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58 Cards in this Set

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compresses cheek; whistling and sucking

corrugator supercilii

draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly; wrinkles skin of forehead

depressor anguli oris

draws corners of mouth down and laterally; a grimace (zygomaticus antagonist)

dpressor labii inferioris

draws lower lips inferiorly


raises the eyebrows; wrinkles forehead skin horizontally

levator labii superioris

opens lips; raises and furrows upper lip


prime mover of jaw closure; elevates mandible


wrinkles chin; protrudes lower lip (pouting)


fixes aponeurosis and pulls scalp posteriorly

orbicular oculi

closes eyes; produces blinking and squinting; draws eyebrows inferiorly

orbicularis oris

closes lips; purses and protrudes lips; kissing and whistling


tenses skin of neck


stabilizes, elevates, retracts, and rotates scapula

zygomaticus major and minor

raises lateral corners of mouth

biceps brachii

flexes and supinates forearm (open a bottle of wine - turn corkscrew and pull cork)


a major forearm flexor


flexes and adducts arm (synergist of pectoralis major)


prime mover arm abduction

external intercostals

pull ribs towards one another to elevate rib cage

external oblique

flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall; rotating trunk and flexes laterally

internal intercostals

draws ribs together and depress rib cage

internal oblique

flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall; rotating trunk and flexes laterally

latissimus dorsi

prime mover of arm extension; powerful arm adductor; medially rotates arm at shoulder

pectoralis major

adducts and medially rotates arm

pectoralis minor

with ribs fixed, draws scapula forward and downward

rectus abdominis

flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebral column


stabilize scapula

serratus anterior

rotates scapula so its inferior angle moves laterally and upward


chief medial rotatir of arm

teres major

extends, medially rotates, and adducts arm

teres minor

rotates arm laterally

transverse abdominis

compresses abdominal contents


synergist in flexing forearm

extensor carpi radialis longus

extends hand

extensor digitorum

prime mover of finger extension

flexor carpi radialis

powerful flexor and abductor of hand

flexor carpis ulnaris

powerful flexor and adductor of hand

flexor digtorum superficialis

flexes wrist and middle phalanges of second to fifth fingers

flexor pollicis longus

flexes distal phalanx of thumb

palmaris longus

tenses skin and fascia of palm during hand movement

pronator quadratus

prime mover of forearm pronation

pronator teres

pronates forearm


assists biceps brachii to forcibly supinate forearm

triceps brachii

powerful forearm extensor


allow you to draw your legs to the midline of your body, as when standing at attention

biceps femoris

extends thigh and flexes leg

extensor digitorum longus

prime mover of toe extension

fibularis brevis

plantar flexes and everts foot

fibularis longus

plantar flexes and everts foot

flexor hallucis longus

plantar flexes and inverts foot; flexes great toe at all joints; "push off" muscle during walking

gastrocnemius & soleus

plantar flexes foot

gluteus maximus

major extensor of thigh when climbing stairs

gluteus medius & tensor fasciae latae

move thigh laterally to take the "at ease" stance

rectus femoris

extends knee and flexes thigh

semimembranous & semitendinous

extend thigh and flex knee

tibialis anterior

prime mover of ankle dorsiflexion

tibialis posterior

major foot inverter

vastus lateralis

extends and stabilizes leg