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40 Cards in this Set

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Tibial Fracture most common location, March fractures
At middle. and inferior thirds, worst supply, can get bumper fracture

March fractures - fractures inferior third, common in nonconditioned people
Most common bone used in grafting
Fibula, can get normal running, etc. later on.
Calcaneal fracture
Hard fall onto heel (from a ladder), totally disabaling b/c disrupts subtalar joint
Talar Neck fracture
From severe dorsiflexion (hard press on pedal in head on collision, posterior displacement)
Metatarsal fracture
Something hard falls on foot or run over, female dancers
Sesamoid fracture
Crushing injury to great toe
Varicose Veins most common location
Great saphenous vein, valves preventing flow from deep to superficial are incompetent, gravity pulls blood into varicosities. Superficial vessels dilate and tortuous. Get clots
Why is saphenous vein good for grafts
Easily accesible, sufficient distance between tributaries and perforating veins so can be harvested, high percentage of muscular and elastic fibers compared to others.

Must be inserted so valves do not impede flow
Saphenous cutdown and role
In infants, obese, or people in shock with collapsed veins can easily locate great saphenous vein by cutting skin anterior to medial malleolus. Insert cannula for blood, plasmaexpanders, drugs, etc.

Can damage nerve leading to numbness along medial foot
Saphenous nerve cut leads to
numbness along medial border of foot
Calf paralysis or achilles rupture does what to gait
Less efficient push off that uses glut. max and hamstrings more, passive dorsiflexion and absence of plantarflexion
Hip and Thigh Contusions
Ruptures of capillaries and blood inflow into muscles and soft tissue.
Loss of joint stability in knee in arthritis or trauma is often due to
weakness in vastus medialis or vastus lateralis
Chondromalacia patellae cause
Runner's knee from overstressing, soreness and aching around or deep to patella from quadriceps imbalance
Ischial Bursitis causes
Recurrent microtrauma from stress activity, friction bursitis between tuberosities and bursae. Local pain increases with GLUT MAX movement. Can get pressure sores
Trochanteric Bursitis Causes
Inflammation of trochanteric bursae from repetivite climbing stairs or inclined treadmill. Glut max and move superior fibers over trochanter. Deep diffuse pain in lateral thigh, friction bursitis down IT band
Superior gluteal nerve injury does
motor loss in gluteus medius. Weakened abduction in hip, sag when stand on one leg (trendelenburg sign)
Things causing Trendelenburg Sign
Sup gluteal nerve injury, fracture of greater trochanter, dislocation of hip joint
Common fibular nerve injury does
Foot drop, steppage gait or swing out
Sciatic nerve injury
from piriformis syndrome (esp. sports using gluteals a lot), Rarely complete compression and leg flexion/hip extension lost. Incomplete
Buttock Injection site
lateral quadrant between tubercle of iliac crest and ASIS. Want to avoid sciatic nerve
Tibial Nerve injury causes and effect
Posterior dislocation of knee can cause

paralysis of flexor muscles in leg and intrinsic muscles soles of foot. NO plantarflexion and loss of sensation in the sole
Shin Splints
Tibialis anterior strain with edema and pain from microtrauma. Pain from sudden rush of blood and edema to damaged area
Deep fibular nerve entrapment
excessive use of anterior compartment muscles can cause edema and injury. Pain in dorsum of fut and WEB SPACE TOES 1-2. SKI BOOT SYNDROME
Superficial Fibular Nerve entrapment
from chronic anckle sprains stretching. Lateral leg pain, dorsum of ankle and foot

Numbness and paresthesia may be present
Most common avulsion fracture in foot
5th metatarsal where fibularis brevis attaches in severe ankle sprain and can cause foot inversion due to paralysis of fibular muscles in lateral compartment via superficial fibular nerve
Calcaneal Tendonitis and Rupture
Tendonitis from tears in collagen fibers, pain in walking

Rupture from history of calcaneal tendonitis, audible snap during push off. Sudden calf pain and dorsiflexion of pantarflexed foot.

Cannot plantarflex against resistance, can't raise heel or balance.
Calcaneal bursitis
inflammation of bursa between tendon and calcaneous. Posterior heel pain.
Plantar fasciitis
Straining and inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis from running and high impact

plantar heel and medial aspect pain, severe after sitting and dissapates after activity.
medial plantar nerve entrapment
From compression near abductor hallucis in joggers or everting activities

Medial aching, burning, tingling
Why is hemorrhage of the sole so severe
piercing of plantar arch and many anastamoses. Difficult to ligate
Posterior vs Anterior hip dislocation force
Posterior - Flexed, adducted, medially rotated

Anterior - Flexed, abducted, laterally rotate
Genu Valgum and Genu Varum
Genu Valgum - small Q angle in knee, bowlegged, medial pressure causes arthrosis and LCL is overstressed

Genu valgum is large Q angle, knock knee, lateral stress. MCL damaged.
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Painf rom running downhill to patella. Microtrauma. Can cause osteoarthritis of patellofemoral comparment

Vastus medialis strengthening can correct
Anterior and Posterior Drawer Signs
Anterior - lay down pull knee foward on own - ACL damage

Posterior - lay down push knee back - PCL damage
Testing damage to collateral ligaments
Twist knee towards that ligament. If there is severe pain it is injured
Severe edema in knee anterior
Probably pre patellar bursitis. Housemaids knee
Baker's cysts
Synovial fluid filled cysts on knee posterior
Ankle Sprains most common type, ligament injured
Almost always inversion injury. Lateral ligament sprains usually b/c it is weaker than medial ligament, anterior talofibular is most vulnerable part of lateral ligament

Calcaneofibular ligament can be damaged
Congenital syndrome where foot twisted out of position. Inverted, plantarflexed and adducted foot. Often malformed bones