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22 Cards in this Set

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Quadratus Lumborum

O: Iliac crest

I: L1-L4 and last rib

A: Lateral flexion of trunk


(makes Iliopsoas group)

O: Iliac fossa

I: Lesser trochanter of femur

A: Flexes thigh

Psoas major

(makes Iliopsoas group)

O: Bodies and intervertebral discs of T12 and L1-L5

I: Joins tendon of iliacus muscle into lesser trochanter of femur

A: Flexes thigh

Psoas minor

O: T12 and L1

I: Iliopectineal eminence

A: Flexes trunk


Gluteus Maximus

O: Posterior gluteal line, sacrum and coccyx

I: Gluteal tuberosity of femur

A: Extends thigh

Gluteus Medius

O: Between posterior and anterior gluteal lines

I: Greater tuberosity of femur

A: Abducts thigh

Superior to maximus

Gluteus Minimus

O: Between anterior and inferior gluteal lines

I: Greater tuberosity of femur

A: Abducts thigh

Layer underneath maximus

Tensor fasciae latae

O: Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

I: Iliotibial tract

A: Flexes thigh - allows tension for gluteus maximus

Underneath white strap, iliotibial tract

The outward rotatores

1. Piriformus

2. Glamellus superior

3. Obturator internus

4. Gemellus inferior

5. Obturator externus

6. Quadratus femorus


A: Outward rotation


O: Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

I: Medial border of tibial tuberosity

A: Flexes thigh and leg

Rectus femorus (Quadraceps group)

O: Anterior inferior iliac spine

I: Patella to tibial tuberosity

A: Flexes thigh and extends leg

Vastus intermedius (Quadraceps group)

O: Shaft of femur

I: Patella to tibial tuberosity

A: Extends leg

Vastus lateralis(Quadraceps group)

O: Greater tuberosity and linea aspera of femur

I: Patella to tbial tuberosity

A: Extends leg

Vastus medialis(Quadraceps group)

O: Intertrochanteric line and linea aspera of femur

I: Patella to tibial tuberosity

A: Extends leg

Biceps femorus (Hamstring group)

Long Head: (Crosses hip and knee)

- O: Ischial tuberosity

- I: Fibula and lateral tibial condyle

- A: Flexes leg and extends thigh

Short Head: (Crosses knee)

- O: Linea aspera of femur

- I: Fibula and lateral tibial condyle

- A: Flexes leg

Semitendinosus (Hamstring group)

O: Ischial tuberosity

I: Medial shaft of tibia

A: Flexes leg and extends thigh

Long, thin tendon

Semimembranosus (Hamstring group)

O: Ischial tuberosity

I: Medial condyle of tibia:

A: Flexes leg and extends thigh

Pectineus (Adductor group)

O: Pectineal line of pubis

I: Pectineal line of femur

A: Flex and adduct thigh

Adductor brevis (Adductor group)

O: Inferior ramus of pibis

I: Linea aspera of femur

A: Flexes and adducts thigh


Adductor longus (Adductor group)

O: Pubic crest and pubic symphysis

I: Linea aspera of femur

A: Flexes and adducts thigh

Adductor magnus (Adductor group)

O: Ischial tuberosity and ischio-pubic ramus

I: Linea aspera and adductor tubercle of femur

A: Extends and adducts thigh

Layer below longus and brevis

Gracilis (Hamstring group)

O: Pubic symphysis

I: Medal shaft of tibia

A: Flexes and adducts thigh

Small and thin