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27 Cards in this Set

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Discuss Levitan Study
Perfect Pitch: Encode and assign label
Levitan: problem not with encoding, problem with associating name
• Did an assement of episodic memory, asked student to call to mind favorite song, recording song and pitches to match song
• Did same thing with tempo, people came close to matching

Levitin hypothesized that a reason “perfect pitch” is rare did not involve problems encoding pitches. Instead, he hypothesized people readily encode absolute pitch as “episodic memory” and readily recall pitches in the contexts of familiar events. The problem, he suspects, involve difficulties with encoding it in “semantic/conceptual memory”
Why is music beautiful?”
• Our brain processes the different pitches and sounds together to create a harmony which simulates our brain in different ways. Which ever way is enjoyable to stimulatory senses is the most enjoyable music to you.
2. What are the structures and functions of the outer, middle, and inner ear. Be sure to know the function of the bones in the middle ear and the names of the main features of the cochlea [e.g. basilar membrane, the shape and stiffness of the basilar membrane, oval window, round window].

Which end of the basilar membrane is stiffer than the other one -- the basal end or the apical end? Why is its stiffness important?
Sound is gathered by the outer ear, the pinna, tympanic membrane and bones like the hammer and anvil vibrate, activating the hair follicles on the basilar membrane of the cochlea.

Sound pressure waves are funneled through the ext. canal  eardrum  bones of middle ear  OVAL window of cochlea

Thus, the middle ear transforms low energy sound pressure waves to small amplitude, but much more forceful displacements of the stapes against the oval window so that it can move fluid in the cochlea

Base End is stiffer, Apex end is loser

Stiff allows for detection of high frequencies, lose apex allows for detection of low frequencies
3. What is a decibel?
A unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an electrical signal by comparing it with a given level on a...
(in general use) A degree of loudness: "his voice went up several decibels".
4. What is the inverse square law? The acoustics of concert halls are said to be designed to “defeat the inverse square law” – what does this mean and what are some of the ways they do it? In addition, the acoustics of concert halls are designed in the hope there will be “no bad seat in the house”. What does this mean and how do the designers try to do it?
• Sound intensity is said to decrease as an inverse function of its distance squared.
• So if “x” is the intensity at its source, it will be x/4 intensity at 2 meters, and x/16 intensity at 4 meters.
Tjmbre also known as tone color or tone quality from psychoacoustics, is the quality of a musical note or sound or tone that distinguishes different types of sound production, such as voices and musical instruments, string instruments, wind instruments, and percussion instruments
Overtone Series
Overtone Series is the basis of tonal music, meaning that sounds have multiple layers and that they can harmonize with specific pitchs and sound waves either above or below the tone, accourding to its HZ or vibration aamount
Given that the first harmonic of a tone is called its "fundamental" frequency, what is the 2nd harmonic's frequency
answer: it is twice the fundamental's frequency; and so it is an octave higher than the fundamental]. What is the 3rd harmonic's frequency [answer: it is 3 times the frequency of the fundamental; it is a fifth above the 2nd harmonic
Diatonic Scale
7 note, musical chromatic scale:
White keys, no sharps or flats

Minor Scale
6. Explain how frequency is coded in the auditory system [remember that very low frequencies and very high frequencies are coded differently from the mid-range frequencies].
Frequency is coded by hair receptor cells in the basilar membrane, either via place theory or temporal theory.

This takes place because different sections of the basilar membrane vibrate at their maximum when subjected to different frequencies due to the stiffer nature of the membranes base as opposed to its floppy nature at the apex. Therefore low-frequency sounds will be maximized toward the apex and vice versa
What is meant by the “place theory” of frequency coding? In what two ways does the place theory seem to fall short? What is meant by “Temporal Coding” and how does it fall short?
Place theory is a theory of hearing which states that our perception of sound depends on where each component frequency produces vibrations along the basilar membrane. By this theory, the pitch of a musical tone is determined by the places where the membrane vibrates

The temporal theory of hearing states that our perception of sound depends on the temporal patterns with which neurons respond to sound in the cochlea. Therefore, the pitch of a pure tone would be determined by period of neuron firing patterns, either of single neurons or groups as described by the volley theory. Temporal or timing theory competes with the place theory of hearing, which instead states that pitch is signaled according to the locations of vibrations along the basilar membrane.

Place CODING: location along the basial, low frequencies respond to frequencies of bouncing
Temporal Coding: Whole thing vibrates for very low requencies
Theory: code for different frequencies of sound, basilar membrane cant pick p low frequencies, lower than 100 hrtz
7. What is auditory localization? What are the cues to localization [they are time of arrival differences between the two ear, intensity differences, and phase differences). What happens to auditory localization when you put an ear plug in one of your ears? Why does it happen?
Frequency Filtering: Long frequencies can wrap around head when coming from opposite side, able to tell direction
High frequenices can, short cannot

Phase: Compression phase, rarification phase
At frequencies of sound greater than 1,500 Hz, we use interaural amplitude & time of arrival differences to estimate the direction of the sound.
At frequencies of sound less than 1,500 Hz, phase differences provide the cues.

