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43 Cards in this Set

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What is the Office?

The office of the Pope is the papacy. His ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the Diocese of Rome, is often called "the Holy See" or "the Apostolic See", the latter name being based upon the belief that the Bishop of Rome is the successor of Peter the Apostle.

What is the liturgy?

a form or formulary according to which public religious worship, especially Christian worship, is conducted

What is an antiphon?

a short sentence sung or recited before or after a psalm or canticle.

Define: Antiphonal

A performance style of two voice groups singing in call and response

Psalm Tone, Recitation Formula, and Psalm Formula are what?

Melodic formula for singing psalms.

What is the Doxology?

"The Holy Trinity" ending of a prayer

Where were the Troubadors from?

Southern France

Where were the Trouveres from?

Northern France

Define the Cantigas de Santa maria

The Cantigas de Santa Maria are a collection of over 400 songs in praise of Mary preserved in a manuscript prepared for Alfonso el Sabio.

Define Psalm:

Book in the bible from the old testament; 150 psalms that are all sung once a week

Define Vespers:

a service of evening prayer in the Divine Office of the Western Christian Church

Define the two concurrent cycles of the Church year?

Annual cycle: Advent, Lent, Easter, Pentecost

Weekly Cycle: primarily comprised of reciting the 150 psalm cycle

Where was the Weekly Mass Cycle sung?

It was performed in monastic communities. This is referred to as the Divine Office.

What time of day were the Matins and Lauds sung?

Between midnight and sunrise.

What is Antiphonal Psalmody?

The foundation of liturgical chant in the middle ages

Difference between Genre and Style?

Genre: a composition that has certain characteristics despite individual variation

Example: Movies

Style: Individual expression of the details with in the genre

Examples: Animated or Live, historical, present, future setting, etc.

What is the Melodic style of liturgical chant?

- melodic styles correspond to textual phrases

- arc shapes are common

- higher pitches often correspond to accentuated syllables in spoken latin

Define Declamation:

Number of pitches per syllable

Define Syllabic:

one pitch per syllable

Define Neumatic:

2-4 pitches per syllable


Many notes per one syllable

Genres of the Propers:

Intriots, Graduals, Alleluias (Tracts), Offertories, and Communion

Genres of the Ordinary:

Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei

Define Introit:

Purpose: accompanies processional (priests and assistants)

Form: Roots in antiphonal psalmody

Define Gradual:

Sung after the gospel. Nothing else is going on during this time so it has the liberty to be more melismatic and virtuosic.

What do Tropes do?

-Add new words

- Extend or add melismas

- add text to existing melismas


Type of Trope


The Alleluias

Who is Nokter Balbulus?

Nokter Balbulus, known as "The Stammerer" added text syllables to jubilus as memory aid. He is the most famous early writer of sequence texts.

Who is the Wipo of Burgundy?

Composed Victimae Paschali Laudes, a sequence for Easter.

Quem Queritus in presepe

Introit for Christmas Mass.

Liturgical Drama

- performed on steps of Church

- mini-dialogues

Who is Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179

She was a renowned visionary, and composer of sacred monophony

Ordo Virtutum

Composed by Hildegard of Bingen in ca. 1151

-her most extensive work. Sacred music drama in verse with 82 songs

Fine Amour

"Refined Love or Courtly Love"


Female Troubador


Outside the church


Language of any given region

strophic definition

term applied to songs in which all verses or stanzas of the text are sung to the same music. The opposite of strophic form, with new music written for every stanza, is called through-composed.


means music with a single "part" and a "part" typically means a single vocal melody

canso definition

song style used by the troubadours

Who is Bernart de Ventadorn?

A Troubadour and one of the most popular poets of his time. ca. 1150-1180

Who is Eleanor of Aquitaine?

one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in western Europe during the High Middle Ages and a member of the Ramnulfid dynasty of rulers in southwestern France