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21 Cards in this Set

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how do you describe music?
music is a part of culture, featuring vocals or instruments
what is the purpose or function of music in today's society and from the past
used to set a devotional mood, entertainment for the audience, to tell a story, ceremonies, therapy, communication, psychology, theater and protest.
how is music described as a form of art and science
science because it involves principles of acoustics, physics, mathematics, engineering, expression, and beauty
what are the elements of music
sound, time, nature of music
what are the roots of traditional american folk music
from the european settlers in the early 1600s
types of folk music, describe each type and give a purpose
narrative ballads- came from new england; to tell a story

lyric songs- british folk music in new england; includes love songs, ceremonial songs, folk hymns, songs about farming and rural life, and songs about freedom

work songs- songs to help raise morale while working long hours; songs offered rhythm, pace, and a spirit that helped make long hours of hard work

children songs- lullabies, camp songs, and game songs; short, simple, and functional. easily remembered

protest songs- encouraged social and political change; emerged in late 1800s, reach its peak in the 1960s with Woody Guthrie, Almanac Singers, Pete Seeger

rally songs- used to promote union organizations, political candidates, and patriotism; promoted causes and condemn wars

dance music- music one dances to, all backgrounds listen to dance songs; string songs a form of folk music
what are the roots of the Blues genre of music? what are its elements?
African American folk singing; melody, harmony, rhythm, musical instruments
what is the shape note system? what are its implications musically?
American notation of music, used mostly in Protestant Church Music
what is a psalter? which denomination does it it belong to?
a psalter is a hymn book containing psalms to be sung during worship with noted melodies; belong to english pilgrims and puritans
what is a singing school? where did the school originate from? what purpose do they serve?
a singing school is a school in which students are taught to sight read vocal music, originated in the Northeastern U.S.
what are the roots of black gospel music? what are its musical elements?
how black people worship; blues and jazz influenced, spirituals, camp meetings and songs
what influences contemporary evangelical music?
folk music, gospel, pop, and rock
what is jazz music? what influences that genre? what made this genre popular in the day, and now? what are the different genres of jazz music? what are the musical elements of jazz?
jazz is a type of music of black americans origin, characterized by forceful rhythm, improvision. emerging during the 20th century. jazz is the product of many cultures and influences. it represents a merging of cultures and mudical styles.
new orleans and chicago style
improvisation, syncopation, and blues notes
what is a midi
widely used standard for musical, instrument, digital, interface. allows computers to communicate to the instruments
what is tin pan alley?
the name given to the collection of NYC music publishers and songwriter who dominated the popular music of the US in the late 19th century and early 20th century. was a song in verse chorus form with the chorus consisting of 32 bars with four equal phrases
what influences musical theater? what are the elements of music theater? name some of the prominent composers of music theater
heavy jazz, blues, folk music, pop/rock; music, dialogue, choreography, sets; love, evil plot then happy ending
how has the development of radio and recording influenced the spread of music?
got music widespread, help keep popular songs downloaded
what is motown
a record company in detroit
what is bluegrass music? what are its influences?
mountain music, including story songs and fiddle tunes, hilbilly influenced
what is rock music? what are its influences?
r&b, country, and western, used common symbols, language
what is country music? what influences that genre
hillbilly, bluegrass and the nashville sound. a song that features a story, artists can be considered crossover artists