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181 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Origin of eye muscles
Insertion of eye musclea
action of superior rectus
elevation of eye
action of superior oblique
depression of eye
medial rotation of eye
action of lateral rectus
abduction of eye
action of inferior oblique
lateral rotation of eye
elevation of adducted eye
action of inferior rectus
depression of eye
action of medial rectus
adduction of eye
innervation of eye muscles
SO4 LR6 others3
(superior oblique cn IV trochlear, lateral rectus CN VI abducens, all others CN III oculomotor )
Origin of temporalis
lateral surface of temporal bone
Insertion of temporalis
Action of temporalis
Closes and retracts jaw
Innervation of temporalis
Trigeminal n (CN V)
Origin of Masseter
Zygomatic arch
Insertion of Masseter
Action of Masseter
Closes jaw
assist- protraction of jaw
Innervation of Masseter
Trigeminal n (CN V)
Origin of Medial Pterygoid
Medial surface of pterygoid plate
Insertion of Medial pterygoid
Action of Medial Pterygoid
Closes jaw
unilaterally - lateral deviation of mandible to opposite side
Innervation of Medial Pterygoid
Trigeminal n (CN V)
Origin of Lateral Pterygoid
lateral surface of pterygoid plate
Insertion of lateral pterygoid
TMJ capsule
Action of Lateral Pterygoid
Protracts jaw and unilaterally- lateral deviation of mandible to opposite side
Innervation of lateral pterygoid
Trigeminal n (CN V)
Origin of Sternocleidomastoid
sternal head- manubrium of sternum
Clavicular head- medial clavicle
Insertion of Sternocleidomastoid
Mastoid process of temporal bone
Action of Sternocleidomastoid
Bilaterally- Extension of head and flexion of neck
Unilaterally- Lateral flexion of head and neck to same side; rotation of head and neck to opposite side
Innervation of sternocleidomastoid
accessory n (CN XI)
C2-3 spinal ns
Origin of scalenes
Transverse process of:
Anterior- C3-6
Middle- C2-7
Posterior- C4-6
Insertion of scalenes
Anterior- 1st rib
Middle- 1st rib
Posterior- 1st and 2nd rib
Action of scalenes
Anterior- flexion of head
Middle- lateral flexion of neck, elevation of 1st rib in forced inspiration
Posterior- Lateral flexion of neck, elevates 2nd rib during forced inspiration
innervation of scalenes
C3-8 spinal ns
Origin of splenius capitis
Ligamentum nuchae
C7, T1-3 spinous process
Insertion of splenius capitis
Mastoid process of temporal bone
Superior nuchal line of occipital bone
Origin of spenius cervicus
T3-6 vertebrae
Insertion of spenius cervicus
C1-3 vertebrae- transverse process
Action of splenius capitis and splenius cervicus
Bilaterally- extension of head and neck
unilaterally- lateral flexion of head and neck; rotation of head and neck to same side
Innervation of splenius capitis and splenius cervicus
C1-6 spinal ns- dorsal rami
Origin of rectus abdominis
pubic symphysis
pubic crest
Insertion of rectus abdominis
ribs 5,6,7
Xiphoid process
Action of rectus abdominis
flexion of trunk
compression and support of abdominal viscera
Innervation of rectus abdominis
Thoracoabdominal ns (T7-11)
Origin of external oblique
Lower 8 ribs
Insertion of external oblique
Linea alba
Anterior Iliac crest
Action of external oblique
Bilaterally- Flexion of trunk and compression and support of abdominal viscera
Unilaterally- lateral flexion of trunk and rotation of trunk to opposite side
Origin of internal oblique
Inguinal ligament
Anterior Iliac Crest
Thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Insertion of internal oblique
Lower 4 ribs
Abdominal aponeurosis
Linea Alba
Action of internal oblique
Bilaterally- flexion of trunk, compression and support of abdominal viscera
Unilaterally- lateral flexion of trunk, rotation of trunk to same side
Innervation of internal oblique
Thoracoabdominal ns (T7-12, L1)
Innervation of external oblique
thoracoabdominal ns (T7-11)
Subcostal n (T12)
Origin of transverse abdominis
Inguinal ligament
Iliac crest
Thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Ribs 7-12
Insertion of transverse abdominis
Abdominal aponeurosis
Linea Alba
Action of transverse abdominis
Compression and support of abdominal viscera
innervation of transverse abdominis
thoracoabdominal ns (T7-12, L1)
Origin of intercostals
between adjacent ribs
Insertion of intercostals
between adjacent ribs
Action of intercostals
elevation of ribs in inspiration
Innervation of intercostals
intercostal ns- thoracic spinal ns, ventral rami
Origin of diaphragm
first 3 lumbar vertebra
lower 6 costal cartilages
Xiphoid process of sternum
Insertion of diaphragm
central tendon
action of diaphragm
flattening of central tendon
Innervation of diaphragm
phrenic n (C3-5)
