCs to increase or decrease OHC height
The osseous and membranous labyrinth spiral around the bony core of the cochlea known as the ___ which contains
modiolus, auditory nerve and spiral ganglion
Of the 3 fluid filled spaces in the mid modiolar section, name them from top to bottom
Upper- scala vestibuil
Middle- scala media (cochlear duct)
Lower- scala tympani
The base of the scala tympani borders the medial wall of the tympanic cavity at the ___
round window
Inner hair cells are ___ shaped
Outer hair cells are ____ shaped
Outer- tubule
What is presbycusis
age-related hearing loss, hair cell loss first in the base
2 causes of conductive hearing loss are typically
Otitis Media and Otosclerosis
Sensorineural hearing loss typically results from
Noise induced
Drug induced
Age related
Describe Rinne Test and the Findings for normal, Sensorineuronal loss and Conductive loss
Rinne take a tuning fork in air and on mastoid bone
Normal- louder in air
SNHL- air is louder
CHL- louder on bone than air
Describe Weber Test and findings in normal, SNHL, and CHL
Arm of the tuning fork placed on vertex of skull
Normal-sound is same on both sides
SNHL- sound on opposite side of hearing loss
CHL- sound louder on affected side
The cochlear nucleus is draped over the
inferior peduncle at the pontomedullary junction
Describe connection of neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus
connected to inferior colliculus, cross in reticular formation, ascend in the lateral lemniscus, synpase on contralateral side
Describe connection of neurons in the ventral cochlear nucleus
connections with the superior olivary nuclei bilaterally
A combination of auditory signs (monaural deafness) and cerebellar ataxia may result from a stroke involving which artery
Damage to the cochlear nucleus or the auditory nerve would result in
monaural deafness
Superior Olivary Nuclei are located in what brainstem region
caudal pons
The major input to the superior olivary nuclei is from the
cochlear nuclei
What is the trapezoid body
axons that cross between superior olives on each side
Neurons from the superior olive crossed and uncrossed project to the
inferior colliculus and ascend to the lateral lemniscus
The first level of binaural computation is the
superior olivary complex
The medial superior olivary nucleus computes
the difference in arrival of sounds at each ear
The lateral superior olivary nucleus computes
the difference in level of sounds between each ear
The inferior colliculus is located in this brainstem region___
dorsal surface of the midbrain tectum
What role does the inferior colliculus play in the auditory pathway
mandatory relay for all ascending information, projects to the medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus
Damage to the inferior colliculus may result in
inability to localize or atend to stimuli in the opposite hemifield
The medial geniculate nucleus is located in the ___thalamus along the ___
caudal thalamus along by the lateral geniculate nucleus
This connects the inferior colliculus and the medial geniculate nucleus
brachium of the inferior colliculus
Thalamic projects to the auditory cortex ascend in the
retrolenticular part of the internal capsule
Damage to the medial geniculate nucleus (PCA territory) may result in
aphasia or other auditory processing disorders
Primary auditory cortex is located in the ___ gyri of which fissure/lobe
Heschl's gyri in the lateral Sylvian fissure on the superior surface of the temporal lob
Primary auditory cortex is numbered as
Brodmann area 41
The vestibular apparatus is located in the ____ posterior to the ___
petrous bone posterior to the cochlea
Name the five sensory structures of the vestibular apparatus
Two otolith organs (saccule and utricle)
Three semicicular canals (lateral, superior, posterior)
The perilymphatic canal of the vestib. app. is continuous with
the subarachnoid space
In contrast to cochlear hair cells, what is special about rows in a single kinocilia?
A single kinocilia alongside the tallest stereocilia marks the polarization of the hair bundle, all hair cells on a semicicular canal are oriented or polarized in same direction
Each canal pair is sensitive to ___
angular acceleration in a different direction
Which canals are activated by turning the head back and forth to say no
horizontal canals
Which hair cells are activated by nodding the head to say yes
anterior and posterior canal
The saccule and utricle are sensitive to
head tilt and linear acceleration
What is the region of specialized sensory epithelia for the saccule and utricle
The macula
The macula is oriented __ in the wall of the utricle and ___ in the wall of the saccule
horizontally and vertically
Where are the Superior, Laterl, Inferior, and Medial Vestibular Nuclei located
in the floor of the 4th ventricle
____ ganglion give rise the the vestibular part of CN VIII
Scarpa's ganglion (vestibular)
Most pirmary vestibular afferent axons end in the vestibular nuclei on the same/opposite side?
Same side
Name 3 important outputs of the vestibular system
MLF to extraocular nuclei and gaze center
Medial vestibulospinal tract to C1-4
Lateral vestibulospinal tract to cervical and lumbar enlargements
The medial and inferior vestibular nuclei are located in the ___
The lateral and superior Vestib. N are located in the___
Medial/inferior- medulla
Lateral/Superior- Pons
Which reflex mediates balance and posture? Which for compensatory neck and head movement?
Lateral Vestibulospinal for limb and trunk balance/posture
Medial Vestibulospinal for neck/head
Semicircular canals project rostral or caudal?
Otolith organs project rostrally or caudally?
Semicicular- rostrally
Otolith- Caudally
Name the extraocular muscles associated with
Lateral Canals:
Anterior Canals:
Posterior Canals:
Lateral- medial and lateral rectus
Anterior- superior and inferior rectus
Posterior- superior and inferior oblique
Differentiate dizziness and vertigo
Dizziness- light headed (no sense of movement)
Vertigo- sensation of movement
Describe benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
sensation of head movement caused when otoconia have dislodged from macula and floated against the cupula of a semicicular canal
Meniere's disease is related to
excess endolymph
In the barany positional test the posterior and lateral canals are activated, what is seen with peripheral injury?
Horizontal nystagmus beating to same side, may cause vertigo
In the Barany positional test what is seen with central damage
Immediate nystagmus in horizontal or vertical direction may change direction