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72 Cards in this Set

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Three basic states of matter
Categorical Characteristics Gas/Solid/Liquid
Volume and shape
Particle Motion
Intermolecular Distance
Characteristics of a Gas
Volume and shape- Expands to fill the volume of its container; consequently, it takes the shape of the container
Density- Low (10^-3g/ml)
Compressability- High
Particle Motion- Virtually free
Intermolecular Distance- Very Large
Characteristics of a Liquid
Volume and Shape- Has a fixed volume at a given mass and temp; volume principally dependent on its mass and secondarily on temp; it assumes the shape of its container
Density- High (1g/ml)
Compressibility- Very low
Particle Motion- Molecules or atoms "slide" past each other
Intermolecular Distance- Molecules or atoms are close to each other
Characteristics of a Solid
Volume and Shape- Has fixed volume; volume principally dependent on its mass and secondarily on temp; it has a definite shape
Density- High (1-10g/ml)
Compressibility- Virtually incompressible
Particle Motion- Vibrate about a fixed position
Intermolecular distance- molecules, ions, or atoms are close to each other
-comprised of particles that are held close to one another and have limited ability to move around.
-because of the attractive forces, solids behave as a single unit when acted upon external forces
-solids may be classified based on the arrangement of the particles (crystalline vs amorphous)
Crystalline solid
have particles that are ordered
have particles that are not ordered
Types of Crystalline solids
Particles- cations, anions
Forces- electrostatic
MP- High
Characteristics- Hard, brittle
Examples- NaCL, KBr, MgCl2
Forces- covalent bonds
MP- Highest, sharing = strong bond in regards to crystalline
Characteristics- Extremely hard
Examples- Diamond, graphite
Particles- Molecules
Forces- Various noncovalent interactions
MP= Low
Characteristics- usually soft
Examples- H20, CH3CH2OH
Vanderwaals- dipole dipole & London forces
Particles- Metal ions
Forces- Shared electron cloud (metallic bond, formed by orbital overlap)
MP- Varies
Characteristics- Hard, brittle, soft, malleable (pound flat), ductile (put into wire)
Examples- Na, Fe, Cu, Ag, Au
Particles- Molecules, atoms, or ions
Forces- Covalent or noncovalent
MP- Varies
Examples- rubber glass
Melting points
is proportional to the strength of the attactive forces (cohesion) holding the substance in the solid state
-typically the higher the attractive forces, the more energy required to disrupt the solid state, thus the higher MP
is one type of fluid
What is a fluid?
-a system of particles loosley held together by their own cohesive forces (intermolecular), or by the restraining forces exerted by the walls of the container
- gases are generally compressible whereas liquids are generally incompressible
A "perfect" fluid
-offers no resistance to flow, except through its intertia
-gases at low density and higher temps will behave more like perfect fluids
-most fluids we will encounter will have an internal friction ("stickiness")that resists flow- viscosity
-amount of mass per unit volume
-symbol rho(p)
-units are kg/m^3
conversion unit to meters^3
1 liter= 10^-3 m^3
Gases- Definition
is one type of fluid
a continous amorphous substance whose molecules move freely past one another and that has the tendency to assume the shape of its container; a liquid or gas
resist change in shape, snaps back, recoil
shear stress
sliding motion, when molecules rub past each other
Gas-the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by:
-relatively low density and viscosity
-relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temp
-the ability to diffuse (mix) readily
-the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container
Working definition for Gas
will completely fill a container or volume in which it is confined
macroscopic properties of gases
those properties that reflect the average condition of the gas: moles, volume, density, pressure, and temperature
Gas Laws- Overview
Boyle's, Charles', and Gay-Lussac's Laws are actually limited (constrained) versions of the Ideal Gas Law
-the Ideal Gas Law is a combination of Boyle's and Charles' laws
Boyle's Law
if temp is constant, relates volume and pressure
-volume and pressure are inversely related when T constant
-usually states "at fixed temp, volume times pressure is constant"
-moles are constant
Boyle's Law formula
Applications of Boyle's Law in Anesthesia
1. Squeezing BVM increases pressure and decreases volume
2. release of gas from compressed cylinder into atmosphere
3. Body plethysmography
4. Inspiration of gases into lung (increase V of thorax > decreased P) negative pressure breathing > spont vent
Charles' Law
-sometimes lumped with Gay-Lussac since they are related
-relates volume and temp at fixed pressure
-"at fixed pressure that ratio of volume to temp is constant"
Charles' Law- formula
V1/T1 = V2/T2

-direct relationship
Application of Charles Law in Anethesia
the inflatable cuff of an ETT or LMA in the autoclave- as temp increases so does volume
Gay-Lussac's Law
-often lumped with Charles' law since they are similar
-Relates pressure and temp at fixed volume
-Pressure is directly proportional to temp at fixed volume
-"at fixed volume the ration of pressure to temp is constant"
Gay-Lussac's Law- formula
Applications of Gay-Lussac's Law in anesthesia
1. When the temp of a closed cylinder increases the pressure increases
2. as the cylinder containing liquid N20 empties, the temp decreases
3. Wood's metal blows when the temp of a cylinder increases substantially
Avogardo's Law
equal volume of gases at the same temp and pressure, contained the same number of particles, or molecules.
-the number of molecules in a specifc volume of gas is independent of the size or mass of the gas molecules.
The ideal gas constant
-has the same value for all gases:

