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129 Cards in this Set

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What is the association cortex responsible for?
Carries out higher-order information processing

Blumenfeld. P 41
What is the difference between unimodal and multimodal association areas?
Unimodal: higher order processing, usually for a single sensory or motor modality. --Usually located adjacent to 1^ motor or sensory area.

Multimodal: Integrates fxs from multiple motor &/or sensory modalities.

Blumenfeld. P 42
Where is the secondary somatosensory area?
Upper bank of lateral sulcus (or according to Blumenfeld, in the parietal operculum).

Where is the somatosensory association cortex?
Posterior parietal cortex.

What are the three multimodal association areas?
Posterior parietal
Inferior temporal

What is the function of the parietal association area?
Awareness of and attention to our personal body map and our relationship to the world around us. Neurons respond during attention to interesting or behaviorally meaningful target objects. ?>

What is each side of the parietal lobe activity association with?
Right - attention to both sides.
Left - attention to right side.
Right sided lesions most significant. ?>
What are some consequences of lesions to the right parietal lobe?
Contralateral neglect syndrome - inattention to left side of body and extrapersonal space.
Patients fail to acknowledge ownership of left limbs, dress or wash the left side of the body, see objects in the left visual field, or the left side of objects, attend to sounds from the left side, turn to left when navigating familiar territory. ?>

What is the temporal association area responsible for?
Recognition and identification of complex stimuli. Recognition of specific classes of objects (tools, vegetables, pieces of furniture). Module for recognition of faces. ?>

What does a lesion to the inferior temporal lobe cause?
Agnosia - not knowing.
Deficits in object recognition - may be for objects in general, may be for specific class or classes of objects.
Deficit in recognition of faces - prosopagnosia. ?>

What is the frontal association area responsible for?
Integration of complex perceptual information to generate an appreciation of self in relation to the outside world. ?>

The striatum includes what structures:
caudate nucleus
globus pallidus
Anatomy: Disorders of higher planning and integration of behavior over time (working or active memory) is particularly dependent on:

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Anatomy of Language Comprehension
Posterior temporal lobes

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Ideomotor Apraxia
Inability to perform complex, artificial movements out of their natural context. Most evident in defective pantomime of tool use.

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Ideational Apraxia
Inability to perform correct sequence of steps

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Anatomy: Ideomotor Apraxia
Left hemisphere

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Anatomy: Ideational Apraxia
Left parietal lesions, but may also be seen in the context of frontal planning deficits

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Anatomy: Finger agnosia
Left inferior parietal

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Anatomy: acalculia
Left inferior parietal

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Anatomy: R-L confusion
Left inferior parietal

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Failures of visuospatial processing
Right inferior parietal

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Inability to orient oneself in familiar surroundings and to find one's way around a new setting (topographagnosia)
R hem, either parietal or inferior medial temporo-occipital junction

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive

Fusiform gyrus
Spontaneous confabulation is thought to be due to:
Impaired source memory (i.e., a deficit in remembering contextual information about an event) and temporal confusion (i.e., the difficulty in distinguishing irrelevant and old memory traces from relevant and new traces referring to the ongoing reality).

True or False:
The ability to learn new motor or cognitive skills (procedural learning) depends on MTLs.

Rather, basal ganglia structures

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
What is a disorder of spatial processing that is due to left hemisphere damage?
Gerstmann Syndrome

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive
Where is the fusiform gyrus?

What disorders are associated with it?
Temporal lobe, at the medial temporo-occipital junction.
(Located between the occipitotemporal gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus).

Associate object Agnosia

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive

Spontaneous Confabulation
Posterior orbitofrontal damage or disconnection

Schnider NP Testing chapter on H drive

Semantic Fluency
L temporal
Greater semantic vs phonemic fluency is seen in what dementias?

Phonemic fluency
Frontal-subcortical function

Relatively equal mpairment in both semantic and phonemic fluency
due to poor generativity OR
problems maintaining set.

Impaired BNT that improves with phonemic cues

It's a Retrieval deficit

Impaired BNT that improves with multiple choice

Mild semantic loss

Impaired BNT that improves with stimulus cue

Visuospatial problem

Phonemic paraphasias are associated with altered _______fx.
Left DLPFC (helipopter)

Semantic paraphasias are associated with altered _______fx.
Temporal lobe

Figural Fluency

Stroop Inhibition
Anterior cingulate, DLPFC

Bruce doesn't think it really tells us about anatomy
Diagonal slant on mnmn could be suggestive of:
Parietal deficits
Difficulties with persistence on mnmn (lifting pencil a lot) is associated with:
Parkinsonian tendencies
Micrographia on mnmn is associated with:
Macrographia on mnmn may be suggestive of:
Cerebellar deficits

Working Memory

Buccofacial apraxia
Damage to face area within motor strip.

