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52 Cards in this Set

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each carbon atom can share pairs of electrons with up to ____ other atom(s).
sugars are a type of ______
_____ is a simple sugar
glucose and ribose
unlike saturated fats the fatty acid tails of unsaturated fats incorporate one or more ________
double covalent bonds
uunlike saturated fats all of the unsaturated fats are beneficial to health because their fatty acid tails bend and do not pack together.
steroids are among the lipids with no ______
fatty acid tails
which is a class of molecules that encompasses all of the other molecules listed? triglycerides, waxes, lipids fatty acids, steroids, phospholipids
_________ are to proteins as _____ are to nucleic acids
amino acids; nucleotides
a denatured protein has lost its ________.
hydrogen bonds, function & shape
_______ consists of nucleotides
_______ are the richest source of energy in the body
glycerol, fatty acids and phosphate are all
2 strands of nucleotides are
cell membranes consist mostly of
unlike eukaryotic cells prokaryotic cells ________
have no nucleus
the main function of the endomembrane system is buillding and modifying _________ & __________
lipids & proteins
no animal cell has a _________
cell wall
enzymes contained in _______ break down worn out organells, bacteria and other particles
what does mitochondrion do
ATP by breaking down sugars
what does chloroplast do
what do ribosomes do
protein synthesis
what does a chain of amino acids make?
energy carrier in cells
one or more sugar monomers are called
the richest source of energy is
the ______ is the smallest unit of life
some protists are prokaryotes
false they are all eukaryotes
organells enclosed by membranesare typical features of _________ cells
ribosome subunits are built in the ___________
the plasma membrane is the outermost componant of all cells.
false cell walls enclose the plasma membrane of many cells
ribosomes preform
protein synthesis
smooth ER does what?
assembles lipids
Golgi body does what?
sorts, packs and ships
rough ER does what?
associates with ribosomes
in a lipid bilayer ______ of all the lipid molecules are sandwhiched between all the ______
hydrophobic tails: hydrophilic heads
by the _____ model cell membranes are flexible structures composed of a mixture of many different tyoes of molecules
fluid mosaic
most membrane functions are carried out by ______
organelle membranes incorporate ___
transport proteins
some ________ proteins are also receptors
diffusion is the movement of ions or molecules from an area of ________ consentration to an area of _____ consentration
name one molecule that can readily diffuse across a lipid bilayer
oxygen, CO2, water
some sodium ions cross a cell membrane through transport proteins that first must be activated by an energy boost. this is an example of ______
active transport
immerse a living cell in a hypotonic solution and water will _______
move into the cell
fluid pressure against a wall or cell membrane is called _______
turgor pressure
vesicles form by ______
put the structures in order according to an exocytic trafficking pathway "plasma membrane, golgi bodies, post golgi vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum"
post golgi vesicles, golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane
discribe phagocytosis
one cell engulfs another
discribe passive transport
no energy boost required to move solutes
discribe recognition protein
identity protein
discribe active transport
requires an energy boost
discribe phospholipid
important in membranes
discribe gradient
basis of diffusion