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86 Cards in this Set

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Celestial Sphere
An imaginary sphere of infinite radius with the earth at it’s center
Also known as the EQUINOCTIAL. The intersection of the extended plane of the equator and the celestial sphere.
Celestial bodies are located throughout the celestial sphere. We are interested in the relative positions and motions of these bodies on this imaginary sphere.
Visible Sunrise
When the sun’s Upper Limb (UL) breaks horizon.
Visible Sunset
When the sun’s UL dips below the horizon.
Civil Twilight
Morning / Evening: When the Sun’s center is 6° below horizon

Civil Twilight is when we have a clear horizon but only the brightest stars are visible.
Nautical Twilight
Morning / Evening: From when the Sun’s center is 12° below horizon

Nautical Twilight is when we have our first opportunity to shoot a celestial fix because we have our first visible horizon.
Long summer days (in the northern hemisphere)
The sun appears to have an elliptical path around the earth, due to the earth’s rotation.

The northern hemisphere gets longer exposure to the sun when it is tilted towards the sun.
Parallel of Declination
In the same way we measure the height of the sun above the celestial equator, so we measure all the celestial bodies -

Remember - Latitude on the surface = Declination in the sky
The angular distance North or South from the Celestial Equator

It is the celestial equivalent of Latitude

However, there’s a problem. There are billions of stars and even though we only use a fraction of them for fixes, we can’t list the details of where they all are at all times. We need a common reference point…..
First point of Aries
Where the sun’s ecliptic path cuts the celestial equator (21 March – first day of spring)
The location of a celestial body may be identified by the intersection of its Declination and it’s Hour Circle.
The hour circle is identified by an angular distance west of a reference hour circle. There are three different means of locating the hour circle in use:
The angular distance west of the Greenwich Meridian, known as Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA)

The angular distance west of the vernal equinox (First point of Aries). This angular distance is referred to as Sidereal Hour Angle (SHA)

The angular distance west of a local meridian (your position), known as Local Hour Angle (LHA).

Hour Angles are always measured WESTERLY from 0-360 degrees
Longitude= Hour angle
Remember: Longitude on the surface = Hour Angle in the sky
Hour Angle, SHA
Because the Stars never change their relative position with respect to the First Point of Aries, the SHA of the stars never changes.
Point on the Celestial Sphere directly above the observers position
Point on the Celestial Sphere directly below the observers position
Zenith Nadir Axis
Line that links the two
Celestial Horizon
The plane drawn at a perpendicular angle to the position of the observer from the center of the terrestrial sphere (Earth) - Since the radius of the earth is considered negligible with respect to the celestial sphere, the visible / observer horizon is considered to be the same as the celestial horizon.
The Sextant
Used to measure the altitude of celestial bodies
Altitude is the angular distance of the celestial body above the celestial horizon
Geographic Position (GP
If you drew a line from the celestial body through to the center of the Earth, the point where it inpacts the planets surface is called the
the distance from the celestial equator to the observers zenith
the distance from the observers zenith to the closest celestial pole
The distance from the celestial horizon to the celestial body
The distance from the celestial body to the observers zenith
angular distance from the celestial equator
Co-Dec (or Polar Dist)
distance from the celestial body to the closest celestial pole
Meridian Angle
angular distance between observer and celestial body, otherwise known as LHA
Azimuth angle
angular distance between the Co-Alt and Co-Lat
Hs = Sextant Altitude
the altitude measured by the sextant
Ha = Apparent Altitude
The sextant altitude with all the necessary corrections applied
Ho = Observed Altitude
final result once all corrections have been applied
Altitude Intercept Method
If the end of the two wires were to be walked all the way around the pole, a circle would be formed on the ground.
Circle of Equal Altitude
star’s angle from the vertical.
Altitude + Co-Altitude = 90º
Thus, if a star has an altitude of 50 degrees, how far are you from its geographic position?
Co-altitude = 90-Ho = 90 - 50 = 40 degrees
40 degrees * 60nm = 2400 min. of arc
The circle has a radius of 2400 nm
Circle of Equal Altitude
Thus, if we know the altitude of a particular star, and its location relative to the earth (which we can determine from the Nautical Almanac), we know that our position must lie somewhere on this circle of equal altitude.
Get 3 of these and you have a fix (hopefully)

Local Observers Meridian:
Your position in Longitude projected onto the Celestial Sphere
When using the sun to check your Gyro you need to know when the sun will pass through that LOM
That is known as Local Apparent Noon (LAN)
Latitude by Polaris
Polaris (the “pole star”) is so named because it is nearly coincident with the celestial north pole (Pn).

