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43 Cards in this Set

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Gamelan/gamelan ensemble

-accompanies nightly performances of wayang orang

-refers to a set of instruments unified by their tuning\painting or decoration

-metal slab instruments

Wayang orang

an elaborate type of dance drama from central Java


Metal slab instrument, any variety of percussion instrument whose sound producing vibrations are concentrated in the center of the instrument, rather than the edge.


a five tone system, made up of nearly equidistant intervals; normally noted with the numbers 1,2,3,5 and 6 (no 4)


7 tone system, made up of large and small intervals; noted 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7

Gong ageng

Largest of the hanging gongs, suspended vertically from a wooden frame; one or two in each gamelan, played with a large padded beater

Bonang barung

Set of ten, twelve or fourteen kettle gongs resting horizontally in two parallel rows in a wooden frame; one set for eache scale system; played with two padded stick beaters

Saron demung

Largest member of the saron family; 6 or 7 thick metal keys resting over a trough resonator: usually one or two for each scale system: played with a wooden mallet; called demung

Saron barung

Like saron barung, but an octave higher; usually from two to four for each scale system; called saron

Gender slenthem

six or seven thin metal keys suspended by strings over cylindrical resonators made of bamboo or metal; often simply called slenthem

Gender barung

thirteen or fourteen thin metal keys, suspended over cylindrical resonators: one for slendro, two for pelog, bem (with tones 1,2,3,5,6 in each octave) and barang (with tones 2,3,5,6, and 7 in each octave)


17 to 23 wooden keys resting over a trough resonator; one for slendro, one or two for pelog; if two, like gender barung and gender panerus; if only one, exchange keys enable player to arrange instrument for bem


Zither, usually supported at about a thirty degree angle by four legs, with twenty to twenty-six strings arranged in ten to thirteen 'double courses' (as on a 12 string guitar). plucked with thumbnails


smaller Zither, resting on the floor or in a horizontal frame, with from 10 to 26 strings in a single or double courses, one for slendro, one or two for pelog


End-blown bamboo flute, one for slendro; one or two for pelog


two string fiddle, one per gamelan

Kendhang gendhing

Largest of the hand drums; two leather heads, laced onto a barrel shaped shel, one per gamelan


a small male chorus, accompanies the gamelan


a female soloist, accompanies the gamelan

Loud-playing gamelan

-gong ageng






-bonang family

-saron family


-kendhang family


soft playing gamelan

-gender barung

-gender panerus






Wayang kulit

shadow puppet theater


epics of indian origin


epics of indian origin


a phrase marked off by the sound of either the largest gong (gong ageng) or the slightly smaller gong siyem


meaning 16 beats per gongan, 4 kenong beats per gongan


the melodic part usually played on the slenthem and the saron family


tempo stucture; ratio that defines one of 5 possible levels of balungan subdivision. A level of subdivision of the main melody beat by elaborating instruments


three pathet in each of the two scale systems; similar to the Western concept of key


flashy, most popular gamelan gong ensemble in Bali, accompanied by a dance

gondang/gordang (N. Sumatra)

most celebrated Batak ensembles, variety of percussion and wind, also set of tuned drums


contemporary style in Indonesia, mimics hand drums and also includes electric guitar


devotional dance accompanied by gamelan; stylized dancing; more prominent use of wind instruments in this example

Lelong keraton

court dance; stylized dance with expressive eye movements(female); listen for suling (flute) and sudden change of tempo

Kebyar Trompong”

seated dance with gong set; notice hand gestures, facial expressions; performer also plays instrument; listen to easily identifiable phrase lengths;


dance drama; introduction by gamelan; then entrance of dancers(maidservants); entrance of Matah Gedé (Calonarang); story told throughwords/singing/dancing (similar to western opera); story revolves around anepidemic in the land and the battle between good and evil


is a style of men’s chorus that involves theatrics. It is a relatively newart form, having been developed in the 1930’s. They use their voices to imitate thegamelan ensemble. Originally developed for exorcising demons, now more atourist entertainment. The story line is from the Ramayana (a mythical tex


shadow puppet play. Often used to celebrate weddings; accompanied byfull gamelan; wayang is a nine-hour performance; puppets on the puppeteer’sright represent “good” and those on the left represent “evil”. Puppeteer signalsmusical changes to the ensemble that correspond to action in the play.

Gamelan degung

is a small (gamelan) court ensemble; origins in west Java; gentler musical style (less raucous) than gamelan slendro; notice vocal quality of singers and use of vibrato

Tembang Sunda Cianjuran

song with instrumental ensemble; tembag means“poem” or “song”; this example is non-metric (no constant tempo); notice kacapi(zither with metal strings) played with fingernails (on each side of stag

Mundinglaya Dikusumah

in Pantun style – pantun is the narrative recitation ofancient epic poems from the Mahabharata or Ramayana. Pantun is normallyperformed with kacapi accompaniment


Tarawangsa [bowed lute] and kacapi siter (portable box shaped zither)performance. Tarawangsa has “drone” string that is plucked while bowing theother string bows the melody


Celempungan is the name of this type of ensemble that includes thebamboo zither known as celempungan (not shown here). This ensemble includesthe kacapi (zither), singer (pesinden), rebab (bowed lute) and kenda (horizontaldrum). Played are religious and civil ceremonies. Repertoire is derived fromgamelan repertoire.