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60 Cards in this Set

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In ancient greece, a double-flute was the ________.

With the Roman empire failing, what institution played an important role in developing significant innovations of western music?
The rise of this institution helped Western Europe begin to develop a focused sense of "society."
political, economic, and obligations
Feudalism is a __________ and ________ system that relies on a series of ________.
money, goods, and military service
Vassals paid tribute in the form of ______, _______, and ________.
Parcels of land given to each vassal.
In the early days, christian communities were known as ___________.
The designated leader of a Christian community.
metropolitan or archbishop
The head bishop of a province _________ or ___________.
Constantinople and Antioch
Which Christian cities called their leaders patriarchs?
Rome and Alexandria
Which Christian cities called their leaders popes?
6th century
When was the Roman leader recognized as the supreme leader?
Pope Gregory I (590-604)
Who was the pope when the Roman leader recognized as the supreme leader?
Which roman leader issued the first edict of tolerance in 311?
a burning cross
What inspired Emperor Constantine I to baptize his entire household?
When did christianity become legal?
Edict of Milan
What was the name of the document that legalized Christianity?
Constantine (306-337)
Who was emperor when Christianity was legalized?
right to own property
What right did the church gain after Christianity was legalized?
the political ruler
Who became head of the church after Christianity was legalized?
speculative theory
Music theorists of the Middle Ages viewed music as the patterns that govern life and the cosmos; music from the perspective is often called _________.
St. Augustine (aka: Bishop of Hippo)
One of the most influential theorist of medieval times.
De Musica and Confessions
St. Augustine wrote the treatises ________ and __________.
rhythm and meter
De Musica addressed which two subjects?
St. Augustine (aka: Bishop of Hippo)
Who said that music was the "Art of measuring well?"
De institutione musica
What work did Boethius write?
Musica mundana,humana, and instramentalis
What are the three dimensions that Boethius divided music into?
the motion of stars and planets
Musica Munda described _________.
the body and soul
Musica Humana described ______.
As the church became more formal, worship services were called __________.
St. Benedict of Nursia
Which abbot wrote a guide which set the times and content of worship for his monastery? What was the book called?
mass and offices
What two services occurred daily in the Catholic church?
Mass and mid-morning
What was the cornerstone of the catholic service? When did it take place?
Items sung to distinctive melodies during mass were called __________.
a single, repetitive pitch
What is a reciting tone?
introit, gradual, alleluia or tract, sequence, offertory, and communion
The 6 proper chants in the Mass.
Kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus et benedictus, agnus dei, and ite missa est
The 6 ordinary chants in the Mass.
collect, secret, preface, canon, lord's prayer, and postcommunication
The 6 spoken prayers in the Mass.
Espistle and Gospel
What are the lessons called? (2)
The 8 services that occur during the day.
Matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, and compline
What is the name for the 8 services that occur during the day?
monks and nuns
Who attends the 8 services that occur during the day?
Which service occurs at 2am?
Matins, Lauds, Vespers, and Compline
Which services are apart of the Greater Offices?
Prime, Terce, Sext, and None
Which services are part of the lesser offices?
Liturgical year
The Church year is also know as ____________.
Christmastide, Epiphany, lent, eastertide, trinity, and advent
What are the 6 parts of the Church year?
Consistent texts within mass or office services are __________.
What is the system of symbols used to represent musical sounds?
The first experimentation with notation used symbols called _________.
Guido of Arezzo
Who is credited with inventing the musical staff?
How many lines did the first musical staff contain?
c and f
What notes were part of the first musical staff?
guido's six note scale
What is a hexachord?
What is the earliest manual on various technical aspects of music theory?
Who wrote he earliest manual on various technical aspects of music theory?
Who was known as the first practical theorist?
When there is a one-to-one correspondence between words/syllables and musical notes, this correspondence is called ________.
When many notes or pitches embellish a single syllable, this is called __________.

What word was most often given melismatic text setting?