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66 Cards in this Set

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A group of cells that work together to form organs.*

Involuntary Muscles*

A muscle whose action is NOT controlled by an individual.*

(For example, smooth muscles)

Voluntary Muscles*

A muscle whose action is normally controlled by an individual.*

(For example, Skeletal muscles)

Cardiac, Smooth, and Skeletal muscles*

The three (3) kinds of muscles found in human beings.*


The bones of the skull are an example of this kind of joint.*


The joint between the shoulder and upper arm is an example of this kind of joint.*


The elbow is an example of this kind of joint.*


A soft tissue found inside some of the bones of the skeletal system, where new blood cells are made.*


A tissue that attaches bones together.*


Connective tissues that connect muscle to bones.*


The skeleton found on the outside of the body.*

(Commonly found on animals)


The number of bones in the adult human skeletal system.*

Organ Systems*

These work together to help the body maintain homeostasis.*


A group of similar cells working together to form this.**


A collection of tissues that work together to carry out a specialized function in the body.**

Muscle Tissue**

This helps your stomach digest food by breaking up food.**

Epithelial Tissue**

This tissue covers and protects underlying tissue.**

Connective Tissue**

This tissue joins, supports, and insulates organs.**

Nervous Tissue**

This tissue send electrical signals through the body.**

Muscular Tissue**

This tissue produces movement.**

How does your body know when your stomach is full?*

Your brain reacts to chemicals released from putting food/drink in your stomach. The levels rise giving the feeling of being full depending on how much food/drink.*

What can happen to cells if homeostasis is disrupted?**

Cells may die, cells may not get needed materials or cells may be damaged.**


Your body has many kinds of these to maintain homeostasis.**

How does your body know when your stomach is full?**

Nervous tissue sends out signals to your brain.**


The wall of the stomach contains blood and this other connective tissue.**

Epithelial Tissue*

The inside of the stomach is lined with this kind of tissue.*

Organ Systems**

Organs work together to make this system up.

Cardiovascular System**

The system that includes the heart and blood vessels.**

Urinary System*

The system that removes wastes from the blood.*

Endocrine System*

The system that sends out chemical messages.*

Integumentary System*

The system that includes the skin.*

Circulatory System

The system that includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood.*

Skeletal System*

The system that supports and protects body parts.*

Lymphatic System*

The system that helps defend against disease.*

Respiratory System*

The system that absorbs oxygen through the lungs.*

Digestive System*

The system that breaks down food into nutrients.*

Muscular System***

The system that helps the body move.***

Female Reproductive System*

The system that produces eggs and protects the fetus.*

Nervous System*

The system that sends and receives throughout the body.*

How do the organ systems (cardiovascular and circulatory) work together to maintain homeostasis?*

The cardiovascular and the circulatory systems work together by the heart pumping blood which uses veins, arteries, and to deliver the blood throughout the body.*

Compact Bone*

The type of bone tissue that is rigid and dense; provides most of the strength for bones.*

Spongy Bone*

The type of bone tissue that has many open spaces; contains small blood vessels.*

How can parts of the skeletal system become injured?*

By being fractured or broken, joints can be dislocated.*


What is the largest organ in the body?




The integumentary is made of What three (3) things?


This keeps water in your body and foreign particles out of your body.


This causes you to feel things that are around you.

Sweat Glands

These small organs in the skin make sweat and help to regulate body temperature.


Skin rids the body of this through sweating.


The chemical in skin that determines skin color.

(For example, more of this makes the skin darker)

By absorbing ultraviolet light.

How does the melanin in skin prevent cancer?

It is made of keratin.

How does the dermis differ from the epidermis?

Blood Vessels

This helps regulate temperature and transport substances.

Nerve Fibers

This carries messages to and from the brain.

Hair Follicles

This makes hair.

Muscle Fibers

This can contract and cause hair to stand up.

Oil Glands

This keeps hair flexible and waterproofs the dermis.

Sweat Glands*

This cools the body and removes waste*.


The outermost layer of skin.


The thicker layer of skin beneath the outermost layer of skin.

Epithelial Tissue***

The tissue that makes up the epidermis.***


The protein that fills most cells in the epidermis.


The protein that makes the fibers of the dermis.***

Dead Cells

What hair and nails are made up of.

Living cells

What hair follicles contain.


Hair gets its color from this.