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34 Cards in this Set

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What does the time of discharge depend on?
1. Condition of the mother and infant
2. Whether breastfeeding is established
3. Preferences of the parents
4. Insurance coverage
What anticipatory guidance do nurses provide before discharge?
1. Feeding
2. Elimination
3. Care of the circumcised infant
4. Crying
5. Behavior
6. Sleeping
7. Signs of illness
8. Community resources, including support groups
When is the optimal time for the baby to travel home from the hospital?
After a feeding
Do parenting skills come automatically with the birth of a child?
No, parents learn to do the caregiving tasks, even if it is not their first child
What expected outcomes show an effective transition to parenthood?
1. Interact with the infant in a loving and nurturing way
2. Incorporate the infant into the family
3. Promote acceptance of the infant by siblings
4. Demonstrate behaviors that reflect appreciation of sensory and behavioral capacities of the infant
5. Respond appropriately to infant cues
6. Verbalize increasing confidence and competence in feeding, dressing, diapering, and sensory stimulation of the infant
7. Identify deviation from normal in the infant that should be brought to the immediate attention of the primary health care provider
8. Describe or demonstrate emergency procedures and verbalize ways of getting emergency help
What is a major problem reported by mothers during the first few weeks after birth?
What is the care for the umbilical cord?
1. Should be kept clean and dry by folding the diaper below the cord to allow drying

2. Cleanse the cord with water

3. Assess cord for edema, redness, and purulent drainage with every diaper change
When will the umbilical cord fall off?
In 10 to 14 days
What is the care for the circumcised infant male?
1. Petroleum jelly is applied to the penis with each diaper change for at least 24 hours after circumcision to prevent the diaper from adhering to the penis

2. Cleanse with warm water

3. A yellow exudate covers the glans within 24 hours and remains for 2 to 3 days - NO attempt should be made to remove it
What are the purposes of infant bathing?
1. Completely cleansing the infant
2. Observing the infant's condition
3. Promoting comfort
4. Parent-child-family interaction
How should an infant be bathed to control heat loss?
By immersion
How should an infant's skin integrity be maintained?
1. Avoid use of alkaline soaps (such as Ivory), oils, powders, and lotions that alter the acid mantle of the infant's skin

2. Avoid commercial diaper wipes
Why are baby powders not recommended?
The infant can inhale the powder and experience respiratory distress
How is optimal skin condition in the diaper region maintained?
1. Diapers should be changed frequently
2. Use diapers with absorbent gels
3. Washing and drying the wet and soiled area
4. Immediately changing the diaper after voiding or stooling
What type of environment is optimal for bacterial growth?
Warm, moist, and dark areas
What organism is commonly associated with diaper rash?
Candida albicans
What areas are commonly affected by diaper rashes?
1. Perianal area
2. Inguinal folds (crease of inner thighs)
3. Lower abdomen
When should infant's nails be cut?
When the nails grow out far enough to avoid cutting the attached skin
What is the acceptable sleep position for an infant?
Supine (on back)
What is positional plagiocephaly?
Flattening of the head
How is positional plagiocephaly prevented?
Turning the infant's head from side to side during sleep
What kind of mattress should infants sleep on?
Firm surface to prevent suffocation from soft surfaces
Where is the safest area of the car for an infant?
The back seat (with infant in a rear-facing car seat)
How should the harness of the car seat be secured?
At or below the level of the infant's shoulders
How should the car seat be positioned?
At a 45 degree angle to prevent slumping and airway obstruction
What length should the back-to-crotch strap be in order to prevent slumping?
14 cm
What is an infant's chief pleasure?
What are the benefits of nonnutritive sucking?
1. Weight gain in preterm infants
2. Increased ability to maintain an organized state
3. Decreased crying
How is CPR performed on infants?
1. Use a 30:2 compression-ventilation ratio for all 1-rescuer and a 15:2 ratio for 2-rescuer CPR

2. Repeat at least 100 times/min, doing 5 compressions in 3 sec or less

3. Perform 10 cycles of 5 compression and one ventilation
What should anticipatory guidance include?
1. Newborn sleep-wake cycles
2. Interpretation of crying and quieting techniques
3. Infant developmental milestones
4. Sensory enrichment/infant stimulation
5. Recognizing signs of illness
6. Well-baby follow-up
7. Immunizations
What are benefits of printed materials for parents?
1. Reinforce content discussed in hospital

2. Allow parents another chance to review the material in private and at own pace

3. Provide new info not covered in the hospital
What is an infant's first social communication technique?
What is colic?
When babies cry inconsolably for several hours, pull their legs up to their stomach, and pass large amounts of gas

(usually no cause for this)
What are some benefits of infant massaging?
1. Relaxes and helps decrease stress for parent and infant

2. Relieves discomfort, gas, and colic

3. Helps normalize muscle tone and improve blood flow

4. Helps baby sleep better

5. Stimulate brain development

6. Promotes bonding and attachment