Molar Volume and Gas Density
The volume occupied by 1 mol of any gas is called its molar volume.
-at standard temp and pressure, dry (STPD) the molar volume of any gas is 22.4 L
-able to calculate the mass density for any gas by relating the gas's gram-molecular wt to its molar volume, which is always 22.4l/mol @ STPD
Ideal Gas Law
-Combination of Boyle's, Charles' and Avogardo's law

R= 0.0821 L*atm*mol^-1*K^-1


R= 8.31 J*mol^-1*K^-1

where J = N*M
Pascal conversion
1pa = N/M^2
Conversion of atm to Pa
1 atm = 1.013 x 10^5 pa
Conversion of atm to torr
1 atm = 760 torr
Kinetic theory of gases
-describe molecules in a gas as a collection of elastic balls in free, random motion inside of a container
-collisions are perfectly elastic= no energy lost in collision
Newtons's Laws
the result of each collision of a molecule with the wall of a container creates a tiny force (f) acting on the wall of the container
-the average force exerted in 1 second over a unit area of one wall of the vessel volume (V) is the average force per unit area, which is the definition of pressure (P)
Gas triangle memory device
Can these guys possibly be violinists
Graphic summary of Gas Laws
The relationship of the gas laws
Summary of gas Pressure
the pressure of a gas is proportional to the average force per unit area that gas molecules exert on the walls of the conatiner
Summary of gas Pressure
-the total pressure exerted by all gas molecules in the atmosphere is the barometric pressure, Pb. Units of pressure are millimeter mercury (mmHg), or the kilopascal (kPa)
Pressure conversions
-at sealevel Pb (1 atm) = 760mm Hg = 101 kPa

-1 kPa = 7.50mmHg = 7.50 torr = 0.295 inches
Summary of gas Pressure
for low pressures, centimeters of water (cm H20) are often used.
-1mm Hg = 1.35 cm H20, this is derived from the ratio of densities of mercury (13.6gm *cm^-3) and water (1gm*cm^-3)
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
Gas molecules are assumed to act independently, which is a good approximation for low pressure gases

DALTON'S LAW: Ptotal = P1+P2...Pn
Dalton's law semantics
Chemistry = lower case p for partial and upper case for total

Physiology= pO2, so PO2
Fractional Concentration (percent concentration)
-the partial pressure (tension) of a gas is equal to the fractional concentration of a specific gas times the total pressure of the mixture
-relationship derived from Dalton's law
Fractional/Percent Concentration formula
Pgas= Fgas X Ptotal

-Only holds true for molecules that are "free", that is not chemically combined
Applications of Dalton's Laws
1. Permits calculation of the % concentration of a gas by dividing the partial pressure of the gas by the total pressure
2. Permits calculation of the partial pressure of a gas by multiplying % contration by the total pressure
Vapor Pressure
is the partial pressure exerted by gas molecules when there is equilibrium between the liquid and gas phases of the molecules
-if the container is open to air, then the vapor pressure of the molecules is a partial pressure, along with the other gas molecules in the air
saturated vapor pressure
if the liquid is in a closed container with no other gases, the pressure of the vapor at equilibrium is specifically calleld the saturated vapor pressure
Boiling point of a liquid
is the temperature at which the vapor pressure and atmospheric pressure are equal
Important point about boiling point and vapor pressure
-BP of a liquid is not constant, the BP is a function of pressure
-the vapor pressure is a functiuon of the temp of the system
Gas solubility and Henry's Law
-describes the same equilibrium as does saturated vapor pressure, but from the perspective of the fluid rather than the gas.
-at equilibrium, the liquid is saturated with all of the gas molecules that is can hold
-Henry's law states that the amt of gas (conc) that can dissolve in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid
Henry's Law eqauation
Cgas= B(beta) x Pgas

B= solubility coefficient
Pgas= partial pressure
Solubility coefficient
the solubility coeffcient is inversly proportional to temp- increased temp = decreased B
-the concentration is usually expressed per 100ml (deciliter) of fluid, and thus called volume percent
0.067ml CO2 * dl^-1 mmHg @ 37C
B(beta) 02
0.003ml O2 *dl^-1 mmHg @ 37C
How much oxygen is dissolved in each deciliter of blood when Po2 = 90mm HG
Co2 = Bo2 x Po2

0.003 ml 02/ dl*mm Hg x 90mmHG


CO2 was 2.6
-o2 does not dissolve in blood very well, good thing we have hemoglobin
Absolute Humidity
-the mass of water vapor present in a given volume of air
-the values of absolute humidity are usually expressed as mg/L or g/m^3, which are numerically equivalent
-the maximum amount of water vapor that can be present in a given volume of aire is a function of the system temperature
relative humidity
is a ratio of the measured partial pressure of water in the air to the saturated vapor pressure of water, which is determined soley by the temp of the air
-in other words it is the ration of how much water vapor is in the air, compared to the maximum(saturated) amt of h20 that the air could hold at that temp
relative humidity formula
actual vapor pressure/ saturated vapor pressure

-usually expressed as a percentage
Summary of gases
-easily compressible
-expand to fill any available volume
-have low density
-readily diffuse through each other
-exert pressure on their containers
-behave most ideally at low pressure and high temps