As a result, the celestial
triangle collapses.
90 - Ho = 90 - latitude,
therefore Ho = latitude
Colatitude and coaltitude
are of equal length.
The observed altitude of Polaris is equivalent to the observer’s latitude.
In reality, Polaris and the
celestial Pn are not exactly coincident (3/4° offset).
As a result, Polaris wanders a bit with respect to the north pole (due to precession of equinoxes).
To account for this, a correction
table is provided in the
Nautical Almanac.
Goal ? …compare your estimated position to a celestial fix using the stars !
How to take a celestial fix ? …Shoot at least 3 stars with a sextant to measure altitude…
When to shoot a star ? …mainly during twilights
Celestial LOPs ? … a circle
The Celestial Sphere
An imaginary sphere of infinite radius with the earth at it’s center.
Air Mass
Extremely large body of air whose properties are fairly similar in any horizontal direction at any given altitude. Which two properties?
Temperature & Humidity (density)
Part of weather forecasting is determining…
air mass characteristics,
predicting how and why they change, and
in what direction these systems will move
Source Regions—Origin of Air Masses
Uniform characteristics develop…
in a region that is generally flat and of uniform composition,
with light surface winds
The longer the air remains stagnant over its source region, the more it acquires properties of the surface below.
Humidity & Temperature
c = Continental
Over land (dry)
P = Polar
Polar latitudes (cold)
m = Maritime
Over water (moist)
T = Tropical
Tropical regions (warm)
Basic Stability in the Air
Humid (moist) air weighs less than dry air—is more buoyant
Warm air is less dense than cold air—more buoyant—wants to rise
Dry air weighs more than moist (humid) air—is less buoyant
Cold air is more dense than warm air—less buoyant—wants to sink
Air Masses: movement, modification & stability
Air masses move in response to winds aloft…
…becoming modified by surfaces of different temperatures and moisture content
You can determine the stability of the air mass…
…by how the air mass is being modified by the surface:
Hot surface is warming the lower layers
of a polar air mass. This leads to what
kind of stability?
The cold surface is cooling the lower layers
of the polar air mass even more. Stability?
Tropical air mass?
Hotter the surface air, the more buoyant it is = unstable = more mixing
What is a weather front?
The transition zone between air masses of different densities
Density differences  Temperature differences  Humidity differences
Cold front’s leading edge: Steep
Fast-moving front - Slope is 1:50
Slow-moving front – Slope much gentler
COLD FRONTS: Slow vs Fast moving fronts
Slow-moving fronts: Gentler slope means clouds form behind the front.
Makes it difficult to determine the
surface front position from satellite imagery.
Fast Moving Cold Fronts
have a line of active showers & thunderstorms
“squall line” - develops parallel to & often ahead of an advancing front—producing heavy precipitation & strong gusty winds.
The steep slope of the front pushes the weather ahead of the front.
when the temperature contrast across a front lessens, causing the front to weaken and dissipate
A dying frontal system
an increase in temperature contrast across a front can cause it to strengthen and regenerate into a more vigorous system
A frontal system develops or redevelops
the slope is much more gentle…1:150 to 1:200. The cloud cover is usually ahead of the warm front.
Warm-type Occluded Front:
air behind the occlusion is cool compared to cold air ahead of it.
What are the 5 ways of locating a front on a surface weather map
Sharp temperature changes over a relatively short distance
Changes in the air’s moisture content (changes in dew point)
Shifts in wind direction
Clouds and precipitation patterns
Pressure and pressure changes
cP, mP, cT, mT, cA, mE, mA?
cP = continental Polar – dry, cold air
mP = maritime Polar – moist, cold air
cT = continental Tropical – dry, warm air
mT = maritime Tropical – moist, warm air

