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23 Cards in this Set

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Problem statements 6 components
1/ Identification
2/ background
3/ Scope of the problem (how big?)
4/ Consequences of the prob
5/ Knowledge gaps (wat info is lacking)
6/ Propose solution
Statement of Purpose
- general direction of the inquiry and captures
- in quantitative study, identifies variables, relationship and population
"test, evaluate, examine, compare"
" prove, demonstrate, show" is bias
Research questions
Focus attention
In quantitative studies:
- conceptualize questions in term of variables
Tx: In P, what is the effect of IV on DV
Prognosis: In P, does IV affect or influence IV?
Etiology/harm: In P, does IV cause or increase risk of DV
- Research questions are more complex than clinical foreground questions
- a prediction
- sometimes emerge from theory
Characteristic of a testable hypothesis
- expected relatioships btween IV and DV in P.
- based on justified rationales
Ethical principals for protecting study participants
1/ Beneficience
2/ Respect to human dignity
3/ Justice
Duty to minimize harm and maximize benefits
1/ Freedom from harm and discomfort
2/ Protection from exploitation - should not place them in situation that they are not prepared
Respect for human dignity
1/ Right to self-determination - right to participate or withdraw
Coercion: threats by penalty from failing to participate
2/ Right to full disclosure
+ researcher fully described the nature of the study
+ pt's right to refuse participation
+ responsibilities, risks and benefits
Cover data collection ( Concealment)
collect data without the sub's knowledge or consent
withhold info about the study, provide false info.
1/ Right to fair tx
2/ Right to privacy (HIPAA)
Procedures for protecting participants
1/ Risk-Benefit assessment
2/ Informed consent
3/ Confidentiality:
- Anonymity
- Confidentiality in the absence of anonymity
4/ Debriefings and Refferals
5/ Tx of vulnerable subjects
6/ External reviews and the protection of human rights (IRB)
Minimal risk
risk no greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during routine physical or psychological tests or procedures
Implied consent
the return of the completed questionnaire reflects the respondent's voluntary consent to participate
Process consent
qualitative study, ongoing, transactional consent.
researcher cannot link participants to their data
info provided will not be publicly reported
Debriefing sessions
permit participants to ask questions or air complaints.
Vulnerable subjects
incapable of giving own consent or high risk for unintended SE because of their condition
1/ Children (Assent)
2/ Mentally/emotionally disabled people
3/ Severely ill/physically disabled
4/ Terminally ill
5/ Institutionalized peopel
6/ pregnant women
Research misconduct
fraud and misintepretation of data.
making up data or study results and report them
manipulating research materials, equipment or processes
changing or omitting data
distorting results
appropriation of other's ideas, results or words