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104 Cards in this Set

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What are common traumatic disorders of the musculoskeletal system
sprain, strain, fx, dislocations
what is a sprain
injury to ligament and surrounding joint caused by sudden twist, wrench or fall
what are s/s of sprain
instablity of joint, loss of motion, pain, edema, ecchymosis, increased pain with use
what does RICE mean
rest ice compression elevation
what is a strain
injury to muscle/tendon overuse/overstretching, small tear that causes bleeding in tissues
s/s of a strain
swelling, local tenderness sharp/dull pain, increased pain with contraction of muscle
When to use ice on sprain/strain
immediatley to treat edema, 20-30 min, off for hour
how is strain/sprain dx?
x ray, reveals edema no joint injury
what is dislocation
surface of joints no longer intact
s/s of dislocation
local pain, loss of fxn, change in length contour or shape
what are some types of reductions
self closed and orif
what are complications of dislocations
hinder blood supply, nerve damage torn ligaments, rupture of muscle attachments
what are some types of dislocations
traumatic congenital pathologic
what is closed/simple fx
skin over fx intact
what is open/compound fx
opening in skin, bone visible
what is complete fx
fx thru bone in two parts
incomplete fx
partial break to bone
transverse fx
bone fx str8 across
oblique fx
break extends in oblique angle
spiral fx
break partially encirles bone
greenstick fx
one side broken, other side bent
impacted fx
fx bone driven into other bone
comminuted fx
splintered/crushed with more than 3 fragments
depressed fx
bone driven inwards
pathological fx
disease, weak bone
what is avulsion fx
tearing of main bone, rmvd/detached
stress fx
fine/hairline fx
colles fx
usually happens when bracing fall
s/s of fx
pain, tenderness no fxn spasms deformed edema bruising crepitus
what are stages of fx healing
hematoma fibrocartilage callus ossification( 3wks to 6 months)
what are trmnts for fx
emergency care, reduction casting traction
what does emergency care for fx consist of
immobilize joint above/below fx neck collar, back board, cover w/sterile dressing, check pulses color mvmnt sensation before/after
what is fx reduction
alignment of bone
what are types of reductions
closed - manual local/general anesthisa or cast

open - surgical intevention to attach devices to hold bone
what is casting of fx
immobilize and protect while healing
Interventions of casting
handle w/palm ofhand, montior circulatory, examine skin, pressure areas, warmth, drainage color(may window)
what are tractions
force in two direxctions to realign bones
what is skin traction
light weights, to adhesive tape
types of skin tractions
bucks, bryants russell cervical pelvic balanced
what is skeletal traction
continous reduction to bone
what are some skeletal tractions
fixations, crutchfield tongs, halo
what are some traction tips
proper alignment weights hanging free not to move weights pullyes not obstructed no fraying, monitor limb pin care
complications of fxs
infxn fat embolism compartment syndrome avascular necrosis pulmonary embolism delayed union
What are types of bones?
long short flat irregular
what are some type of joints
synarthrosis amphiarthrosis diathrosis condyloid
what synarthrosis
fibrous/fixed joints no movement
what is amphiarthrosis
slightly moveable
what is diarthrosis
synovial and ball and socket
what is condyloid
freely moving joints
What is arthroplasty
replacement of joint to restore fxn, relieve pain correct deformity
what causes arthroplasty
changes that result in impaired mobility pain and deformity
what are s/s of arthroplasty
pain limited rom, limited weight bearing edema/skin changes around joint
how is arthroplasty dx?
x ray, arthorscopy
How is arthorplasty treated
replacement of joint with prosthesis
What are nursing interventions for arthroplasty
proper posistion
wound care
assist with activities
s/s fractured hip
leg shorter
foot points up/out
How are fxd hips dx?
How are fx hips treated
bucks ext russell traction
closed/open reductions
What are interventions for fx'd hip
proper alignment
trochanter roll to prevent external rotation leg
abductor pillow
nt to exceed 60/80
turn unaffected side
look for drainage
immobility complications
Post op nursing interventions for fx hip
HOB 30-45
no weight on leg, keep extended, supported
avoid crossing legs, bending
what is total knee replacement
sub for condoyles and tibial joint
when should cpm machine be used with total knee surger
24 -48 as prescribed or tolerated
give meds before
do not dangle
no weight
what are complications of fx
infection fat embolism compartment syndrome avascular necrosis pulmnary embolism delayed union
How does an infection of a fx occur
result of open fx external/internal
fat embolism of fx
fat from marrow travels to heart/lungs w/in 48 hours
If small area of lung affected with fat embolism what happens
tachycardia dyspnea pain
If large area of lung infected by fat embolism what happens
severe pain dyspnea cyanosis restlessness shock. Petachaie neck, shoulders, chest abdomen
How is a fat embolism treated
bed rest, oxygen Iv fluids, handle gently
what is compartment syndrom
increased pressure w/in one or more compartments causing impaired circulation
s/s of compartment syndrome
increased pain/swelling
pain with PASSIVE motion
pain NOT relieved by narcotic agent
diminshed cap refill, weak/unequal pulses or no pulse
notify dr immediately
what avascular necrosis
an interruption in the blood supply leads to death of bone
s/s of avascular necrosis
pain, decreased sensation
what is pulmonary embolism
blood clot to lung caused by immobility/fx
s/s of pulmonary embolism
restlessness/apprehension dyspnea diaphresis
what is delayed union
prolonged healing of bones
what causes delayed union
delayed fx reduction
inadequate immobilization
what is an amputation
partial/removal of body part
complications of amputations
delayed healing
phantom pain
infection in amputation
drainage, odor, redness wound culture, increased discomfort and suture line chills fever tachycardia drop in bp
delayed healing in amputation
impaired circulation/infxn w/dDM AND PVD, elderly poor nutrition smoking
contractures in amputation
abnormal flexion/fixation of joint
phantom pain of amputation
along nerves of amputed part, trauma to nerves, pain is real to client
what are some prothesis types
bka and aka
nursing implications of bka
not to allow stump to hang over bed
nursing implications of aka
prevent internal/external roation of limb sandbag/rolled towel outside of thigh
nursing implications of amputations
note bleeding/drainage
evaluate phantom pain
1st 24hrs elevate, flat bed
elevate 8-12 on a pillow remove after 12
prone for 1 out of 4 hrs
maintain ace wrap
what are repetive use injuries
repetitive twisting turning
carpal tunnel syndrome causes
median nerve pinched/trapped
what is bursitis
inflammation due to friction b/t bursa and surrounding tissue
what is epiconylitis
inflammed tendon where bone inserts
what are compact/cortical
smooth, dense long shaft of bone
what is spongy/cancellous
spacious, bone marrow, red yellow(long bones)
form bone
maintain bone
resorb bone
what is bone remodeling
resorbed by clasts
deposisted by blasts
what is an agonist
prime mover, produces movement
what is an antagonists
relaxation whn prime mover contracting
syngergistic muscle
aid prime mover in movement
increases tension
produces movment
muscle tone
jerky contraction
sustained contraction