Origin of serratus posterior superior
Ligamentum nuchae
Spinous process of C7-T3
Insertion of serratus posterior superior
Superior border of ribs 2-5
Action of serratus posterior superior
elevation of ribs to increase thoracic cavity during inspiration
Innervation of serratus posterior superior
Intercostal ns T1-4
Origin of serratus posterior inferior
T11-L3 vertebrae- spinous process
Insertion of serratus posterior inferior
Inferior border of ribs 8-12
Action of serratus posterior inferior
depression of ribs outward counteracting the inward pull of the diaphragm during expiration
Innervation of serratus posterior inferior
intercostal ns T9-12
Origin of levatores costarum
C7-T11 vertebrae- tip of transverse process
Insertion of levatores costarum
brevis- rib immediately inferior to origin
Longus- 2nd rib inferior to origin
Action of levatores costarum
Elevation of ribs in inspiration
Innervation of levatores costarum
thoracic spinal ns - posterior rami
Origin of Quadratus Lumborum
Iliac crest of Ilium
Insertion of Quadratus Lumborum
inferior margin of 12th rib
transverse process of L1-4
Action of Quadratus Lumborum
stabilization of 12th rib in inspiration
Unilaterally: lateral flexion of trunk to same side, elevation of pelvis to same side if thorax and vertebral column are stabilized
Innervation of Quadratus Lumborum
T12, L1-4 spinal ns- ventral rami
Origin of erector spinae
Thoracolumbar fascia
Iliac crest of Ilium
Posterior Sacrum
Sacral ligaments
Spinous process of lumbar vertebrae
Action of erector spinae
Bilaterally- extension of spine
Unilaterally- Lateral flexion of spine to same side
Innervation of erector spinae
spinal nerves- dorsal rami
Insertion of Ilicostals
Lower ribs
Transverse process of cervical vertebrae
Insertion of longissimus
ribs 3-12
transverse process of thoracic and cervical vertebrae
Mastoid process of temporal bone
Insertion of Spinalis
Spinous process of thoracic and cervical vertebrae
occipital bone
Origin of semispinalis
C3-T11 vertebrae- transverse process
Insertion of semispinalis
Occipital bone
Action of semispinalis
Bilaterally- extension of spine
Unilaterally- rotation of spine to opposite side
Innervation of semispinalis
Spinal nerves- dorsal rami
Origin of multifidus
C4-7 vertebrae- articular processes
T1-3 vertebrae- transverse process
Mammillary process of lumbar vertebrae
Posterior sacrum
PSIS of Ilium
Sacroiliac ligaments
Thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Insertion of multifidus
spinous process of all vertebrae
Action of multifidus
stabilization of vertebral column
Innervation of multifidus
spinal nerves- dorsal rami
Origin of rotatores
transverse process of all vertebrae
Insertion of rotatores
spinous process of all vertebrae
Action of rotatores
Bilaterally- assists extension of spine
Unilaterally- assists in rotation of spine to opposite side
Innervation of rotatores
spinal nerves- dorsal rami
Origin of interspinales
Spinous process of cervical, lumbar, amd T1-2, T11-12
Insertion of interspinales
spinous process of vertebrae directly superior to origin
Action of interspinales
Assists in extension of spine
Innervation of interspinales
spinal nerves- dorsal rami
Origin of intertransversarii
transverse process of cervical and lumbar vertebrae
Insertion of intertransversarii
transverse process of Vertebrae directly superior to origin
Action of intertransversarii
assists lateral extension of spine
Stabilization of spine
Innervation of intertransversarii
Spinal nerves- dorsal rami
cervical spinal ns- ventral rami
Origin of trapezius
Upper- external occipital protuberance and ligamentum nuchae
Middle- C7-T12 Spinous process
Lower- T4-T12 Spinous process
Insertion of trapezius
Upper- lateral third of clavicle and acromion of scapula
Middle- spine of scapula
Lower- root of spine of scapula
Action of trapezius
Upper- elevation and lateral rotation of scapula
Middle- Adduction of scapula
Lower- Depression and lateral rotation of scapula
Innervation of trapezius
Accessory n (CN XI)
C3,4 spinal ns
Origin of levator scapula
transverse process of C1-4
insertion of levator scapula
vertebral border of scapula
Action of levator scapula
medial rotation of scapula
Innervation of levator scapula
dorsal scapular n (C5)
C3,4 spinal ns
Origin of rhomboids
minor- spinous process of C7-T1
major- spinous process of T2-5
insertion of rhomboids
minor- root of spine of scapula
major- vertebral border of scapula
Action of rhomboids
adduction and medial rotation of scapula
Innervation of rhomboids
dorsal scapular n (C4,5)
Origin of latissimus dorsi
thoracolumbar aponeurosis
lower 6 thoracic spinous process
iliac crest of Ilium
Lower 3 to 4 ribs
Inferior angle of scapula
