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40 Cards in this Set

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o-galea aponeurotica
I - skin of the eyebrow
action-elevates the eyebrow and wrinkles forhead
orbicularis oris
o- fascia surrounding the lips
i-skin of the lips
action -close lips, form words and pucker lips
o - where maxilla and mandible meet
I - orbicularis oris
action-compresses cheek, sucking and blowing
o-temporal fossa
I - coronoid process of the mandible
action- closes mouth (elevates jaw)
o- zygomatic arch
I - lateral ramus of mandible
action- closes mouth, mastication (chewing)
o - sternum and clavical
i- mastoid process
action- rotation of head (opposite)
o- occipital bone and spines of cervical and thoracic vertebrae
i- clavicle, spine of scapula, acromion process
action- elevates scapula, draws head back, adducts scapula
occipitalis / occipital belly
o- occipital bone and mastoid process
i- galea aponeurotica
action- moves scalp backwards
medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
o- sphenoid bone
I - mandible
action- elevate mandible, protract mandible, move mandible laterally
external oblique (angle)
o- the angle of the lower ribs
i- iliac crest, linea alba
action - contract both- compress abdomen (suck in).
contract one- crunches. turns body side to side
internal oblique
o- iliac crest and inguinal ligament
i- linea alba, cartilage of lower ribs
action- contract both - compress abdomen (suck in)
contract one- turn side to side
transverse abdominus
o- iliac crest, inguinal ligament, cartilage of lower ribs
i-zyphoid process, linea alba, pubis
action-compresses abdomen, suck in
rectus abdominus (six pack)
o- pubic crest, and symphysis pubis
i- zyphoid process, cartilage of middle ribs
action- bend forward, flex spine
erector spinae
a group of massive muscles that run from sacrum to skull and act to extend the vertebral column
seratus anterior
o- lateral surface of upper ribs
i- the medial border of the scapula
action-pull the scapula forward and downward. (arch back, breasts out)
pectoralis minor
o- sternal ends of the upper ribs
i- coracoid process of the scapula
action- pull scapula forward and downward, arch back (breasts forward)
o- spines of cervical and thoracic vertebra
i- medial border of scapula
action- elevates and adducts scapula
latissimus dorsi
o - iliac crest, spinous process of lower vertebrae
i- intertubucular groove of humerus
action- extends and adducts the arm at shoulder joint. (back and in) medial rotates shoulder. (swimmer, five from behind)
pectoralis major
o- clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage of upper ribs
i- greater tubercle of humerus
action- flexes, adducts and rotates arm medialy
O- clavicle, acromion process, spine of scapula
i- deltoid tuberosity of humerus
action- abduct the arm
o- supra spinous fossa of scapula
I - greater tubercle of humerus
action- abduct arm, laterally rotate humerus
o- infra spinous fossa of scapula
i- greater tubercle of humerus
action- rotate arm laterally or externally rotate arm
o- subscapular fossa of scapula
I - lesser tubercle of humerus
action- internally rotates arm. (medialy rotates arm inward)
biceps brachii
orgins- long head-tuberosity above glenoid cavity
short head- coracoid process of scapula
insertion -radial tuberosity on radius
action- flex elbow, supination of forarm and hand
triceps brachii
origins- tuberosity below glenoid cavity and on the medial and lateral surface of humerus
i- olecranon process of the ulna
action - extends arm at elbow joint
gluteus maximus
o- iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx, lumbar
i-gluteal tuberosity of femur, the iliotibial tract
action- extend(back) and rotate the thigh laterally at the hip
tensor fasciae latae
o - anterior border of ilium and iliac crest
i-the iliotibial tract (it band)
action- abduct leg
o- inferior edge of symphysis pubis
i-proximal, medial surface of tibia
action- adducts the leg at hip join. flexes and rotates leg at knee joint
sartorius (longest muscle in body)
o- anterior, superior, iliac spine
I - medial surface of tibia
action- flex the leg at thigh, once flexed medialy rotates the lower leg
(quadriceps femoris) rectus femorus
o-anterior, inferior iliac spine
I - quadriceps femoris tendon
action- extend leg at knee joint
(quadriceps femoris) vastus lateralis
o - greater trochanter of femur,and linea aspera of femur
I - quadriceps femoris tendon
action- extend leg at knee joint
(quadriceps femoris) vastus medialis
o- medial surface of linea aspera of femur
i- quadriceps femoris tendon
action- extend leg at knee joint
(quadriceps femoris) vastus intermedius
(runs deep to rectus femorus)
o-anterior lateral surface of femur
I - quadriceps femoris tendon
action- extend leg at knee joint
biceps femoris
o - long head-ischial tuberosity of the ischium-posterior
short head - linea aspera of femur
I - head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
action- flexes leg at knee joint (foot back) extends and laterally rotates the thigh at hip joint
o-the ischial tuberosity of ischium
i-proximal portion of the medial surface of the tibia
action - flexes leg at knee joint, extends the hip and medially rotates
semimembranosus(runs deep to semitendinosus)
o- ischial tuberosity of ischium
i- medial condyle of the tibia
action- flexes leg at knee joint and extends the hip and medially rotates.
tibialis anterior
o- lateral condyle of tibia
i- 1st metatarsal and tarsal bone
action- dorsiflex foot (foot up) and invert foot
peroneus longus (fibularis longus)
(runs under foot)
o - lateral condyle of tibia and head and shaft of fibula
i- 1st metatarsal and tarsal bone
action - plantar flex (for down) and evert Foot (foot out)
gastrocnemius (calf muscle)
o - lateral and medial condyles of femur
I - posterior surface of the calcaneus (heel) by way of the Achilles tendon
action - plantar flex foot at ankle joint and flex leg at knee joint
deep to gastrocnemius
o- posterior aspect of tibia and fibula
i-posterior surface of the calcaneus via Achilles tendon
action - plantar flex foot at ankle joint