cA = Continental Arctic = dry, extremely cold cP air

mE = Maritime Equatorial = very moist, extremely hot mT air
Occluded Front
When frontal systems are born, there are 2 fronts: a cold front & a warm front.
Cold fronts are usually faster than warm fronts.
The cold front catches & overruns the warm front.
The collision of fronts produces an occluded front, where some of the most severe weather exists, especially near the triple point, where cold, warm & occluded fronts meet.
The occlusion indicates the later stages of a storm’s life cycle.
Warm front
leading edge of warm air (mT or cT)
Heavier, more dense cold air retreats slowly as warm air rides up and over the cold air, producing widespread clouds and precipitation
Weather Observations
Ships required to record regular weather observations:

- Hourly

- For ships in company, OTC may designate one ship to report observations

– LHA, LHD, CVN, selected CRU/DES have weather personnel embarked

- In port, if no manned weather facility within 50NM
Formatted weather message:

- Every 6 hours PRIORITY if: surface wind speeds < 33 kts, seas < 12 feet.

- Every 3 hours IMMEDIATE if: surface winds > 33 kts, seas > 12 feet.

- Via plain voice: first indications of a tropical cyclone, unusual or hazardous weather.
Weather Observations
prepared by QMOW, QC’d by OOD:

- Type of observation

- Cloud Cover (amount, ceiling)

- Prevailing visibility

- Weather/obstructions to visibility

- Sea level pressure in millibars
Station pressure in inches of mercury

- Sea water temp (at sea water injection, taken by Engineering)

- Sea height, direction and period

- Ice (if applicable)
- Dry bulb temp in degrees Fahrenheit

- Dew point temp in degrees Fahrenheit

- True wind direction & speed

- Clouds by type, quantity, & height

- Remarks
Services Available
Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert - situational. Text message and graphical (web page)

2. High Winds & Seas Warning (00/12Z). Graphical (GCCS-M & Web), text message.

3. Local Severe-Storm Warning (CONUS)

4. WEAX: Regional or OPAREA forecast – twice daily. Request in MOVREP. Text/Graphical.

5. Optimum Track Ship Routing (OTSR) – ship specific weather & recommended safe track (Required, Request in MOVREP).
Information Sources
Fleet Multichannel Broadcast (Common Channel)
Heavy Weather
Shipboard Actions:
-Heavy Weather Bill
-Take winds & seas just off the bow or on the quarter. Avoid beam seas/winds: the “trough”
-Low visibility detail /Safety of lookouts /Weatherdecks secured
-Stay alert for small craft or other vessels in distress. Listen to radios for distress calls.
Signs of Deteriorating Weather
OOD’s are expected to monitor the weather throughout their watch and keep a close eye on signs of worsening conditions:
-Falling barometer.
-Wind direction shifts, increased speed and gusts.
-Sea swell period decreasing.
-Cloud patterns (Cirrus, cumulonimbus).
Identifying weather influences
When our forces know what weather to expect, they can prepare for & adjust operations:
- IRAQ/Northern Arabian Gulf. Sand storms, thunderstorms. Winter vs. Summer.
- RADAR/UHF, HF comms. Atmospherics and anomalies in space can degrade/enhance performance.
- FOG. Dew point: temperature at which water cannot evaporate from the air. When it approaches dry bulb (w/in 3°), conditions are ripe for fog/haze.
- Sea state and effect on sonar performance.
Heavy Weather
Small Craft Advisory 25-33 mph

