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20 Cards in this Set

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Disposed to do somthing= eager /willing to do it.

We passed two dwellings, but we were not disposed to stop.

Fluctuation - numbers go up and down.

Was released- not included

Prevail - succeed after a struggle

Rick still believes that justice will prevail.

Exquisite= beautiful

Look at this exquisite painting.

Their house is exquisitely furnished.

He administrates the given tasks.


In the aggregate, women outlive men by 7 or more years.

Outlive: to remain alive after someone else had died.


Extremists were openly advocating violence.

The man adjusted his watch.


The building adjacent to the library.


This meal is adequate for there people.




The family acknowledge the need for change.



He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.


How could she abandon her child?



He tried, albeit without success.


He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.


تفضيل الاقارب في التوظيف

People use their power to favour their dear ones.

People use social media to keep abreast of the latest news and information, and fill up their spare time.

To make sure they know all the facts about something.

The business has started using social media to advertise its projects.

People use social media to keep abreast of the latest news and information, and fill up their spare time.

To make sure they know all the facts about something.

The business has started using social media to advertise its projects.

The main drawback of using social media is the lack of privacy and lack of reliable information.

Parents should keep in mind their kids’ temperaments and aptitude so they can set reasonable goals.

People use social media to keep abreast of the latest news and information, and fill up their spare time.

To make sure they know all the facts about something.

The business has started using social media to advertise its projects.

The main drawback of using social media is the lack of privacy and lack of reliable information.

Parents should keep in mind their kids’ temperaments and aptitude so they can set reasonable goals.

If people have children, all the plans take a seatback.

Personal plans revolve around the need of children and family.

- She has always been a major influence on me.

- she has devoted her entire life to the betterment of her kids.

- her stories are informative and full of morals.

- old people teach the importance of life values whereas youngsters help them by teaching the latest technological trends such as how to use computers and smartphones.

- with the advancement in the field of medicine, there are treatments related to different diseases.

- Young people have a perception that old ones are not ready to adapt to the changing trends in society.

- watching movies is the best entertainer and stress buster for me.

- Spanish mam and son are drug lords who wreak vengeful havoc on their city.

Cause a lot of damage.

- Will Smith is gifted by nature.

- historical movies offer insight into how life in the past was.

- documentary doesn't fascinate people.

- Jigsaw is a game in which the player has to assemble the interlocking pieces, each piece has a portion of the picture.

- I feel a sense of achievement once I finish assembling the pics.


1. Improves short term memory.

2. Stress reliever game.

3. Beneficial for our brain development.

4. Keep mind active and working.

5. Help improve concentration and problem-solving skills.

6. Improve cognitive abilities and boost intelligence.

- humans have a natural drive to solve problems.

- novels are mentally stimulating and engage the imagination whilst movies need to capture the entire film in a few hours.

Some parts get left out.

- Buying toys and gadgets as rewards can make the kids materialistic because they may focus on the reward and forget about the reason they are being rewarded for.

- reading books gives us the scope to think like the author.

- public places changed because of public demands. The new generations want new and modernized facilities.

- Cities provide advanced and better services than villages.

- it would be a great opportunity if I get to work and live in Canada. I would get a chance to understand its culture. At work, I would coordinate what I learn in the classroom with the actual experience.

- young people prefer places where they can get well-paid jobs and entertainment while old people care about the presence of family members.