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18 Cards in this Set

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Anterior Compartment Thigh Muscles, Nerves, Artery
Nerve: femoral nerve (pectineus has some obturator)
Role: Hip flexion, knee extension

Quadriceps Femoris (Rectus Femoris, Vastus medialis, intermedius, and lateralis)

Articularis genu - deep to vastus intermedius near femur and patella

Sartorious - abducts and lat rotate thigh (cross leg)


Pectineus - Adductor and flex thigh
Anterior Compartment Adductor and Abductor Thigh
Adduct - Pectineus
Abduct - Sartorious
Medial Thigh Compartment Muscles, Nerve, Artery
Role: Adduct thigh, some flexion and rotation
Nerve: Obturator (+ xciated in hamstring part of adducter magnus)

Gracilis: adduct and medially rotate

Adductor Longus

Adductor Brevis - surrounded by obturator split

Adductor Magnus - adductor part flex thigh and hamstring part to extend thigh

Obturator externus - rotate thigh laterally
Posterior Thigh Compartment Muscles, Nerve, Artery
Role: Flex Knee
Nerve: Tibial division sciatic nerve

Biceps femoris - short and long head to linea aspira and fibia


Exceptions to nerves in thigh compartments
Anterior: Pectineus has some obturator innervation

Medial: Adductor Magnus has sciatic nerve on hamstring part

Posterior: fibular branch of sciatic (not tibial) innervates short head of biceps femoris
Anterior Compartment of Leg Muscles, Nerves, Artery
Role: Dorsiflex foot, weak inversion or eversion
Nerve: Deep fibular nerve
Artery: anterior tibial artery

Tibialis Anterior - main dorsiflexor
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallucis longus
Fibularis tertius - small and at base, dorsiflex pinky toe
Lateral Compartment of Leg Muscles, Nerves, Artery
Role: EVERT foot, weak plantarflex
Nerve: Superficial fibular nerve
Artery: fibular and anterior tibial artery perforating branches

Fibularis longus - superficial
Fibularis brevus - muscular
Posterior Compartment of Leg Muscles, Nerves, Artery
Role: Plantarflex foot
Nerve: Tibial nerve
Artery: Posterior Tibial

Superficial group: Gastrocnemius
Plantaris - in between if present

Deep Group
Tibialis Posterior
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Popliteus - knee flex
Order of Passage over Medial Malleus
Tibialis Posterior
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Posterior Tibial Artery
Tibial Nerve
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Tendons crossing in Transverse Arch
Tibialis Posterior and fibularis longus
Layers Foot Muscles Medial to Lateral

Abductor hallucis
Flexor Digitorum brevis
Abductor digiti minimi

Lumbricals (within flexor digitorum longus tendons)
Quadratus Plantae

Flexor hallucis brevis
Adductor hallucis (oblique and transverse head)
Flexor digiti minimi brevis

Plantar interossei (run medial to lateral
Dorsal interossei (run lateral to medial)
Things passing through Femoral Triangle

Femoral Nerve
Femoral Artery
Femoral Vein
Things passing above and below piriformis
Above - superior gluteal artery and nerve

Below - inferior gluteal artery and nerve, sciatic nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
Popliteal fossa medial to lateral
sartorius, gracilis, semiteninosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus, popliteal artery, popliteal vein, tibial nerve, common fibular nerve, biceps femoris short head, long head, adductor magnus
Things passing through extensor retinaculums
Lateral to medial

Fibularis Tertius
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallucis longus
Tibialis Anterior
Things passing through fibular retinaculum
Fibularis brevis (superior)
Fibularis longus (goes under foot)
Spring ligament
Plantar calcanonavicular ligament
Things passing through Adductor canal
Saphenous nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein, nerve to vastus medialis