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63 Cards in this Set

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Specialisation of Shoulder joint to deepen joint.
Fibrocartilage labrum
Major lymph nodes draining the lower limb (and penis) are found...
....superficial inguinal lymph nodes (below and deep to inguinal ligament.
and deep inguinal lymph nodes
(superficial ones drain to the deep ones.
Level at which the spinal cord ends in adult
Connective tissue sheet that links the lamina of the vertebrae
Ligamentum flava
Left and right AV heart valves
Left Mitral (bigger more powerful - simple - 2 cusps)
Right Tricuspid
Myofilament region which remains unchanged in length durning contraction
A band
Filament of which troponin C is a component of
Thin filament
Lymphatic capillaries ...
Have loose junctional complexes and are highly permeable to proteins
Lyphatic vessels originate from....
originate from blind ending capillaries
where do B lymphocytes mature?
Lymph nodes
Eversion of foot
Sole of foot laterally
Plantar and dorsiflexion
Plantar flexion = point toes downwards!
Connective tissue between and surrounding the other tissues of body.
Consists of fibrous tissue, adipose tissue and fluid
Superficial fascia
Subcutaneous - merges with dermis of skin. Strength of attachment via fibrous tissue determines how much the skin can move.
Contains superficial blood vessels and lymphatics and nervous supply to these things.
Also contain fibroblasts to secrete collagen fibres, mast cells, macrophages and plasma cells.
Deep fascia
Dense fibrous tissue.
Attached to bones, covers and ensheathes muscles. Provides extra sites for muscle attachemnt too. Separates muscles into functional groups by intermuscular septa.
Thickness varies - thicker in thigh mechanism of venous return, thin over pharynx - need expand.
Compartment syndrome
If swelling occurs in compartment - cant escape so pressure increases -so compresses low pressure capillaries - then veins, then arteries. Ischaemia to these parts and vicious cycle of increasing pressure occurs.
Also when fracture - blood bleeds into compartment and inc pressure.
Small compartments of forearm and lower leg most at risk
Skeletal muscle types
1 = tonic
2a = fast twitch
2b = slow twitch
Innervation of myofibres
Each myofibre innervated by 1 axon. Although 1 axon may innervate more than one fibre dependant on the degree of fine control desired.
Machanical summation
Skeletal muscle. Successive APs faster than the rate of relaxation increase mechanical force as summation occurs.
If repeated fast enough - get a fused tetany - maximal contraction
Length tension relationship of skeletal muscle
Biphasic - if skeletal muscle longer than normal resting length contraction strength decreased, also as goes below resting length contraction force decreases.
Evidence for requirements of muscle contraction
Isolated muscle in bath of
Calcium solution = rigor
With ATP = contraction with Ca2+, relaxation without
Thin filament
Actin=globular proteins on tropomyosin strand with troponin (3 subunits I,T and C) at end of tropomyosin molecule
Anchored to Z line
Thick filament with ATPase activity
Anchored to M line at centre
Made up of 2 heavy chains; supercoiled alpha helical chains (tail) but with a globular head. and 2 light chain myosin molecules - with associated head groups.
Arranged in parallel
Head groups in crown formation - 3 pairs of head groups 14nm and 120degrees apart from each other.
Different bands and lines of sarcomere
M line in middle
Hband around this (where no actin myosin overlap - just myosin)
A band - H band + myosin/actin overlap
Z line at edges of sarcomere to which actin attaches.
Z line surrounded by region with no overlaps called I band
Sliding filament theory of contraction
Crossbridges formed from thick to thin filaments.
These attach at 90 degrees and then tilt, swivel or bend
Force generated from this movement results in the thin filaments sliding past the thick filaments resulting in a decrease in sarcomere length - contraction.
ATP and cross-bridge cycling reaction sequence
Myosin head;
1.attaches to actin
2.release of ADP+Pi and a confomational change leading to sliding filament
3. binding of ATP and dissociation from actin
4.Hydrolysis of ATP and reattachment
Length tension relationship - why?
Variable overlap - maximal overlap = max force
Overlap of actins = reduction in force as muscle shorter
Less overlap ie.when strecthed = less contractile force.
Also maybe due to length dependant affinity of troponin C for calcium.
Role of calcium in contraction
Under resting conditions, Troponin I and tropomyosin inhibit the formation of crossbridges. Overcome by binding of Calcium to Troponin C.
Excitation-contraction coupling
Linking electrical stimulation to contraction.
APs travel along myofibre membrane and also down T-tubule system (cont. with ext membrane) which takes electrical signal deep into muscle fibres.
T tubule system
how often?
Every A-I band boundary.
At level of each myofibril - t tubule system comes into close contact with Sarcoplasmic reticulum -calcium store - bound to calsequestrin.