Gale Force Winds 34 - 47 mph

Storm Force Winds
≥ 48 mph
violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. Lasts minutes to hours. Appear as funnel shaped cloud. Windspeeds of 150 - 300 mph with extremely low pressure.
Similar to tornadoes, occur over oceans or inland waters. Usually weaker, less destructive winds than tornadoes.
strong wind, forms/dissipates quickly, sometimes w/ thunder, lightning & heavy rain
Seasonal, steady winds, offshore in winter & onshore in summer. Up to moderate gale force, may induce heavy squalls & thunderstorms in the summer
Tropical Weather Damage
Embedded in T-storms
Normally form w/landfall
Flying debris, missile hazards,
High seas
More than 6 inches in less than 8 hrs is possible
Storm Surge
Storm surge:
An abnormal rise of the sea
in advance of or with the cyclone

Caused by:
- Low pressure at center
- Winds in right front quadrant
Tropical Cyclone 101
Formation Basins
Favorable Conditions
Warm water (>80° F) to 150 ft deep
Conditionally unstable atmosphere
Moist air ~ 16,000 ft
300 nm or more from Equator (5°)
Pre-existing disturbance
Low vertical wind shear
Danger Area
Reinforce that the best evasion tactic is to stay away from the storm altogether. Proper tracking of the storm is the key.

Describe 35 kt wind radius

Explain addition of 120 nm error radius to 24 hr 35 kt wind radius

Discuss similar principle for 48 and 72 hour forecasts
Rule #1:
Remain far enough away from the Tropical Cyclone so the following rules are not required.
Key Elements to Determine:
Position relative to storm center & axis
- Path & velocity of storm’s travel
Tropical Cyclones are deflected to the right by Coriolis Effect (Northern Hemisphere), but spin counter-clockwise
Dangerous semi-circle:
Wind greater due to speed
augmented by the forward
motion of the storm.
“Less Dangerous” semi-circle:
Wind decreased by forward
motion of the storm.
Evasion from Dangerous Semi-Circle
1) Bring the wind on the starboard bow (45° rel) and hold it there.

2) Make as much headway as possible.
3) If the wind veers (rotates clockwise), change course to hold wind on the starboard bow.
4) The tropical cyclone will pass astern.
Evasion from Less Dangerous Semi-Circle
1) Put the wind on the starboard quarter (130° rel).
2) Make as much
as possible.

3) If the wind backs--ship is in the less dangerous semi-circle. If it veers—ship is in the dangerous semi-circle. 4) The storm cyclone will pass astern.
Evasion on the Storm Track
1) Bring wind to the starboard quarter (160°) and maintain course.
2) Run for the
navigable semi-circle.

3) If wind direction maintains or veers clockwise slowly, ship is still in the path of the storm.
4) If wind backs (counterclockwise), ship is in less dangerous semi-circle.
Tropical Cyclone Conditions of Readiness
TC CORs or TCCs) are based on the time to onset of destructive winds (50+ kts)
SORTIE Conditions
Senior Officer Present Afloat (SOPA) - orders Sortie

Sortie Commander - in charge once underway
Sortie Criteria
(Per FFC OPORD 2000-07)
If sustained winds > 50 kts
Avoid heavy seas > 12 ft wave ht
Storm surge (high tide) > 4 ft norm
COR timeline is based on onset of destructive winds and local considerations
SORTIE timeline varies w/different SORTIE plans, ship limits, & 12ft seas forecasts
SORTIE & COR timelines do not necessarily correlate to each other
Frequency (every 6 hours, 03Z, 09Z, 15Z, 21Z)

Methods of Receiving Warning
1. DMS addressed to CAD HURRIWARNLANT (regular message traffic)
3. Autopoll (757-444-0963)
4. NFAX (8080 khz, etc...)
5. Tropical Warning Voice Recording (757-444-7356)
Upon Receipt of Warning:
Plot the current and forecasted 24 hour storm position, and the forecasted radius of 35 kt winds.
Using a compass extend the radius of the forecasted 24 hour 35 kt wind band by 135 NM.
Draw tangents relative to the direction of the storm from the 35 kt radius (current position) to the outermost radius at the 24 hr forecast position.
Use the same procedure for the 48 and 72 hr forecast positions, however, use 275 and 400 NM radii/respectively, in lieu of the 135 NM value. Avoid the DANGER AREA.