It relates to the execution of motor movements associated with speech.
Test by asking patient to: whistle, lick lips, blow out a match, move tongue from side to side.

Trails Switching

Visual Agnosia
Bilateral occipital lesions
--the ventral stream
--the visual association areas of the occipital lobe
What plays an important role in preparing and running off sequences of motor movements.
Basal ganglia
What are the main components of the basal ganglia?
A collection of gray matter nuclei deep within the WM.
Striatum (Caudate and Putamen)
Globus Pallidus
Subthalamic Nucleus
Sustantia Nigra

L frontal operculum (3rd frontal convolution of L hemisphere)
Association Areas

Do what?
Neural go-betweens that allow the combined analysis of all the sensory systems of the brain.
2 types of Association Areas
Unimodal (modality specific)

Heteromodal (Higher Order)
3 Classifications of Axons
Association (same hem; run ant to post)
Commissural (homotopic areas of 1 hem to the other)
Projection (up & down. Cross midline)

Anatomy of Apraxia
L Supramarginal gyrus

Rama 1
The ability to create an image of, and execute, skilled movements. We use the image to guide our movements. Apractics can't link the percept with motor action.

Can't translate thought into acton?

Rama 1
Rama 1
L angular gyrus

Abstract skills like reading, writing and arithmetic

Rama 1
Rama 1
Hemispatial neglect results from damage to:
Right parietal lobe

Rama 1
Rama 1
Processing of touch, muscles, and joint information and combining it with vision, hearing, & balance to give a sense of our self & the world around it.
Parietal lobes

Rama 1
Rama 1

Creating a mental model of the spatial layout of the outside world
R parietal

Gives the ability to grab things, avoid obstacles, etc.

Rama 1
Rama 1

The mental awareness you have of your body’s configuration and movement in space
R superior lobule (just above IPL)

Rama 1
Rama 1

Recognizing faces & objects and linking them to appropriate emotions
Temporal lobes

Rama 1
Rama 1

Alien Hand
Anterior Cingulate??????

Corpus collosum????

Rama 1
Rama 1

"Wanting" is crucially dependent on:
Anterior cingulate

"wanting" as in akinetic mutism or vigilant coma. "I heard you, doc. I just didn't feel like answering"

Rama 1
Rama 1
Where is visual information initially discriminated?
Fusiform gyrus

The pyramidal tracts are:
The motor pathway that descends from the cortex down into the spinal cord conveying commands for volitional movements.
Controls VOLUNTARY movements.

Babinski sign indicates:
Damage to the pyramidal tracts.

UMN lesion anywhere along the corticospinal tract

The extrapyramidal system does what?

What structures comprise it?
It dampens erratic motions, maintains muscle tone and truncal stability.

Basal ganglia

What structure is most affected in Huntingtons?

What structure is most affected in Ideopathis Parkinson's?
Substantia nigra

UMN reside in _______ and extend from the ________ to the ___________.

LMN extend from the ________ to the __________.
the precentral gyrus.
Brain to spinal cord.

Spinal cord to skeletal muscles of the arms and legs.

Branches & Subbranches of Nervous System
CNS Brain & Spinal Cord

Somatic Cranial & Spinal nerves

Autonomic Symp & Parasympathetic
Role of Somatic Nervous System
Produces movement and transmits incoming sensory info to the CNS, including Vision, Hearing, Pain, Temp, Touch, and Position & Mvmt of Body Parts
Role of Autonomic Nervous System
Balances internal organs to either:

Rest & digest: Parasympathetic Nerves OR
Fight & Flight: Sympathetic Nerves
Protective Membranes in Brain
(from inside to out):
Pia Mater-clings to surface of brain
Dura Mater
ACA irrigates the:
Medial and dorsal part of the cortex
What is the major visual center of the brainstem?
Superior colliculus

Kolb 203
What is the major auditory center of the brainstem?
Inferior colliculus

Kolb 203
What are the 3 landmarks in the visual cortex?
- Calcarine sulcus: contains much of the 1^ cortex & divides the upper and lower halves of the visual world.
-Lingual gyrus (ventral surface of each hem)
-Fusiform gyru (ventral surface of each hem)
What is the 1st place in the cortex where visual information is processed?

