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31 Cards in this Set

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Identify the bone landmark listed below that is a type of depression
Which of the following bones is classified as a flat bone
The anatomical term for the shaft of a long bone is termed the
the space which houses the bone cells is termed the
Which of the following bones contains paranasal sinuses
sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, maxilla
Which of the following bones is part of the appendicular skeleton
In a comminuted fracture
the bone breaks into many fragments
The sagittal suture is formed by the fusion of the
two parietal lobes
the external auditory meatus is a landmark that is located on the
temporal bone
how many cervical vertebrae are there
Which of the following is a composite bone that articulates with the hip bones laterally
How many floating ribs are there
2 pairs
The second cervical vertebrae is termed the
The lateral lower leg bone is the
an amphiarthrosis is a
slightly moveable joint
In a symphysis
the articulating bones are connected by pads of fibrocartilage
The hip, elbow, and knee are all examples of
Synovial joints
The cartilaginous joint
can be either amphiarthrotic or synarthrotic
The epimysium
the connective tissue ensheathing the entire muscle
Skeletal muscle cells
muscle cells are volutary and contain multiple peripheral nuclei
The I Band
part of a sacromere that contains only thin filaments
The function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is
the storage of calcium ions
When the skeletal muscle cell is at rest
there is a greater concentration of sodium ions outside the cell and a greater concentration of potassium ions inside the cell and the cell is said to be "polarized"
Action potential
the inside of the cell is positively charged
the synaptic vesicle
the structure within the axon terminal that contains the neurotransmitter
During the contraction of a muscle cell
the Z lines come closer together
Creatine phosphate serves to
supply energy for the synthesis of ATP
ATP formation occurs during
both aerobic and anaerobic respiration
The pivoting power strokes seen in a contration are performed by
What muscle groups constitute the quadriceps femoris
rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius
A Synergist
performs the same movement as the prime mover