Sound can hit ear at different phases, compression or rarification
Phase difference can be used to help localize a sound , rarification

when ear is plugged
Cant localize sound when one is plugged
Cant compare intensity, phase, localization

When compressed, sound is approaching
9. What is the Neanderthal Bone Flute? What does it have to do with music and beauty?
Historic flute with holes that allow music to be played, 43,000 years ago
10. Intervals are often referred to as “fifths” or “thirds” and so forth. Here are things you should know about such intervals.
• it is an “interval” when the notes are played together at the same time in a chord, and it is an interval when one note is played after the other note.
• the number identifies its position in the scale that begins with the base note. Here are two examples. The “fifth” of “C” is a “G”. The reason is that the pitches on a C-scale are: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. You can see that the “G” is the 5th note in the “C” scale and therefore C & G constitute a 5th. Following the same logic, one can see that a “third” would be C & E, a “seventh” would be C&B, and a “second” would be C&D.
• The diatonic scale consists of: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. It is worth noting that there are 8 different pitches from the bottom C up to and including the top C. It is worth noting that there are 7 intervals from the bottom C to the top C.
Perfect Pitch
Symbolic memory, able to attribute sound and pitch to a musical note, or note to pitch without source of reference
Difference Between Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
Sound waves are actually longitudinal, visualized as transverse

Transverse Waves function like S curve, wave ocilates up and down

Longitudinal are dispersed, parrallel movement, oscilate back and forth
a. for a transverse wave, what is the amplitude and period and wavelength and frequency?
Amplitude is peak to trough

wavelength is is peak to peak

Frequency is speed of wave motion, or cycles
b. for a longitudinal wave, what would be its amplitude, period, wavelength and frequency? What is meant by the rarification and compression phases of a longitudinal wave?
Amplitude would be height or measure of how compressed or rarified sound particles are

wavelegth would be distance between compressions, rarifications
c. What does it mean to say that a wave's Frequency equals 1 over its period? It is important to see why this simple equation makes common sense.
The period of a wave is the time taken by the wave to move one wavelength

The period of a longitudinal wave is the time taken by the wave to move one wavelength. As for transverse waves, the symbol T is used to represent period and period is measured in seconds (s).

The frequency f of a wave is the number of wavelengths per second. Using this definition and the fact that the period is the time taken for 1 wavelength, we can define:

13. Sound travels 340 meters per second. It travels about 4 times as fast through water [nearly 1,500 m/s] and almost 6,000 c/s through steel [this is more than 13,000 miles per second!]. Think through some of the implications of this the speed of sound through air, namely:
1/340 of second,

340 meters per second, 1000 feet per second, speed of sound = 1 meter per cycle
14. What are cochlear implants? How does it mean to say that the auditory stimulus for music is filtered through cochlear implants
Cochleaer implants amplify vibrations to mimic hair cells, electrodes activate, music is filtered out due to limited frequency range
16. Memory and music: What is meant by episodic memory and by symbolic/conceptual memory. Relate them to YOUR knowledge of music
• Episodic Memory: Literal memory of episodes of events, experiences
• Symbolic Memory: Associate memory with letter names
17. Emelyne Bingham discussed “perfect piano”. How does it differ from “perfect pitch”?
• Perfect Piano is the ability identify pitchs or notes when played on the piano without perfect ability to link notes and sounds
18. Define perfect pitch and distinguish it from memory for relative pitch and memory for absolute pitch. Discuss the fact that there seems to be a critical period in the development of perfect pitch, but there does not seem to be a critical period for the developmenet of memory for absolute pitch or for relative pitch. Why might this be the case?
• Perfect Pitch is the ability to use symbolic memory to accurately attribute a pitch to its appropriate note or notation merely by listening. Critical period is in the infant stage when exposed to music. Relative Pitch can be attained through familiarity
What is meant by these three concepts about motor cognition: Efference, afference, and reafference? How do they apply to using auditory feedback [ear conducted or bone conducted) when singing and trying to stay on pitch.
• Efference: Motor Command (I wanna scratch my head)
• Efferent copy : set of expectations for results
• You know what it should feel like, sound like, expectations
• Afference: actual results, can feel in reality, feedback, walking on ice slippin
• Claude Debussy: French, Dissonant, concerned with mood and color, “Claire De Lune”

is music is noted for its sensory component and for not often forming around one key or pitch. Often Debussy's work reflected the activities or turbulence in his own life.