CICR mainly in skeletal or cardiac muscle
Skeletal = sole source of calcium!
CICR in skeletal muscles
VGCalcium receptors in membrane of myofibre mechanically coupled to Ryanodine receptor in SR, causes conf change, allowing calcium efflux from SR into cytoplasm.
No noticeable ca2+ influx from extracellular.
Relaxation of skeletal muscle
Due to switch off of RyR by repolarisation and then rapid (100ms) calcium reuptake by SERCA (sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Calcium ATPase) pumps.
With repeated stimulation intracellular Ca2+ stays high - enough for max contraction
Skeletal muscle cells....
develop from mesenchyme precursor stem cells which diff to myoblasts - which then fuse and terminally differentiate become myocytes - which are multinucleate (peripherally positioned). Cytoskeletal proteins attach the protein components of the sarcomere to the sarcolemma and defects in these result in disordered muscle function and disease.
Organised in single direction in funct units, so their molec interactions are translated into linear tension.
Muscle stem cells and myogenesis
Pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells of somites are patterned by sonic hedgehog, and the lateral dermomyotome region migrate to give rise to myoblasts in all muscle areas of the developing organisms. These differentiate to myocytes
These withdraw from cell cycle and differentiate and fuse into multinucleated myocytes.
Satellite cells
An important population of myoblast stem cells remain undifferentiated into adult life.
Response to muscle injury and disease - regenerate muscle.
Attaches myosin to Z discs
Intrinsic elastic properties - able to reset and to maintain sarcomere length following shortening.
Musculoskeletal coupling
Coupling within sarcomere (titin and nebulin)
Cytoskeletal coupling within myocyte (desmin)
Coupling to structural components in the sarcolemma (dystrophin)
Coupling to ECM components
cardiac muscle cells
Elongated, branched, single central nuclei
Intercalated discs
Join cardiac myocytes end to end. they comprise Z disc, as well as desmosome, adherens and gap junctions.
The adherens junctions proviude sites for the insertion of actin filaments of adjacent sarcomere.
Smooth muscle
Spindle shaped, non streated muscle cells found surrounding the hollow viscera of the body inc gut, bladder, uterus, resp. tract and blood vessels.
Electrically and mechanically coupled (like cardiac)
Usually arranged in outer longitudinal layers and inner circular layers.
Bundle of muscle fibres
Skeletal muscles form and function
Parallel, pennate (feather like) and convergent (fibre originating lowest insert highest etc. spiral effect - pectoral)
More parallel - more shortening of length. More fibres (pennate) - more contraction force.
Role of musculotendinous units
Produce movement
stabilise joints
control movements
provide sensory feedback
Functions of conective tissue
Mechanical (supporting matrix, force transmitter ie. tendons)
Metabolic (route of exchange between blood and tissues, fat storage)
defence and repair (Fat - cushioning ie. heel, macrophages and mast cells involved in inflamm)
Growth and morphogenesis (plays an important in development and maintainance of all tissues.
Epimysium? Other layers
Epi surrounds entire muscle - dense irregular connective tissue
Peri - less dense - surrounds fascicles of muscle
Endo-Basal lamina surrounds each muscle fibre
Self excitable - cardiac myocytes
Intercalated disc junctional specialisations
Fascia adherens - actin anchoring sites
Desmosomes - bind the cells together
Gap junction - connexins - electrically couple cells
Purkinje fibres
Specialised myocardial fibres that conduct an electrical stimulus down the heart to allow coordinated contraction
No t tubules, few contractile elements
Rich in glycogen and mitochondria
Where does the craniofacial skeleton come from
Cranial neural crest cells
Axial skeleton comes from?
Paraxial mesoderm (somites)
Limb skeleton comes from
Lateral plate mesoderm
Fibrous joints
Bones united by fibrous tissue - ie. forearm
Movement dependant on length of fibre between 2 bones in relation to its x sect area
Primary cartilagenous joint
Bones united by hyaline cartilage
ie. between diaphysis and epiphysis
Secondary cartilagenous joint
Articulating surface of bones covered in hyaline cartilage and these united by fibrocartilage
ie.pubic symphysis
Synovial joints
Hyalin cartilage on articulating surfaces separated by thin layer of synovial fluid.
Under pressure, the synovial fluids molecules cross linkages breakdown and it becomes less viscous
Fluid filled sacs (can be extension of synovial membrane) to allow friction free movement for example tendon over bone
Streams that branch out and then reconnect
Origins and insertion sof muscles?
Origin more proximal
Veins drain?
Superficial to deep.
Varicose veins if valves ineffective allowing backflow of blood from deep to superficial.
Biceps innervated by?
Nerve roots?
C 5,6
Triceps innervated by?
Nerve roots?
C 7,8