What are the precortical stages in visual processing?
Primary visual cortex.

Precortical stages: retina & LGN

UTx site
Primary visual cortex is AKA as ___ & ___.
Striate cortex or V1

UTx site
T or F

Damage to V1 can affect vision in just one or both eyes.
False. Both eyes are always affected.

Kolb p.360
T or F Different parts of the visual field are topographically represented in different parts of V1.
True. Thus injury to a specific region of V1 produces a loss of vision in a specific part of the visual world.
Formed visual hallucinations (people, animals, complex scenes) arise from what area of the brain?
Inferior temporo-occipital visual assn cortex

Blumenfeld p 440
Formed visual hallucinations (people, animals, complex scenes) can be caused by:
Toxic/metabolic disturbances
ETOH & sedative withdrawal
Focal seizures
Complex migraine
Neurodeg disorders
Midbrain ischemia
Psychiatric disorders
Release phenomena (in patients with visual deprivation)

Blumenfeld p 440
Visual hallucinations that occur in elderly patients as a result of impaired vision is referred to as?
Charles Bonnet syndrome

Blumenfeld p 440
Name & fx of each class of photoreceptors in the retina:
Rods: vision in low-level lighting conditions, but poor spatial and temporal resolution.

Cones: detect color. Relatively high spatial and temporal resolution.

Blumenfeld p 429
The region of the retina with the highest visual acuity is the:
Homonymous hemianopia results from:

Where does blindness occur?
Lesions proximal to the optic chiasm (optic tract, LGN, optic radiations, or V1)

One entire visual field. IOW, it affects info coming from both eyes.

Results from
If a visual disturbance is restricted to just one eye, where is the damage?
Outside the brain -- either in the retina or optic nerve.

Kolb p.360
Monocular blindness results from damage to the:
Eye, Retina or Optic Nerve
A lesion of the medial region of the optic chiasm produces:
Bitemporal (bilateral lateral) hemianopia

Because it severs the crossing fibers.
The fibers that cross are from medial (nasal) hemiretina fibers which are responsible for temporal (lateral) hemifields.
A pituitary tumor can cause what type of vision problem?
Bitemporal (bilateral lateral) hemianopia

-because the pituitary sits medially next to the optic chiasm, a tumor can put pressure on the medial part of the chiasm
Complete cuts of the optic tract, LGN, or V1 can cause:
Homonymous hemianopia

One entire visual field is affected. IOW, it affects info coming from both eyes.
Lesions of the entire optic radiation cause a:
Contralateral homonymous hemianopia

Blumenfeld p 433
The inferior optic radiations carry information from the inferior OR superior retina (inferior OR superior visual field).
Inferior retina / Superior visual field

Therefore, temporal lobe lesions can cause a contralateral homonymous superior quadrantanopia.

Blumenfeld p 433
What forms Meyer's Loop?
Fibers of the inferior optic radiations that arc forward into the temporal lobe

Blumenfeld 433
The upper optic radiations pass where?
Under the parietal lobe.

Therefore, parietal lobe lesions can sometimes cause a contralateral homonymous inferior quadrantanopia
Is weakness associated with lesions above the pyramidal decussation Ipsilateral OR Contralateral?

Blum 32
True or False

UMN and LMNs synapse at the pyramidal decussation.
False. Below the decussation
Where is auditory AND written language first perceived?

Where doe is go from there?
1^ aud cortex: Sup temp lobe AND
1^ visual cortex: Occipital lobe

From there, cortical-cortical association fibers convey info to Wernickes's area in the dominant (usually L) hemisphere .

Blumenfeld p. 43
Anatomy of deficits in language comprehension
Werniche's. AKA receptive or sensory aphasia

Superior temporal gyrus. It surrounds the 1^ auditory cortex.

Blumenfeld p. 43
Anatomy of deficits in language production
Broca's. AKA expressive or motor aphasia.

Frontal lobe (left) adjacent to the areas of 1^ motor cortex involved in moving the lips, tongue, face, & larynx.

Blumenfeld p. 43
Inferior Parietal Lobule consists of the:
Supramarginal gyrus and Angular gyrus

Blumenfeld p 25
Angular gyrus surrounds:
the end of the Superior Temporal Gyrus

Blumenfeld p 25
Supramarginal gyrus surrounds:
the end of the Sylvian fissure.

