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68 Cards in this Set

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Name 2 direct Accomodative Tests
Acc. Amplitude

Monocular Acc. Facility
Visual therapy uses feedback mechanisms to provide patient info on whether or not they are doing thetests correctly, these mechanisms include
Kinesthetic awareness
Small In, Large out
What is a Quit Vectogram
Polairzed R an L images
Tells you if patient is suppression an eye
T/F Using a BASE OUT prism, a target appears SMALLER and moves CLOSER in

Fused objects looks smaller and move closer

in order to maintain size constancy

T/F Using BASE OUT prism, a target appears LARGER and moves FARTHER away


using a base _________ makes a target look smaller and closer
using a base _______ makes a target look farther away and larger
As we converge out eyes, a target's Relative Image size increases, so in oder to perceive the target correctly, we
shrink the size of the image in order to maintain size constancy
Who are more likely to respond with Small OUT and Large IN rather than SILO?
Adults, they rely more on previous experiences inviewing oj move away
Why don't pencil push ups work?
This works both accomodation and convergence rather than working one or the other
Base IN demand, MINUS lenses

Makes eyes turn in and must use negative fusual vergence, or BI to keep target single
Base OUT demand, PLUS lenses

Makes eyes diverge so that you have to use positive fusional vergence.
T/F in order to increase positive fusional demand, you would use minus lenses in front of patient

PLUS lenses increases BO demand on patient
When you converge, you move the plane of vergence ___ patient
The _______ the separation between the plane of accomodation and plane of vergence, the GREATER the demand on fusional vergence
PLus lenses/BO prism makes it harder for a patient to
keep convergence, keep an ojbect single
If you have trouble fusing BO prism make it easier by using
MINUS Lenses OR give patient EXTRA BI

(its like your patient is an Exophore and cannot do the BO vergence facility test, give them minus lenses in front of eye and they can do it) Makes patient more esophoric so you do not have to use as much BO to fuse object
If you have trouble fusing BI prism, make it easier by using
Plus lenses/ BO prism
Plus lenses will decrease accomodative demand. MAkes patient less eso so they don't have to use as much BI.
How do you make BO therapy harder?
ADD MORE BO or PLUS lenses to the patient
How do you make BI therapy harder?
Add MORE BI or Minus lenses to the patient
When using BO prism the plane of convergence is always __ of the target
in front of
When using BI prism the plane of convergene is always _______ the target
beyond,no vergence demand
If the patient is trying to fuse BO prism and sees one image BUT its blurry, the patients plane of accomodation must be _______ to the plane of convergence then it should be
definition of prism diopter=
1 cm seperation at a distance of 1 m

if HTS took place 1 m away targets are seperated by 1 cm= 1pd demand

Or working distance, however is 40 cm so when you separate targets by 4mm you create a 1 pd demand
When using the Vectogram, if your Right eye sees the R, the prism you are using must be
When using a vectogram, if your Right eye see the L, the prism you are using must be
Decreasing the working distance ALWAYS ____ the prismatic demand regardless of direction of therapy, BO or BI
T/F Increasing the working distance always DECREASES the prismatic demand regardless of direction of therapy, BO or BI
Brock String is used for what condition?
a cord with 2 wooden beads, one end tied to the door nknow, other to the brdige of nose. When looking at one bead, will see diplopia of other bead.
If patient cannot accomplish CI tasks, give them _____ lenses to help
minus lenses, help with convergence
What other CI task is used after patient accomplishes Brock String?
Barrel Card

Helps patient normalize near point convergence.
Card on drige of nose, fixate on barrle fartherst away and fuse other barrel will be seen as double
What is the most effective use of prism in optometry?
Vertical relieving prism
If an esophore uses negative fusional vergence and has low BI vergence ability _____ prism would relieve patient

puts image where eye likes it
What is the compensating vergence for an exphore?
Exophore uses Positive fusional vergence to see.
To compensate for an exophore _____ prism would releive patient

puts image where eye likes it
Why is prism effective for Divergence insufficiency?
Patient is ESO at distance and has a LOW AC/A ratio. Patient will not do well will Plus lenses so you use BO prism to help patient
T/F Research has shown that BI prism is a good way to relieve CI in kids

may only be effective if CI is aquired after brain injury
Fixation disparity is the difference between vergence stimulus and _____________
vergence RESPONSE

how much we SHOULD converge versus how much we ACTUALLY converge
How can we measure fixation disparity in clinic?
Wesson card --> measure associated phoria

The amount of prism required to achieve alignment of the arrow and center line is the associaed phoria.
Use polarized glasses, one eye sees arrow and other sees colored lines, add in prism until arrow points to middle line.
Whe we measure for prism through a phoropter we are using ______ phoria because patient is not fusing the target
dissociated phoria
Sheard's criterion is better for _______ determination of prism

Compensating Fusional Vergence should be twice the phoria in order to be comfortable.

prism= 2/3phoria- 1/3compensating fusional vergence
prism= 2/3phoria- 1/3compensating fusional vergence
is what formulae?
Percival's Criterion is better for _______ determination of prism

Paitnet should be operating withing the middle third of their vergence range to be comfortable, INDEPENDANT of phoria

prism= 1/3 Greater vergence- 2/3lesser vergence
T/F Perceival's criterion is DEPENDANT on patient's phoria

only wants patient to be in the middle of vergence powers, regardless of what the patients phoria is
prism= 1/3 Greater vergence- 2/3lesser vergence
is what formula?
Prism is neither necessary nor desirable unless the phoria is _______ and then it is the FIRST choice treatment
PAtient is 6 eso, what prism/lens will help patient?
PLUS lens
What is the effect of using a minus lens on an esophore?
causes more ESO, even more demand on already low BI vergence
eXophores do BEST with BASE IN prism and MINUS lenses
Base OUT or Plus lenses work best for eSophores
T/F Base out prism would minimize an esophores problem

How many accomodative/binocular problems can be treated without the use of therapy as the primary treatment?
5 out of 12

Acc. insuffisciency
Ill sustained accom
Divergence insufficiency
Convergence Excess
vertical phoria
How much + should be Rx from a cycloplegic refraction?
subtract .50D from the findings because that is from tonic accomodation

Example: find +2.50, Rx +2 to patient
How much plus do you put in an ADD power?
It depends on what findings?

Take the difference and divide by 2
Example= +2.50 NRA -1.00 PRA
Amount of + needed is +.75D

For patients with LOW AC/A ratios, what therapy is most effective?
Vision Therapy
For HIGH AC/A ratios, what therapy will be most effective?
Typical CI presents with
exo at near
low BO
low positive fusional vergence
receped NPC
Low AC/A
Which has higher sucess for CI patients, Home or Office VT?
When should you followup with a patient who has CI?
4-6 weeks after home bsed VT used.
I with Accomodative Excess patients tend to have what type of astigmatism?
Only difference between accomodative facility versus fusional vergence disparity
accomodative facilitiy patients will fail MAF
BO prism is used to treat and diagnose
T/F BO prism is used to treat and diagnose Esophoria
BI prism is used to treat and diagnose
T/F BI prism is used to treat and diagnose Exophoria
A sudden onset of divergence insufficiency must make you suspecious of
6th nerve palsy

test for comittancy
The Covergence Insufficienc Treatment Trial showed tat the only effective treatment for CI is
Test Psuedo-CI by
using +1.00 and doing NPC.
A real CI patient will have a more receeded NPC with +1 (makes them use even more BO).
Psuedo CI patients will have nroam l NPC