Insertion of latissimus dorsi
bicipital groove of humerus
Action of latissimus dorsi
extension, medial rotation, and adduction of humerus
medial rotation of scapula
Assists depression of scapula
Innervation of latissimus dorsi
thoracodorsal n (C6,7,8)
origin of supraspinatus
Supraspinous fossa of scapula
insertion of supraspinatus
greater tubercle of humerus
Action of supraspinatus
scaption of humerus
stabilization of head of humerus
Innervation of supraspinatus
suprascapular n (c4,5,6)
Origin of infraspinatus
infraspinous fossa of scapula
insertion of infraspinatus
greater tubercle of humerus
action of infraspinatus
lateral rotation and extension of humerus
Innervation of infraspinatus
suprascapular n (c5,6)
Origin of teres minor
upper 2/3 of axillary border of scapula
insertion of teres minor
greater tubercle of humerus
action of teres minor
lateral rotation and extension of humerus
innervation of teres minor
Axillary n (C5,6)
Origin of subscapularis
subscapular fossa of scapula
insertion of subscapularis
lesser tubercle of humerus
action of subscapularis
medial rotation and adduction of humerus
innervation of subscapularis
upper and lower subscapular ns (C5,6,7)
Origin of teres major
inferior angle of scapula
lower third of axillary border of scapula
Insertion of teres major
medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus
Action of teres major
extension, medial rotation, and adduction of humerus
Innervation of teres major
lower subscapular n (C5,6)
origin of serratus anterior
lateral surface of upper 8 ribs
insertion of serratus anterior
vertebral border of scapula
Action of serratus anterior
lateral rotation of scapula
stabilizes scapula against chest wall
depression of scapula
assists- forced exhalation
innervation of serratus anterior
long thoracic n (C5,6,7)
origin of pectoralis minor
anterior surface of ribs 3,4,5
Insertion of pectoralis minor
coracoid process of scapula
Action of pectoralis minor
Meidal rotation
Anterior tilt of scapula
assists- forced inhalation
innervation of pectoralis minor
medial pectoral n (C8, T1)
Origin of pectoralis major
clavicular- medial half of clavicle
sternocostal- sternum, cartilages of superior 6 ribs, aponeurosis of external oblique muscles
insertion of pectoralis major
lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus
action of pectoralis major
horizontal adduction
medial rotation of humerus
clavicular- flexion of humerus
sternocostal- extensionof humerus, assists anterior tilt of scapula
innervation of pectoralis major
clavicular- lateral and medial pectoral ns (C5,6)
Sternocostal- medial pectoral n (C7,8, T1)
Origin of deltoids
Anterior- lateral third of clavicle
middle- acromion of scapula
posterior- spine of scapula
insertion of deltoids
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
action of deltoids
anterior- flexion, horizontal adduction, and medial rotation of humerus
middle- abduction of humerus to 90 degrees
posterior- extension, horizontal abduction, lateral rotation, and scaption of humerus
Innervation of deltoids
axillary n (C5,6)
Origin of biceps brachii
short- coracoid process of scapula
long- supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
insertion of biceps brachii
tuberosity of radius
bicipital aponeurosis
action of biceps brachii
flexion of elbow
supination of forearm
short - flexion of humerus
innervation of biceps brachii
musculocutaneous n (C5,6)
Origin of triceps brachii
long- infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
lateral- posterior humerus
medial- posterior humerus
insertion of triceps brachii
olecranon process of ulna
action of triceps brachii
extension of elbow
long- extension of humerus
innervation of triceps brachii
radial n (C6,7,8)
Origin of anconeus
lateral epicondyle of humerus
insertion of anconeus
olecranon process and upper posterior surface of ulna
action of anconeus
assists extension of elbow
innervation of anconeus
radial n (C7,8, T1)
Origin of brachialis
lower half of anterior shaft of humerus
Insertion of brachialis
tuberosity of ulna
coronoid process of ulna
Action of brachialis
flexion of elbow
innervation of brachialis
musculocutaneous n (C5,6)
origin of brachioradialis
lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
insertion of brachioradialis
styloid process of radius
action of brachioradialis
flexion of elbow with forearm in mid-position
innervation of brachioradialis
radial n (C5,6,7)
origin of coracobrachialis
coracoid process of scapula
insertion of coracobrachialis
middle 1/3 of medial surface of humeral shaft
action of coracobrachialis
flexion and adduction of humerus
innervation of coracobrachialis
musculocutaneous n (C5,6,7)