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15 Cards in this Set

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4 Characteristics of Muscle tissue:
1.) Excitability

2.) Contractility

3.) Extensibility

4.) Elasticity
3 functions of muscular tissue:
1.) Motion: movement of body parts and materials

2.) Stability: maintaining a stable posture and joint stability

3.) Heat: skeletal muscles produces 85% of body heat (through muscle contraction)
Muscle tissue differ in terms of:
- location

- histology

- control
List the types of muscle tissue:
1.) Skeletal

2.) Cardiac

3.) Smooth
Skeletal muscle:
- Attached to skeleton

- striated

- voluntary

- multiple nuclei
Cardiac muscle:
- in the heart

- striated

- involuntary

- branched
Smooth muscle:
- in organs

- not striated

- visceral

- involuntary
"muscle cell" can also be referred to as _______
muscle fibers
Smooth muscles are also found in:
skin of erector pili
Lable the skeletal muscle anatomy starting from the superficial layer:
1.) Integument
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- Hypodermis

2.) Deep Fascia

3.) Muscles

4.) Deep Fasica

5.) Bone
Connective Tissue Component of skeletal muscles:
1.) Endomysium

2.) Perimysium

3.) Epimysium

4.) Attachments
Endomysium is the innermost connective tissue sheath that wraps around each individual muscle fiber
Perimysium is a connective tissue sheath that wraps around a muscle fascicle
Epimysium is a connective tissue sheath that surrounds (wraps around) the entire msucle
- a broad flat tendon

- Endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium are continuous with the attachments of the muscle to the bone