Blumenfeld p 25
The limbic cortex consists of what structures?
cingulate gyrus
basal ganglia

Main Somatosensory Pathways

What does each convey?
Posterior column pathways: PVT
Proprioception, Vibration sense, fine, discriminative Touch

Anterolateral Pathways: PTT
Pain, Temperature, crude Touch

Blumenfeld p 34
The thalami lie just above the _______________ and just behind the _______________________
above the Brainstem
behind the Basal Ganglia

Blumenfeld p 35
The diencephalon is composed of the:
Thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus

Blumenfeld p 36
Hypothalamus is an important region for control of:
autonomic, neurodendocrine, limbic and other circuits

Blumenfeld p 36
UMNs are:

They form synapses onto:
Motor neurons that project via the corticospinal tract (from the cortex down to the spinal cord or brainstem) to LMNs


Blumenfeld p 33
LMNs are located in the:
Anterior horns of the central gray matter of the spinal cord OR
in brainstem motor nuclei.

Blumenfeld p 33
Lesions in the cerebellum lead to:
Disorders oin coordination and balance: Ataxia

Blumenfeld p 34
Lesions in the basal ganglia lead to:
Hypokinetic movement disorders (such as Parkinsonism, in which movements are infrequent, slow and rigid) AND
Hyperkinetic movement disorders (such as Huntington's, which is characterized by dancelike involuntary movements)

Blumenfeld p 34
Signs of LMN lesions:

Blumenfeld p 63
Signs of UMN lesions:
Increased tone
+ Babinski (toes up)

Blumenfeld p 63 and 66
Tests for higher-order aspects of sensation (aka: cortical sensation):
-Graphesthesia (#s)
-Stereognosis (object in hand)
-Tactile Extinction on double simultaneous stimulation

Note: This can't be tested reliably unless 1^ sensation is intact bilaterally

Blumenfeld p 71
Increase tone can be due to:
UMN lesions OR basal ganglia dysfx

Blumenfeld p 64
Slow or awkward fine finger movements or toe tapping in the absence of weakness can signify:
A subtle abnormality in the corticospinal pathways
Lesions of cerebellum or basal ganglia

Blumenfeld p 64
Babinski sign is associated with:
UMN lesions anywhere along the corticospinal tract.

Blumenfeld p 66
Ataxia is:
Abnormal movement in coordination disorders. Medium to large amplitude involuntary movements with an irregular oscillatory quality superimposed on and interfering with the normal smooth trajectory of movement. ieL finger-nose-finger

Blumenfeld p 69
To check coordination, test for:
Ataxia (finger nose finger)
Precision finger tap
Dysdiadochokinesia (alternating movements)
Heel to shin

Blumenfeld p 68
Normal performance on coordination tests depends on:
The integrated fxing of multiple sensory and motor subsystems including: position sense & visual pathways, LMN, UMN, BG, & cerebellum.

Thus to convincingly demonstrate cerebellar dysfx, joint position sense, vision, strength, & reflexes must be found normal, and the absence of involuntary movements caused by BG lesions must be confirmed.
Blumenfeld p 69
Tests of primary sensation
Pain, temperature, vibration sense, joint position sense, 2-point discrimination

Blumenfeld p 71
With the eyes open, what sensory systems provide input to the cerebellum to maintain truncal stability?
2. Proprioception
3. Vestibular sense

When eyes are open, a patient can usually compensate for a lesion to 2 or 3, but once visual input is removed (Romberg), instability can be brought out.

Note that instability can also be due to lesions in other parts of the nervous system, such as UMN, LMN, BG.

Blumenfeld p 70
Somatosensory deficits can be caused by lesions in:
-Peripheral nerves
-Nerve roots
-Posterior columns or anterolateral sensory systems in spinal cord or brainstem
-Sensory cortex

Pain, temperature, vibration sense, joint position sense, 2-point discrimination

Blumenfeld p 71
Extinction with intact 1^ sensation is a form of hemineglect most commonly associated with lesions of ______ but, like other forms of neglect, can also be occasionally seen with___________or _________, OR ____
R parietal lobe
R frontal or subcortical lesions
L hemisphere lesions causing mild right hemineglect

Blumenfeld p 72
Conversion Disorder vs Somatization Disorder vs Factitious Disorder vs Malingering
Conversion: patient has sensory or motor deficits without a corresponding focal lesion.

Somatization: Patient has multiple somatic complaints that change over time.

Factitious: Patient has conscious control over symptoms and intentionally use them for an ulterior motive that is INTERNAL to the patient (Munchausen's).

Malingering: Motive is EXTERIOR to patient.

Blumenfeld p 7?